posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:03 PM
While I can't complain, as I had hoped with new technologies all these films would be made one day, Hollywood has basically committed itself to
focusing entirely on superhero/comic book films for big productions. We get it, it's a formula that works.
250 Million dollars + Comic Book Hero + Leading Star = Profit!!$$$$$
But please, refocus some of your effort on to other projects as well, the Harry Potter Series, Lord of the Rings, etc, showed that you can translate
this brilliant stories to screen. STOP making endless sequels, start a new franchise. Elysium, District 9, showed that you can produce amazing Sci Fi
story lines without an endless budget, thanks to Neil Blomkamp.
New stuff, hell, take some Asian story lines if you have to, we don't want to spend all our energy anticipating part 8,9,10 of every series we've
seen since we entered grade school, now finished a PHD...