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Something new emerges.

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posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 08:44 AM
Last night was amazing. For the first time in my life, I did not feel dragged, caged in or curtailed, but shown, not the things someone else wants me to believe, but the things I have always known in the deepest most secret parts of myself to be true. It began as if sparklers were warbling all about my being, as if I had been lowered into a suspension of seltzer water or something of the sort, and there was no addle mindedness or feeling of internal silence, but a sensation of wonder and a roller coaster ride of internal excitement and pleasure.

I recalled memories of my childhood, accessing parts of myself that have long been suppressed or forgotten. There were long nights dancing around a campfire barefoot as the most wonderful music played. Stepping on hot coals and the burning in the soles of my feet were perhaps the only unpleasant feature. Everything else was pure unadulterated rapture.

I had a dream, which is an oddity for me. I don't remember my dreams, probably from a long history of night terrors, and having had sleep studies performed on me, I generally wake frequently and fitfully throughout the night. Last night wasn't like that at all. I slept like a babe cozy in his mothers arms, and I dreamed pleasant dreams, although somewhat troubling.

Angel and I had moved out into the countryside and there was a winter unlike any I have ever known before and cats were coming and gathering at my house. At first it was one, then three, then five, then dozens, and these weren't the mysterious, I secretly love you kind of cats. These were the pushy, you're standing in my way kind, the type that might turn on you at any moment, so I certainly wasn't going to let them into my house.

There was an old abandoned barn on my property, so I began repairing the roof and patching the larger holes in the walls so the cats might at least have some shelter from the elements. While I was working on the roof, I slipped off, hanging at least thirty feet off the ground, I tried to cry out to Angel to bring me a ladder, but no voice would escape from me. Finally, I calmed myself and a sound of alarm rose out from me from the very depths of my being.

Running over the horizon, a giantess emerged and she carefully picked me up and set me back onto the ground. Her and I talked for long hours and became very friendly with one another and she told me that a barn was no place for cats like these. She had a land of eternal summer where they could live comfortably, so she took them off far away from the land of winter where I subsist. The winter in this place will eventually give way to summer, and a creature such as I can make it through this desolation, but a long uncomfortable freeze is no place for something so lovely as a cat.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Nechash

That's the thing with solitude of your own thoughts and no too much socializing is that you get to recover memories that you thought were gone.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 10:56 AM
The courts took me away from my mom when I was only 2 and then her light was snuffed out on Christmas 1991 just after I turned 8, she was 24, so I don't have very many memories of her. Last night, I got to spend time with her again, which is a tremendous blessing. I always wondered what kind of music she listened to, it is nice to know for sure.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Nechash

The winter in this place will eventually give way to summer, and a creature such as I can make it through this desolation, but a long uncomfortable freeze is no place for something so lovely as a cat.

Interesting portion of your dream.

It is speculated by some that any of three events can precipitate such a long, cold winter:

A super volcano, asteroid strike or nuclear war.

The clock is ticking…

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: intrptr

All I saw was a blizzard. Nothing preceded it. It just started snowing and never stopped.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Wow... She actually came to tell you of the Summerland. If that's not familiar to you, maybe you should look it up.

It's possible She is nudging you towards a particular spiritual path.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Cuervo

It was a dream drenched in symbolism. I wouldn't get too worked up about it.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Cuervo

Wait, is your reference to Cascadia the separatist movement in the NW US/SW Candada? If so, hi! I almost moved to Washington state when I found out about that, then again when I found out about the weed situation, and then again when I found out about the internet speeds in Ephrata. I've been begging my gf to let me sell our house, buy an rv and just move up there ever since, but she won't let me.
edit on 10 10 2014 by Nechash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: Cuervo

Wait, is your reference to Cascadia the separatist movement in the NW US/SW Candada? If so, hi! I almost moved to Washington state when I found out about that, then again when I found out about the weed situation, and then again when I found out about the internet speeds in Ephrata. I've been begging my gf to let me sell our house, buy an rv and just move up there ever since, but she won't let me.

Hah! Yeah. I'm not actually part of the movement but I claim citizenship just out of regional pride. I'm actually in Oregon but I used to live in Seattle for years. I absolutely love the Pacific NW. I haven't been to a place in the NW that I haven't liked.

If you move here, just watch for our Bigfeet and tree octopi.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Cuervo

I went through Oregon once when I was traveling from San Fran to Vancouver. It is a beautiful place, but I'm sure you're well aware. The sad thing is, the weather here in Pittsburgh is almost identical to Seattle, but we're in Pennsylvania! The forests up there are just unbelievable. It made me want to fly a speeder bike and shoot at storm troopers. ;p

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
Last night was amazing. For the first time in my life, I did not feel dragged, caged in or curtailed, but shown, not the things someone else wants me to believe, but the things I have always known in the deepest most secret parts of myself to be true. It began as if sparklers were warbling all about my being, as if I had been lowered into a suspension of seltzer water or something of the sort, and there was no addle mindedness or feeling of internal silence, but a sensation of wonder and a roller coaster ride of internal excitement and pleasure.

I recalled memories of my childhood, accessing parts of myself that have long been suppressed or forgotten. There were long nights dancing around a campfire barefoot as the most wonderful music played. Stepping on hot coals and the burning in the soles of my feet were perhaps the only unpleasant feature. Everything else was pure unadulterated rapture.

I had a dream, which is an oddity for me. I don't remember my dreams, probably from a long history of night terrors, and having had sleep studies performed on me, I generally wake frequently and fitfully throughout the night. Last night wasn't like that at all. I slept like a babe cozy in his mothers arms, and I dreamed pleasant dreams, although somewhat troubling.

Angel and I had moved out into the countryside and there was a winter unlike any I have ever known before and cats were coming and gathering at my house. At first it was one, then three, then five, then dozens, and these weren't the mysterious, I secretly love you kind of cats. These were the pushy, you're standing in my way kind, the type that might turn on you at any moment, so I certainly wasn't going to let them into my house.

There was an old abandoned barn on my property, so I began repairing the roof and patching the larger holes in the walls so the cats might at least have some shelter from the elements. While I was working on the roof, I slipped off, hanging at least thirty feet off the ground, I tried to cry out to Angel to bring me a ladder, but no voice would escape from me. Finally, I calmed myself and a sound of alarm rose out from me from the very depths of my being.

Running over the horizon, a giantess emerged and she carefully picked me up and set me back onto the ground. Her and I talked for long hours and became very friendly with one another and she told me that a barn was no place for cats like these. She had a land of eternal summer where they could live comfortably, so she took them off far away from the land of winter where I subsist. The winter in this place will eventually give way to summer, and a creature such as I can make it through this desolation, but a long uncomfortable freeze is no place for something so lovely as a cat.

Yes, Yes, Yes!! This is who 'God' truly is -

- 'not' that guy you keep ranting about (that guy doesn't really exist)

I've come to think that, people 'get' the 'God' they believe in...

(and S/He comes in the gender you need at your various times of need)

edit on 10-10-2014 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)

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