posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 07:29 AM
Ok, so lets say the government bow to the baying mob and make leaving the UK to go fight overseas, for either religious or political reasons, illegal
and punishable under law.
Now, where do you draw the lines, exempting some while prosecuting others?
For example, young Jews leave the UK to go fight for Israel, based on religious belief. That is the same terrorist state that blew up the King David
hotel, killing and maiming British military personnel, and they still celebrate it every year. Not to mention of course the war crimes the IDF
If we are going to prosecute Muslims for going overseas to fight religiously ideological wars, then we must also prosecute those Jews choosing to do
the same as well.
We then have the mercenaries, I'm sorry, "private security contractors", that go overseas and are paid to kill, not always in the interests of the
British people, but for the corporations and bankers. Also, if they are killing people in undeclared wars then it's usually called murder! Those
people too should have their citizenship stripped and be thrown in jail for their crimes.
If we are to bring in laws about fighting overseas for parties other than the UK government, then it must apply in equal measure across the
edit on 564Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:32:45 -050032317u14 by Britguy because: (no reason given)