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Repurposing the power in other's belief systems.

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posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:31 PM
Every belief system, from the imagination of a small child to the centers of orthodoxy on this planet hold power: within the mind of the believer, within the social systems of the real world, and within that consensus reality which collapses itself into being based upon our will and after our designs. The modern alchemist is not the man who studies chemistry, but the man who studies people, primarily beginning with the self. The power we have sought in the tomes of ancient brotherhoods, in the transmutation of matter and in the stars has resided within us all of this time. Everything else is idolatry, confusion and superstition. Only this remains.

The religions and other belief systems of the world are a source of power which can be hijacked and repurposed for the creation of something new and glorious. Just look at how the corpse of Catholicism sprung back to life after absorbing the essence of the pagans they burned at the stake. The secret; however, is that you need a seed crystal upon which the rest of your lattice work can grow. Today, there is no such philosophy or religion which is suitably liberating and enlivening to uplift humankind to a higher level of radiance.

Science is a dead thing which has sucked all of the magic out of the cosmos. Monotheism is a slavish path. Buddhism and those of its kind are too self-immolating, and ritualized earthen religions are too superstitious and primitive sounding to be embraced by the modern mind. I know belief is a dangerous thing, especially belief which points the finger to blame others and to cause division among humankind. The path to true living unity so far has been a denial of those faiths and ideologies that would cause us to engage in conflict with one another. What if there was a faith that united all paths? What if there was a humanism that truly embodied all of the diversity and mystery that is humankind?

I don't think it is impossible, and I do think that by engaging in this craft, we can set the world on a path towards ultimate prosperity, peace, mutualism and liberation. Seven billion people walking a lonely path with no certain destination or purpose are ripe for consumption. We need a mechanism that can equip these people with the tools they need to defend themselves from enslavement. Why should we continue to permit our weakest and most desperate siblings to be picked off one by one by the patient and unrelenting hands of death?
edit on 10 12 2014 by Nechash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Nechash

I think you would like this thread: God Calling...

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

Thanks. I don't know why, but that post seems really familiar to me, but it was before my time. Maybe it is just that I've read the basics of NLP, but I swear I've read that verbatim before somewhere.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 06:07 PM
If you are seeking enlightenment, know that you are already there and have been there all along. Meditate in stillness and learn to keep that stillness operating behind the scenes throughout the day, view your thoughts objectively and subdue your ego which wants to survive and keep you separated from everything else. We are all One. PEACE.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Whom has the authority to make a positive change in their environment?

And do they do it well?

Be the change you want to see, and little by little we "get there".

A simple solution to a much bigger problem.

Don't fight the wakefulness.

Fight the complacency kindly.


posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

No, not enlightenment, another world perhaps. There are times when I feel so close to entering another reality, a place with free beings and unlimited illumination and I can feel it just outside of my ability to sense. I swear I've gone there in my dreams before, been surrounded by kindred siblings and bathed in its refreshing waters. Some people, when I talk to them it is like they crawl inside my head. Some of them are pleasant and some of them are rowdy, but the company is always welcomed. Sometimes I'll read a book, listen to music or watch a show and it is as if fireworks are exploding in my consciousness, pulling back the surface layer of communication and weaving together a new narrative that speaks to the very depths of my soul. I don't know. Maybe I'm just a sensation junky, but I crave so badly to unleash myself from this world and just go home. Being here is a daily struggle for me, although I don't feel personally ready yet. I'm still too hasty, still too rattled by passion. I know it sounds crazy, but it is the truest thing I have ever know.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 06:28 PM
you might be looking in all the wrong places, I invite you to look through my replies and threads and have some unique perspectives.

If you need any answers just ask i will answer to the best of my ability.

I have had Close Encounters of the First kind

Visual sightings of an unidentified flying object seemingly less than 500 feet away that show an appreciable angular extension and considerable detail

Close Encounters of the Second kind

A UFO event in which a physical effect is alleged. This can be interference in the functioning of a vehicle or electronic device; animals reacting; a physiological effect such as paralysis or heat and discomfort in the witness; or some physical trace like impressions in the ground, scorched or otherwise affected vegetation, or a chemical trace.[11]

Close Encounters of the Third kind

UFO encounters in which an animated creature is present. These include humanoids, robots, and humans who seem to be occupants or pilots of a UFO

All within my first experience with my friend. I'v had a couple other incidents after this one with other people. I'v left enough information about them, Just follow the crumb trails i left behind. There arn't very many people out there like me. The shadow people don't reveal their true nature to just 'Anyone'. If they did, There wouldn't be so much lack of content in what they are. I can't rely on people on the web to tell me what it is because as far as i can tell, I have the most clues on this subject as everyone else is second guessing off of others experiences where as i am the direct source, i don't need to go to anyone else because i have the answers. At least for me and what im dealing with.

My belief in what will save humanity is a little different than what everyone expects. Because i think there are hostile forces here as well as benevolent forces. These species are fighting over the human species, Each of them has different motives. The solid-physical flesh and blood entities are looking to clone with humans, Where as the non physical non solid entities are here increase their numbers through us. As in, draft humans into their empire for the purpose of defending humanity from hostile forces across the universe.

I don't know which one you would trust more, One that requires our DNA to make clones as if the original human isn't good enough. Or the entities that want to create a world wide religion to convert worthy humans into immortal soldiers.
Even if the later is made of dark matter and energy. I would probably jump on that bandwagon seeing how its kinda difficult to kill something that dosn't have bones or blood and is not made of atoms.

Most religions were made off of second hand accounts. So a priest or a scolar would hear about someones story and write about it, Like the Apostles along with John ect. Going to second hand accounts are usually not good because people will incorperate their own junk into the story because usually when someone tells a story there might be parts in it someone dosn't like and they would of been left out or altered. It happens all the time. Anyways i'm still alive and breathing. And i'm still a connection to the stars. You know where to find me.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Nechash

The anxiety lessons when you figure out the little by little without placing specific blame on your self or others.

Action follows knowing the direction......

Understanding there is no "arrival" is just a starting point.

Understanding yourself and working within your own boundaries is not an easy thing to understand.

Are there boundaries you place around yourself to protect what you are or are they real boundaries? Understanding this will bring a start to the enlightenment folks share.

No one is an island, there is no arrival, we get there together. Birds of a feather flock together....if they realize they are part of a larger frame work than they's your anxiety? How do you deal with it?

Take ownership of your life....that's my advice.

You just might be surprised.

I never wake another if they are an abuser's .....just one of my "things", it breeds manipulation....and we don't need more of that.

And the first rule of fight club? .....

Welcome to the club.

How's your anxiety?

Cheers, it's a longer road and wider than folks generally think on...

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

Thanks. I will read your posts tonight and over the course of the next day or two. Every little piece of the puzzle helps tremendously!

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:59 PM
The Gospel of Thomas tells the true nature of our world... "For there will be five in a house, there'll be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father, and they will stand alone.". If I have comprehended it correctly, we will only seek light from the depths of darkness, like moths on a moonless night.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Nechash
The power we have sought in the tomes of ancient brotherhoods, in the transmutation of matter and in the stars has resided within us all of this time. Everything else is idolatry, confusion and superstition. Only this remains.

Knowledge is power and the power belongs to the people. As long as there are still sealed up orders, well, some must remain, but as long as people sweare secrecy upon knowledge that should be openly available to all, man remains in darkness holding on to but the spark some renegade god in the neighbourhood could provide. If oathe at all it should be made to protect, not to conceal. With knowledge, Man is divine and eternal. Your namesake sort of knew that part, which sheds some light to his little plan with humanity.

Just curious. Do you consider yourself a hermetic philosopher? You seem to share some ideas that's all. S/F
edit on 13-10-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

I haven't labeled myself. Nekhawsh is actually something another being called me. I'll take a clue after YHWH and just say I am. That's the best I can do for now. I like Hermes thrice great, and I think the allegories surrounding much of the Hellenic age is beneficial, especially their attempt to reconnect with Egyptian thought and philosophies from other cultures, but I'm not married to any belief system.

I would be very comfortable in a Gnostic Hermeticism. I think Gnostic Christianity is painful for me because of growing up under Lutheranism, but I have no such conditioned responses from Hermeticism itself.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

I haven't labeled myself. Nekhawsh is actually something another being called me. I'll take a clue after YHWH and just say I am. That's the best I can do for now. I like Hermes thrice great, and I think the allegories surrounding much of the Hellenic age is beneficial, especially their attempt to reconnect with Egyptian thought and philosophies from other cultures, but I'm not married to any belief system.

All good.

I would be very comfortable in a Gnostic Hermeticism. I think Gnostic Christianity is painful for me because of growing up under Lutheranism, but I have no such conditioned responses from Hermeticism itself.

Did you know they found a bunch of mostly unknown Hermetic literature at Nag Hammadi? This was suppressed for some unreasonable reason, and only the Jesus stuff surfaced, while poor Hermes was locked away. Quite ironic really. The Church shat their pants when this library was discovered after the War, and while the Church would turn out to face the battle of their old ghost, the Lodges seem to have managed to stop the massive amount of Hermetic treatises found together with the Gnostic Jesus literature at Nag Hammadi and avoided the leterature from showing up in the news or otherwise become known. Well until these days. Apparently the Gnostics were Hermeticists.
edit on 13-10-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: ....

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

Obviously there is truth in Gnosticism. I just need to get over myself and to explore it.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Nechash

Forgive me for asking (not being rude or anything); how well you know the Bible you'd say? And would you say there'd be any connection behind the Roman Jesus we meet in the Bible and the Christ of the Gnostics? And isn't it quite odd that most of what we know about Gnosticism also shows they studied and were well read in the upper ten of science back then, Hermeticism? I for one, find that spectacular.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

I was raised under Lutheranism, went through Catechism, and I had my eyes on going into seminary, so I had quite a bit of exposure in my younger life. I think Paul rewrote the religion so whatever Jesus taught cannot really be known by modern readers. We can speculate and we can read the kind of things that come out of the sects that were oppressed by the Catholic church, but I think the actual anointed one probably has very little to do with the scapegoat that they've left hanging on that cross.

I have had a deep inspiring love for the community of Mt. Carmel and for the teachings that the prophets learned in the mountains of Canaan. The idea of a transcendent community of people gathered together for the purpose of self-betterment that do not allow themselves to be ensnared by any one set of beliefs is the most inspiring thing I know of, using the fruit of nature to gather people out of the world so that they might know peace, community and growth is something worth doing.

All I have to go by is my own exploration and intuition, struggling often to understand what is being shown to me from myriad different sources. I am getting better at knowing when there is something to pay attention to, but the meaning often still escapes me. I know I have a love for Babylon and its tower to the heavens, for a wise mother and an epiphanous son, for Tyre and its might cedars, for Egypt, for ancient Caledonia where my paternal ancestors came from, for the Hagia Sophia and what was preserved and protected there throughout the ages of turmoil, for the Library of Alexandria and the work that was accomplished there, for the Renaissance, for the Bavarian Illuminati and the spirit of Bohemian creativity that spread across Europe, for the early American, French and Russian Revolutionaries, for philosophers and scientists and mystics and artists. For the brazen ones who refuse to give up and yet meekly surrender to their own smallness so as not to injure those around them. For the lover of liberty and the lover of peace. For the burning ones who ache with a desire to know. For those who plant the seeds of knowledge and grow their independent trees. These are my siblings and I love them and were it not for them, all light would have been snuffed out of this world a long, long time ago.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Nechash

You know, every atom in your body was made in the furnaces of stars, we were made of fire, so why should we fear God and his lake of fire? With a cane like knowledge, who will ever fear as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death? Jesus said it himself: "be wise as serpents and innocent as doves". That goes out to both good and evil, or rather, the wise who know both good and evil and direct and portion it out just right.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

So, is it a good thing to water both the trees of knowledge and life? I feel like some type of aberration, like at some point I'm going to be asked to choose between my personal development and my encounters with the source of light.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

So, is it a good thing to water both the trees of knowledge and life? I feel like some type of aberration, like at some point I'm going to be asked to choose between my personal development and my encounters with the source of light.

Well, that would depend on what you mean by this Tree. The careful reader will notice that there is but One Tree in the Midst of the Garden. The Tree that gives knowledge. It is through knowledge alone Man can become immortal and eternal. They all knew that, and especially Adam, who had fancied the serpent to be named Nachash, a word for Knowledge, and he named his lady, Shevah, which means Life. So Eve ate from the hand of the serpent, the Tree of Knowledge, while Adam on his hand ate from Eve's hand, from the Tree of Life.

In other words. Eve was pregnant and Adam made sure she'd get whatever knowledge she could out of Lilith before they would be cast out to start their REAL journey. Life. Eternity. Illumination. Check it out. Elohim would surely not have any knowledge into them doing the usual half fruity Tree-of-Life-Boogie on HIS property again. It was time for the young couple to move on, and build a home of their own and for Eve's holy passenger that would soon need their full attention; and keep their personal life to themselves, in their own home where the Cherubim's search lights don't reach.

Also, notice how Adam himself is not directly cursed as are the two others. The Earth is cursed in his place. That is why the first bowl/vial is poured over the earth in Revelation.
edit on 13-10-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: ...

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Nechash

I always saw the Tree of Knowledge as a pregnancy test vending machine. They just HAD to know, she was two weeks over due sort of thing, had forgotten her pill or something, you know the drill. Much the same story as with Mary and Joseph, Big Trouble in Little Bethlehem... Now Joseph may have been old compared to Mary, but Adam was nearly 1000 years older than Eve. Beat that! For when God let the deep sleep come upon Adam, Adam had already lived for a thousand years naming all the animals in Middle Earth, brought up as a covering cherub and given all the love and clever gifts a Father could give his first Human. The Tree of Wisdom thing, it's a story we tell so the women are kept occupied. For Man it became the Tree of Life and proved our divine purpose as a species. Woman is just as important. She makes men and making them is all shades and rock'n'roll the stuff to make one religious

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