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Local Manufacturing Plant Job Fair Today

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posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: opethPA

No. Most free people I have known in this tangible life don't steal anything. They manipulate others into giving it freely and gladly. This is where the curse of charisma comes in, and you take no pride in it at all whatsoever if you are honest with yourself. You look at yourself in the mirror and you hate what you see every day, so you try to escape in any way you can down whatever pipe or distraction comes your way.

Most of us get consumed by the ego, forever doomed to be trapped in a prison of the self. Some of us are constitutionally incapable of lying to ourselves for very long, so no matter how elaborate the construction is, it always comes undone by the all pervasive honesty of your soul trying to rectify itself.

The people at the top of this pyramid are the saddest souls on the planet. Not only are they enslaved, but they don't realize it. They'd never believe it even if they gave you the time to try to convince them. They will chase after more and more and more forever without ever tasting true satisfaction and they will die without ever knowing who they truly are.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Nechash

You say you would rather live under a bridge than be enslaved by a job... Well I find that kind of funny since there would be no bridge for you to live under if everybody felt the way you do. But hey thats the great thing about freedom, you can do as much or as little as you want.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

This isn't about doing little. Just because something doesn't induce a change on the material level, that doesn't mean a change hasn't occurred, and I know any of the work I've done growing as a person might go with me into the grave, but honestly, I think self-examination and growth is the most important thing I have to do while I'm here on this planet. We can always make more concrete, asphalt and rod iron to make more bridges, but the time I have here to examine this life is all the time I have. Once it is gone, it is gone forever and I'll never get that back.

That is the thing that truly bugs me. You ask me to trade my time which is irreplaceable for something like money which you can just print more of and I don't think that is a fair exchange at all. The money should be something an employer gives to their employee to keep them alive, the true thing an employer should offer is an opportunity for growth, and that is something that I don't see anywhere in our post-industrial service society.
edit on 10 11 2014 by Nechash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Nechash

I will say again, you don't have to participate in the system. Just don't ask the system to accommodate you.
You don't have to trade your time for money, hence being free to live your way.

But I would still argue that the current system gives you more time to "grow" as you say. Basic human survival is a full time job. At one time you would hunt and gather all day just to survive. Today you work your eight hours and then you are free to use your time any way you see as beneficial. The collective has made this possible. You not wanting to be a worker bee is great for you but could not work if everybody felt the same.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

I've lived off the land with my dad for fun for weeks at a time as a kid. It didn't take us any time at all to stay alive, certainly not hours a day like you are asserting. I'd guess you'd probably have to work maybe 4 hours a day to survive comfortably in the wild, a lot less than that if you just went with the bare essentials.

Most of your energies would go to keeping the fire going, cooking, gathering water and keeping yourself and everything else clean. Hunting is no problem if you know what you are doing and settle in an optimal location. The hardest thing without any electricity whatsoever would be keeping meat from rotting, but with a solar panel and a small cooler, you could make some things last longer. You'd still have a problem trying to store an entire deer unless you had a large community of people.

With the efficiencies of mass production, the fact that we are even trying to compare a primitive lifestyle to a modern one is insulting. If people got a reasonable share of their efforts like they do in the primitive world we'd probably have a three hour work week right now.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:05 PM
Keep looking OP. You will find something for you.

Quite frankly I went back to school at ,30 years old. I did two years college for welding technologies, 64 credits, took a test to get on a trade, now I at the end of another round of schooling, this time for HVAC/sheetmetal.

I'm tired of school. I feel like I should have been a lawyer or doctor. But I am slaving at a jobsite.

I can go on and on, but i'm tired.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Nechash

You need to start your own business and have a few employees..
Good luck with that four hours a day

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: onequestion
I'm just wondering what people my age are doing?

They are all working on a degree that isn't worth the paper it is printed on, so that they can get 60k in debt and 100k per year job, only to find that 100k job is 10 bucks an hour...hehe

It's not worthless Enterprise is hiring. Lol. What a joke.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
Today myself and my brother went to a local plants job fair. It's probably the best company to work for in our area. They are unionized and are aluminum extruders. The pay is good the benefits are great 401k and they aren't going anywhere.

Well during the fair I made a few obverservations. One was that there was about 100 people there which isn't bad considering they didn't advertise anywhere. What my observation was were the demographics of the applicants. I would say about 90% of the people applying were age 45+. There were about five to ten people my age there. They weren't clean shaven, dressed for an interview and they didn't have proper resumes.

Considering the rampant unemployeement in my area I just found it odd that there wasn't a better showing because this company is well known here for being the best place to work around.

I'm just wondering what people my age are doing?

That's because people under 40 realize that it's a dead end job. Sure the pay might be great and the be benefits too, but what happens in 5-10 years when you are laid off. There is just no future in manufacturing in this country. Look at Detroit.

We've become a country of consumers not producers, sad but true.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

Yes, because my economic thinking is so practical that it is bound to just thrive in the current marketplace system. ;p

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: onequestion

The thought of a manufacturing job makes me want to put a bullet in my brain. How our entire society can keep marching forward every single day with dull and almost meaningless work just to subsist is beyond me. Call me sociopathic. I don't care. I'd rather starve to death under a bridge huddled around a burning barrel with other freedom loving failures than to resign myself to a pointless job for the rest of my life. I think a society obsessed with wage labor is a very slavish one. Free people don't worry about preparing for an interview to rent their time away.

To be honest with a outlook like yours you will end up failing or sucking the life and money out of anyone willing to give it to you.

My factory job you look down on has made a good life for my family I make more money than 90% of the country. That is right 90%. What I see from your post is someone who has everything handed to them. This is not making a living it is charity.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:39 PM
Just came in to say I wish you luck and hope you get hired!

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: Night Star


posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Aldakoopa
Dunno, what's your age?

If it you're considered a "millennial" like I am, then MOST of them don't see manufacturing, factory work, or blue-collar jobs as an option as we've been raised throughout school and pushed by our teachers and parents to go to college, get a "good" job with "good" pay and that such work is for uneducated, low class people and not worth their time.

Honestly, I didn't fall for it though. You can't have an economy with nothing but service industries.

We have the same issue here in the UK. Mention you make things (work in a factory) and people literally look down on you, you get all the comments like "your job should be done by Chinese" and the like, well screw their opinions. Service industry as you say can never employ everybody, services in some ways are the tape worms that feed off manufaturers wealth creation. In Germany they love to make things, here in Britain it's considered something less by many

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: SubTruth

I will be whatever I will be. It doesn't matter to me if you are the top earner in the world. Money doesn't define success for me. I'm only making value judgments about your type of job because I've worked jobs like those before and I literally hated every second of it, every aspect of it. Morally, it is no different than saying I hate strawberry ice cream. I'm not trying to suggest that you are inferior to me because you work that job. I probably come off that way because there are so very many people in my life who seem to think that I should be working a job like that instead of staying at home right now because idle hands are the devil's tools after all.

My real stance is that currently you are morally superior and more virtuous than I am because you have found a way to benefit someone other than yourself with your talents. I have not figured out how to do that yet. You have found a place that you are happy with. I have not. Obviously, you are superior to me in any objective system of assessment in real world terms.

Saying; however, that I can only ever be a parasite is pretty offensive, and if you want to live in a world where everyone who doesn't pantomime your paradigm is instantly judged as immoral, then feel free. You are the one who has to be yourself. I've seen many people with my mentality turn around to contribute wonderfully in the music industry. I have no musical talents to speak of, but I do have other talents and I'm sure I can contribute somewhere someday somehow. Personally, I think you inherit your worldview from very puritan forces and I would not want to parrot anything they have to say.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:49 PM
Actually skilled traded and manufacturing are ramping up because most companies have found the quality of foreign labor sucks not to mention China is a criminal state staffed with criminals. The US is beginning to ramp up for a big war in 10 - 15 years. Just things you notice when you work for a living. The next wave coming back will be electronics because foreign ones can't be trusted

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

The hardest thing without any electricity whatsoever would be keeping meat from rotting, but with a solar panel and a small cooler, you could make some things last longer.

Lol you're so funny

But who's going to actually make the solar panels in your world when your people don't wanna get off their arse and make it

edit on 11-10-2014 by ufoorbhunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
Until I can figure out how to flourish happily within this world as myself, I don't want to condemn another being to a lifetime sentence of persisting here. This world has crushed every beautiful person I've ever known. One by one they either conform or face their own destruction.

On many levels, it comes down to choices. It hard to understand exactly what that means and what it will mean as time and life pass by.

We start out in life learning from what we see, what we do and what we feel. Things that give us pleasure we repeat. Things that give us pain we avoid. We are taught somethings that give pleasure are unacceptable in the society we live in. Somethings that cause pain or discomfort may need to be endured to be accepted in our society. The conflicts of mind, body and soul create the person we choose to be and the things we choose to desire. It is all learned behavior.

Some of us with time and an overload of life experiences, grow weary of performing, usually with excess, the roles we were taught were essential to our reason for being. When this happens, some of us break away from the societal norms and find that much of what we were taught and accepted as necessary, isn't.

I can now find pleasure without struggle. I can find pleasure in silence and stillness. I see beauty in simplicity and smallness. What I once thought was desirable, I find excessive, burdensome and garish. It happens often with us old farts. We wake one day and realize that we were running so fast and struggling so hard to reach the prize, that we reached it, past it, and forgot to stop running. Now we are on a leisurely walk backwards, smiling, foolishly as we watch you young folks fly by us.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Someone has to do those jobs.

Not everyone can be liberated from work like you apparently are.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: intrptr

No matter what kind of society there is:

1.) Someone must haul away garbage.
2.) Someone must grow food.
3.) Someone must build.
4.) Someone must ...

The list goes on. Societies that are only subsistence never grow or progress beyond barely surviving. There is barely any room for basic art because everyone must provide every single ounce of their own survival. Societies that specialize allow for learning and art and other endeavors, but they also allow for so-called menial labor jobs ... and someone has to do them or things fall apart.

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