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When Ebola hits India

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posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: maddy21

ok whatever, you must be one of the rich snobs in your country. when people in a country kill young girls for hiding in a field to pee, i really take notice when they try and ridicule me.

please go back and wallow in your squalor and be proud of it. when you decide that hygiene and sanitation should come before your war making capabilities. maybe we can talk.

i'm one one's that say we shouldn't give aid to other countries until we take care of ours and they take care of theirs with the money we give them. whether it's for science,space, or military and it benefits your people, not just the few.

tell me just how does going to space clean the turds out of the street, dead bodies out of the river or benefit the poor who are hungry living in their and your filth in your country.

pardon me if thinking that those things should be more important than making a nuke or sending unmanned probes to the moon. clearly my thinking is skewed.

edit on 14-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: maddy21

ok whatever, you must be one of the rich snobs in your country. when people in a country kill young girls for hiding in a field to pee, i really take notice when they try and ridicule me.

please go back and wallow in your squalor and be proud of it. when you decide that hygiene and sanitation should come before your war making capabilities. maybe we can talk.

i'm one one's that say we shouldn't give aid to other countries until we take care of ours and they take care of theirs with the money we give them. whether it's for science,space, or military and it benefits your people, not just the few.

tell me just how does going to space clean the turds out of the street, dead bodies out of the river or benefit the poor who are hungry living in their and your filth in your country.

pardon me if thinking that those things should be more important than making a nuke or sending unmanned probes to the moon. clearly my thinking is skewed.

Recent evidence found suggest they weren't raped , but killed by their own family(but of course your media will not show that) . As if people don't get raped and killed in other countries. Its fun blaming everyone else when your own country is apparently filled with "Jimmy Saville's" and other pedophiles and rapists in high places. Only someone who's head is as filthy as the one on the OP's picture would use the girls and problems of a country for mudslinging .

And no am not one of the rich snobs i am in the lower middle class . The middle class in India is one of the largest in the world . Out of 1.2 billion people around 250 million live in poverty as compared to 450 million 8 years back . Educate yourself , study , learn something just because one gets free money does not mean you willfully remain uneducated. Ignorance in your posts is just blatantly obvious

This is what happens when uneducated people make comments , they don't think they don't use their head. They just spew their nonsense either way . Only way to remove people out of poverty is to be indigenous . Build your own probes, warships, military weapons advance in science and technology so the resources you have can be used efficiently(we cant print money nonstop you know) . The space program in India has given the country countless benefits similar to a force multiplier where fishermen use satellite navigation to find shoals of fish to farmers getting accurate data on weather.THE probe to mars and moon helps in developing new technologies and is a massive national moral boost especially to kids who need to study science .Am glad someone like you is not managing the country because if that was the case we would have a billion people in poverty as compared to 250 million .

BTW , there is a massive project going on right now to clean the Ganga . India is now undergoing a revolution in thinking , bureaucracy and cleanliness since the new govt. took over (Ronpaul of India). But i doubt anyone is interested its just too easy to spew nonsense form behind a computer..

edit on 15-10-2014 by maddy21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:21 AM
C'mon, look at the pics, Ebola would run a mile.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: wantsome

Those pictures are absolutely foul. Disease must already be rampant, I can only imagine what would happen if Ebola really were to make it's way there. Talk about a pandemic.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: maddy21

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: rickymouse
They use a lot of Turmeric in India. I don't think there will be so many deaths from Ebola there. I could be wrong, I am just assuming some of the properties of the foods they consume could protect them from this virus.

Somehow I don't see turmeric protecting from Ebola.

The death toll in India will be massive when it hits there, which it will eventually.

From what I am seeing in these pictures, the death toll will be much higher in India than in Africa due to their cultural daily hygiene practices. At least in Africa they don't float corpses in the rivers and then bathe and drink and brush their teeth in corpse ridden water.

Again , stop taking these pictures as something which happens through out the country . If the same logic is applied Americans love shooting kids and Englishmen simply love raping children.

Ebola should have already hit India considering the investment and the number of Indians who work there are 100 times the number of westerners .

My parents have been to India and I've known others who have been to India. They all report the extreme poverty and overcrowding. Just those two factors alone will spread Ebola like wildfire if it gets to India.

The toilet habits are fairly universal in India as of at least a very few years ago. There was even a TV show about India, middle class India, that joked about the removal of feces after defecation. That practice alone will spread Ebola like wildfire.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

And it will be the poor untouchables that propagate Ebola all over the nation due to the type of work they are essentially born to do from cradle to grave. There the ones on which the blame will fall!

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw
My parents have been to India and I've known others who have been to India. They all report the extreme poverty and overcrowding. Just those two factors alone will spread Ebola like wildfire if it gets to India.

The toilet habits are fairly universal in India as of at least a very few years ago. There was even a TV show about India, middle class India, that joked about the removal of feces after defecation. That practice alone will spread Ebola like wildfire.

My parents have been to America and i have known who have been to America . They all reports the extreme levels gun violance and racial violence which goes on there .

The gun violence are fairly universal in America s of at least a very few years ago. There was even a TV show about America, middle class Americans joked about shooting children as a hobby

edit on 15-10-2014 by maddy21 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2014 by maddy21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 12:27 PM
As for Ebola , if India has been able to avoid Ebola and America has failed to contain Ebola it crystal clear that India is far more competent in dealing with Ebola than Americans are , considering the amount of Indians who travel too and from from the country is at least a dozen times more than America . You folks should be more worried about the incompetency of your Health service rather than be worried about something which is non existent . When things fail spectacularly at home people often like to laugh at others for some self satisfaction this thread is a great example such a mentality . I for one am least concerned about the comments as those are made by people who are brainwashed which means their opinions are worth less than the dirt under my slippers ..
edit on 15-10-2014 by maddy21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 02:52 PM

edit on 15-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: the whole post wouldn't post and i'm not going to break it down into smaller posts

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:12 PM
Ebola will never hit India, because migrants will rather swim across the Mediterranean than cross the Middle East to enter India.
Also, Medicins sans Frontier is composed overwhelmingly of Europeans, not Indians.
Also, who gives a damn about India, when Europe and the US are taking hits already? Honestly. A few more corpses in the Ganges is all it makes a difference.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: maddy21
As for Ebola , if India has been able to avoid Ebola and America has failed to contain Ebola it crystal clear that India is far more competent in dealing with Ebola than Americans are , considering the amount of Indians who travel too and from from the country is at least a dozen times more than America . You folks should be more worried about the incompetency of your Health service rather than be worried about something which is non existent . When things fail spectacularly at home people often like to laugh at others for some self satisfaction this thread is a great example such a mentality . I for one am least concerned about the comments as those are made by people who are brainwashed which means their opinions are worth less than the dirt under my slippers ..

Rubbish - what it means is that even an starving, sick africans would rather not travel to india.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: maddy21
know what i decide to break it down. gonna take two maybe three posts.
oh i see now,going by your post to me and others below, your probably of one of millennial generation under just under 30 who went to some school provided by a company that moved from a first world country for cheap labor and got one of those," Hello my name is Suzie, thank you for calling Dell service how can i help you" jobs. and that can spew out talking points with the best of them type snobs. i got news for puddin when these companies think that labor cost them to much in india, they'll move on to the next cheap labor force, and your country will be right back in same boat they were in to begin with.

now on to your post.

first, i'm not from britian. second, all fact's and reports i posted came and come from news sources from your country, and if there is any new updates in the case, they are not showing up in your country's news that is released to the rest of the world.
now for clarification, the post was about the article that i posted in my second post in the thread. a article in The Indian Express posted on Aug 25, 2014 here it is again. to illustrate how that the conditions in india, are so bad that a woman can't even go pee in a field without worrying about being raped and killed. now if you want to address the fact of gang rapes and the rape of others, were and are so bad that the india's government said it will focus on it, and had to pass a strict gang rape law to even get the rate to drop any. we can pull up all kind of reports and articles from your country for that.

also if by recent evidence you mean the accusation that it was a honor killing by their families. comes from the local police there. not surprising that police in india are on the thin blue line like the rest of the world. after all two of the five that were arrested were cops. i posted another article for that underneath this one. from all that i've read it sounds like corrupt law enforcement, and a government alphabet agency trying to save face. just like the rest of the world.
you might want to brush up on those comprehension skills. or didn't dell teach you that.
click the links inside the quotes to read the whole article.

Nearly 48 per cent of Indians have no access to toilets and are forced to defecate in the open. In rural areas, this proportion goes up to 60 per cent. Folded into this lack of access is an intersection of caste, class and gender prejudices, a social system ordered on who is let in, who must stay out, who can clean the toilets and who cannot. According to a report compiled by the National Confederation of Dalit Organisations, only 23.7 per cent of Dalit households have access to latrines, as opposed to 42.3 per cent of non-Dalit households. And in most contexts, access to toilets is heavily skewed against women — a 2009 survey found that in Delhi, there were 1,534 public toilets for men but only 132 for women. Too often, this has been a tragic shortfall. The Badaun case, where two girls were killed when they went into the fields to relieve themselves, showed that for women, access to a toilet can be a matter of life and security. In urban areas, too, thousands of women queuing up for slum toilets early in the morning or late in the evening face harassment and humiliation.
Unsanitary truths

edit on 15-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: maddy21

Local police officers had suggested that they had suspected the victims were murdered in an honour killing by their own families. The case had been assigned to the CBI a month later at the request of Akhilesh Yadav, the Chief Minister of the state. The CBI had been of the opinion that the post-mortem report that had been submitted was unreliable, and had in July been granted permission from the court to exhume the bodies of the teenagers in order to allow an expert team to carry out autopsies. However, heavy rains had led to the graves of both girls being submerged by the River Ganga, and the efforts at exhuming had been abandoned.
No Evidence to Suggest Badaun Victims had been Raped: CBI

now i find it very convenient that the bodies couldn't be exhumed due to heavy rains and the river flooding. seems to me if your so far now advanced that your cops, courts and weather forecasters should have known that the chances of the river flooding were very high, and would prevent that. or did they know that and time it so that would be the case. enquiring minds want to know.( pun intended.)

so you will know, stating facts that are taken from your countries sources is not mudslinging, we can't help it if your government, and news sources are not any better than the rest of the world. and that your government uses fuzzy math to help things look better than they are, just like the rest of the world.

just to drive the point home a web site named has a section dedicated to the gang rape issue in india, it covers all aspects. it starts on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 i stopped after the first 20 pages which end on Saturday, 25 January 2014. not even a full year and the majority are about gang rape. most stories are about reports of gang rape, and court cases. it is plain to see that there is a huge problem in india. even if that's not what i was pointing out. gang rape

now on to the rest of your india!, india!, india! post.

i also find it interesting that you provide no facts or figures or any sources at all. just spout all the talking points that are made to justify a project or a technology. all those same talking points are used to justify the same things here in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

in reading all available information on the subject, from your government cited sources, your news and your financial news reporting agencies, and the out of your country financial news reporting agencies . the opinions vary to just how many people are on or under the poverty line. i have seen reports as low as 19.9% to as high as 32.5%. the higher ones tend to come from non government sources, in and out of your country. that slam the fuzzy math that your government uses just like all others to make things look brighter and better than they are. i tend to lean towards those, because they are looking at theirs and other investors pocket books. not trying to save face, like government sources.
so now to start things off a couple of quotes from the wiki Poverty in India cause it's fast.

The different definitions and different underlying small sample surveys used to determine poverty in India, have resulted in widely different estimates of poverty from 1950s to 2010s. In 2013, the Indian government stated 21.9% of its population is below its official poverty limit.[4] The World Bank, in 2010 based on 2005's PPPs International Comparison Program,[5] estimated 32.7% of Indian population, or about 400 million people, lived below $1.25 per day on purchasing power parity basis.[6][7] According to United Nations Development Programme, an estimated 29.8% of Indians lived below poverty line in 2009-2010.[8]

Poverty in India is a historical reality. From late 19th century through early 20th century, under British colonial rule, poverty in India intensified, peaking in 1920s.[9][10] Famines and diseases killed millions each time.[11][12] After India gained its independence in 1947, mass deaths from famines were prevented, but poverty increased, peaking post-independence in 1960s. A variety of welfare and food security initiatives, along with rapid economic growth since 1991, has led to sharp reductions in extreme poverty in India.[13][14] However, those above poverty line live a fragile economic life.[15] Lack of basic essentials of life such as safe drinking water, sanitation, housing, health infrastructure as well as malnutrition impact the lives of hundreds of millions.

from the The Economic Times dated Feb 20, 2014, part of the Indiatimes, Times of Inida,The Economic Times group.

MGI's Access Deprivation Score measures the availability of essential services such as clinics and schools, electricity and sanitation. Our research finds Indian households, on average, lack access to 46% of the basic services they need, and the extent of their deprivation varies across districts.
From 2004-05 to 2011-12, public spending on basic services rose faster than GDP, but its impact on poverty reduction was limited by leakage, wastage or ineffectiveness. By contrast, almost three-quarters of the reduction in India's Empowerment Gap during this period came from jobs and productivity growth. Without major reforms, our research suggests, 36% of the population could remain below the Empowerment Line in 2022 and 12% would remain trapped in extreme poverty.
India: From Poverty to Empowerment

there's more out there like this and i could go on and on with this but i doubt you'll see it due to the fact that your to proud to see it and keep on shouting india!, india!, india!.

now to be fair here is the latest report using the fuzzy math your government has decide on dated July 2013. if you notice they specify that they use the Tendulkar Poverty Line, their own specific method not one of the more accepted world wide ones. as a matter of fact if memory servers they had one before this that didn't give them the numbers they wanted so they came up with this one, don't quote me on that, i'll have to look it up.

edit on 15-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: maddy21
here is a abstract with a link to the whole report PDF.

India Poverty Statistics As per the survey conducted in 2011-2012, the percentage of persons below the Poverty Line in India for the year 2011-12 has been estimated as 25.7% in rural areas, 13.7% in urban areas and 21.9% for the country as a whole. The respective ratios for the rural and urban areas were 41.8% and 25.7% and 37.2% for the country as a whole in 2004-05. It was 50.1% in rural areas, 31.8% in urban areas and 45.3% for the country as a whole in 1993-94. In 2011-12, India had 270 million persons below the Tendulkar Poverty Line as compared to 407 million in 2004-05, that is a reduction of 137 million persons over the seven year period.
Poverty in India 2014 Facts, Report and Statistics PDF

pretty much says what the talking points you were spouting out says, if true i congratulate india. still from what has been reported the futrue is still very vulnerable, and like i said when the first world countries companies pull out sad times will return.

i was going to address the other comments you made, but you know what, i'm tried of typing. i will say this. if you can get your government to use satellite technology to find and id the big pile of infected ebola turds that will more than likely wind up in your country, maybe you can get them to nuke them with those beneficial nukes that they built before of taking care of their citizens health, hygiene, and sanitation needs first.

you know what, i seen in a couple of the articles i read, more people in india have cell phones than they do toilets even among the poorest folks. maybe you can make a app, that uses GPS that will help guide people through the pile of turds in the street and help keep down the spread of ebola that coming your way. the odds are against your country.

edit on 15-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: wantsome
If they live like this on a daily basis, it looks like they might be able to survive anything!!

If not, and it gets even a small start...........their culture and people may vanish will the rest of us fair then? If even a fraction of their population runs from the outbreak, is there any hope it could be contained?

.........I am reminded of the series "Life After People".......

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 03:52 PM
Damn, those pictures.
There are many poor places here in Brazil too (never been to one that was too bad, though), but I don't know if it's THAT terrible.

Either way, if/once Ebola hits these areas in the world, we'll have "Ebola in Africa 2.0: India" (and wherever else it happens).

Although, to be honest, I don't even know if Ebola is the worst that could happen to these people (obviously not saying it'd be good). The two VERY sick men in those pictures look like they already are going through something extremely bad and serious.

Anyway, my point was that, Ebola or no Ebola, they need help.
edit on 15/10/2014 by LukeDAP because: spelling

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: SomePeople
Rubbish - what it means is that even an starving, sick africans would rather not travel to india.

your prejudices areas quiet clear . Millions of Africans travel to India especially Nigerians . There is massive Indian investment and many students , tourists come to India quiet regularly . Your lack of knowledge on this is not my problem

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:36 PM
It was obvious that this thread would soon turn into a poverty porn debate as most threads on India usually do . Am not denying the problem exists , my simply point is peoples suffering is used just for the sake of point scoring or mudslinging . Besides, Which ever Model or method you use to to calculate poverty the fact is there are people coming out of poverty in millions and the hygiene situation will improve vastly in the next couple of years to a decade considering the seriousness of the new govt. to tackle the issue.The sheer arrogance and white knight attitude of folks in developed world really astounds me . Simply showing this numbers and figures is not going to help if you have solutions then tell them. IF you don't have solutions to the problems it simply best to not whine constantly about a non existent issue. When Ebola does come to India , we will handle it ..

We have to deal with the problem ourselves slowly, the first world is too busy bombing countries and destroying livelihoods to really care about developing countries am sure 10 years down the line the lunatics in the forum will laugh at some Libyan or Syrian while he forgets that its their country which brought these countries down the hole .

Really if we could bring 250 or 400 million people over night we would have but brining people out of poverty is not as simple as you folks on welfare think.Fact is , a poor person in India has more power and is far more independent than the folks living of free money in the western world and sprouting their gibberish on the forum

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie

Hold on , this is hilarious you went from rape incident to poverty to toilets on a thread on Ebola, what are you thinking
? How about we diversify the topic and talk about Welfare economy , millions of people going into welfare , the spectacular failure of the Obama care and its effects on diverse effects on your economy and not to mention the failing EUROzone . You already decided we should go completely off topic so why not talk about everything else ? IT amazes me how much countrymen will laugh at others while his own house is burning down . At least we are improving . What ever the poverty line compare it to 10 years back and 20 years back its improved quite vastly . What ever the Hygiene situation it improved vastly . There is the difference . This also shows a difference in mindset , there is a clear difference between constructive criticism and the emotional gibberish nonsense posted above . I remember very clearly 10 years back western world used to laugh and make fun of the Chinese , not too many people laughing at them these days to busy getting their asses whooped by the bear and a dragon . Its just a lot of butt hurt seeing a once third world countries develop its capabilities . One can either choose to wallow and weep in misery or one can choose to be confident on forge ahead a new nation, i choose the latter while you still choose to look elsewhere and remain ignorant.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: LukeDAP
Damn, those pictures.
There are many poor places here in Brazil too (never been to one that was too bad, though), but I don't know if it's THAT terrible.

Either way, if/once Ebola hits these areas in the world, we'll have "Ebola in Africa 2.0: India" (and wherever else it happens).

Although, to be honest, I don't even know if Ebola is the worst that could happen to these people (obviously not saying it'd be good). The two VERY sick men in those pictures look like they already are going through something extremely bad and serious.

Anyway, my point was that, Ebola or no Ebola, they need help.

Ebola is something created by the Drug companies to make them Richer , nothing more , nothing less . Its hyper inflated nonsense , most probably a smoke screen for something else happening in the background . Considering they are sending US military to these countries . What are they going to do , Drone Ebola ? These African countries are extremely Rich in their natural resources and Chinese investment was going there.

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