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Words Of Wisdom: Want-and Desire ''If You Want Something You're Molested By It''

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posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 06:59 PM
After watching this video several times i've still not got a complete grasp on it.

"My problem is, I cannot find a problem."

"I don't know what I want."

"So if you don't know what you want, what is the purpose of want? Except there is a feeling I should want something."

I'm afraid there may be a few contradictions in this mans speech. Or perhaps i'm just incompetent. Does anyone here completely understand what he is saying.
edit on Wed Oct 8 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: replaced video

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: thirdcoast

Happiness cannot exist without suffering. Happiness requires suffering in order to calibrate the senses into understanding what the observer is receiving. It is the spectrum of suffering to happiness that creates satisfaction. The greater the suffering you have endured, the greater your capacity for joy becomes so that when you finally achieve your goals you can taste all of the flavors of the dish you are consuming.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Nechash

If that is true then there has to be a finite scale for suffering and bliss a human can endure. What is the maximum suffering/bliss a human can feel vs. the minimum?
A child in poverty that has only one toy will feel more bliss then a child with 100's when they receive another. The same is true for suffering and is dependant on many factors such as desensitization and apathy.
It's hard to explain the point I'm trying to make but in the end I've come to see these as illusions. I can make myself blissful or unhappy with just my own thoughts now. I can literally change my emotional state with thought, if I can do that then I have issue with the definition of these terms as related to reality. I no longer need outside stimuli to feel anything though it still occurs.

I need to gather my thoughts on this a bit longer to make it clearer, I fear.


posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

There are boundaries and limits to all things. Too much pain and the being retreats and shuts down. Too much bliss and they are overwhelmed and enter a state of dissociation trance. Each of these forces a being away from living presently in reality. Within that spectrum, whatever it might be, exists the full realm of the motivations that can be implemented into us. Hunger, Anxiety, Passion, Joy, Pleasure, Fear, Pain, etc, are all really artificial forces imposed on us to get us to engage in this world, however, that doesn't mean they are of themselves a form of evil. Hunger is not evil, it is what we do to satisfy our hunger that is evil. Hunger is a goodness if it drives us to take advantage of the time we have here to optimize our personal growth and creativity.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: thirdcoast

Greetings- The Tao Te Ching would be helpful in the paradoxes.. Perhaps the question isn't "what do I want?" but what would it take to overcome this thought of "lacking".. Then the whole "want vs. need" dilemma pokes it's head in to further stir the pot. Then when it becomes too much, You 'need' the 'want' and versa-visa.. Like the snake swallowing it's tail.

Look at Gandhi, One happy dude and He had a sheet and when He 'needed' it a walking stick. A guy who combatted 'want v. need' and won.

In My opinion as a "common passerby" it is the reason behind relationships falling apart. One looks outside of their 'Self' for another to "complete" them, when they should find another to share their 'completeness'

There is no 'good' or 'bad' there just 'is'..


posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: thirdcoast
I'm afraid there may be a few contradictions in this mans speech. Or perhaps i'm just incompetent. Does anyone here completely understand what he is saying.

You aren't incompetent.

Your gut is just telling you that something is wrong.

You would do well to listen, your gut is usually right.

Question: Mooji, is it really possible to become or to gain enlightenment ? Has there be anyone who has become enlightened or awake through coming to Satsang and if so, could you say who ? ( All laugh )

Mooji: In truth it is not possible to become enlightened as you put it because no one is there as such to become enlightened in the first place. The firm recognition or realisation that there isn't a 'somebody' in reality to gain enlightenment, and that there can never be an entity at any time, either now or in the future, to gain any such state, is what amounts to enlightenment.

Spiritual Journeyings: Mooji

Rajneesh admitted, while under the influence of nitrous oxide, that there is no such thing as enlightenment. I cannot confirm this event through other contacts, but I assume Rajneesh was simply stating what U.G. Krishnamurti has said all along; that the storybook fiction we accept of a perfect enlightenment, full of infallible wisdom, is a big lie.

Rajneesh and the Lost Truth

New Age "spirituality" is just another TRAP set by the elite and inventors of religion, for the purpose of social control. People who aren't buying mainstream religion are in danger of finding true unified consciousness, which is exactly what the elite don't want, so they created New Age religion to keep people trapped in the matrix of CONTROL. It's like a last ditch effort to hold people down, to keep the ones who are "getting away" from escaping their control.

The vast majority of new agers claim that they are "spiritual but not religious" but notice how so many new agers believe in Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and other "ascended masters" as "historical people." They're buying into bull# and believing in these mythic deities in the total and complete ABSENCE OF ALL EVIDENCE just the SAME as mainstream religious folks. Believing in fairy tales, myths and legends isn’t called being “enlightened” it’s called being gullible and living in the dark.

"New Age" Religion/Spirituality: Just more HYPOCRISY and MIND CONTROL

Mooji is only interested in one subject, himself! If you ever engage him in conversation it's just an endless barrage of "me,me, me" stories. So now that he has created his little kingdom in Portugal and can charge $35 for computer sat-scam to the States, why bother collecting credulous idiots in Tiru? If you take away his veneer of street cred, he is just another bumbling idiot who wants to build a temple to his own vanity.

Apparently there are "dark forces" at work in Tiruvannamalai (that's us folks!) ... In his rambling address to the insipid music of Love Story on Mogadon, the great pseudo-saint clearly looks ill and short of a few marbles. Like Jim Jones just before he passed the orange juice and cyanide around, Mooji makes obscure claims about threats from sources unknown (has he pissed off some Tamil politico?) For 6 years now Mooji and his gang of Goan refugees have turned Tiru into a Stoners' Toilet, so we say good riddance!

In my film Kumaré, I impersonate a wise guru from the East and start a following of real people in Arizona. In order to look the part, I grew my beard and my hair to Gandolfian lengths, wore a sarong and mala beads and carried a five-foot-tall custom-made trident. I looked like the kind of reggae fan who sells oils and incense on Venice Beach. But people called me a guru, therefore I was considered one by everyone I met.

Director Vikram Gandhi is not a guru. But he plays one in the documentary Kumaré, opening tomorrow, which sees him adopt the guise of an Eastern spiritual leader as way to explore the issue of why so many people flock to them. What starts out as a funny (sometimes cringingly so, as in the scene where Kumaré leads a group of New Age true believers in a ridiculous session of Sound Healing) and insightful look into the realm of New Age spiritualism takes a turn for the serious and insightful when the fake guru and his fake religion start attracting real followers—people who rely on the teachings of their Indian guru who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a moviemaker from New Jersey with a fake Indian accent.

Taking a Leap of Faith

Enlightenment, just like religion, is a counterfeit which means there MUST be a genuine article.

The genuine is connecting with and walking with God.

All others are counterfeits.

Satan ALWAYS mimics what God does...

He is a master of disguises.

Here is one good example:

edit on 28-9-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

I cannot tell whether you're religious or not. I understand what you mean about Satan mimicking God.

*Hits the blunt* So if satan mimics God, doesn't that make God satan?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: thirdcoast

I suppose that might depend on how you define the word religion.

The word seems to have a completely different meaning to everyone.

Some consider religion and God to be one and the same.

Here is my take on it:

• God is NOT the author of Religion.

• God HATES Religion.

• Religion ALWAYS lies...

• God and Religion are enemies and opposites.

• Organized religion is evil only because Satan is the one behind it...

• Religion is an Illuminati tool used to deliberately deceive and confuse.

Wanting to be LIKE the Most High is what got him thrown out of Heaven...

“I will ascend above the highest clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14:14

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
a reply to: thirdcoast

I suppose that might depend on how you define the word religion.

The word seems to have a completely different meaning to everyone.

Some consider religion and God to be one and the same.

Here is my take on it:

• God is NOT the author of Religion.

• God HATES Religion.

• Religion ALWAYS lies...

• God and Religion are enemies and opposites.

• Organized religion is evil only because Satan is the one behind it...

• Religion is an Illuminati tool used to deliberately deceive and confuse.

Wanting to be LIKE the Most High is what got him thrown out of Heaven...

“I will ascend above the highest clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14:14

Have we together proven: Jesus is fake. And Satan is fake? It's all in our minds? We have ULTIMATE freedom of choice? We ourselves are gods.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 03:12 AM

originally posted by: thirdcoast
Have we together proven: Jesus is fake. And Satan is fake? It's all in our minds? We have ULTIMATE freedom of choice? We ourselves are gods.

If I were still an atheist I would probably agree but after having an experience just like Mahesh Chavda did in the video posted earlier, I found remaining an atheist was pretty much an exercise in futility.

Once a person has experienced a supernatural mack truck encounter with a living God, things begin to change.

Something else to think about: the MSM, TPTB, and all mainstream educational indoctrination all agree with you.

FYI: one day each and every one of us are going to stand face to face with the truth.

Truth is not a teaching, Truth is a person… “ ~ Jan Sjoerd Pasterkamp

Then said Jesus… And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John 8:31-32

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