posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:36 PM
It's just the excuse for right now. You should know this as a medic.
Disgusting... yes.
Inconsiderate of others. Yes. Now the healthy one will have to be screened. And live in fear for that time.
Healthcare providers will now be on watch for months to come ( depending on what mystery disease they spout off ). and have to get blood drawn for a
Inconsiderate to the sick and dying....
They are now inconvenienced in valuable time, care and much needed golden hour drugs in some cases.
Inconsiderate of the cost it takes to clean in house and whatever else they came near..
I hate these kinds.
They learn that all it takes is a phrase or wording to get faster care.
1. I have chest pain...... when they just want antibiotics for a cough
2. I have a Hx ( history )of heart attacks when the do not.
3 I have HTN ( high blood pressure ) and and and and I I I I I I I I I I
people learn to play the triage game.
Some people will go as far as call an Ambulance complaining of chest pain... when there trying to be seen faster for Knee pain and can get an E.R.
room on arrival.......
I seen a lot of BS........
Eventually you get smart...
The E.R. will notice the frequent flyers and request to stop in triage first to check the patient over to be sure it's non life threatening. And if
it's not. Have them sign in and wait in the lobby till called.
edit on 17-10-2014 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)
edit on 17-10-2014 by Bigburgh because: (no reason