posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 05:55 PM
The discovery of alien life, microbiological or intelligent won't be huge news with the major networks. It doesn't fall in line with the current
fear and idiot propaganda by US media. The news will still focus on violence, disease, politics, and celebrities.
The media will just play dumb when the day comes for disclosure of Earth being visited by intelligent ET. We'll have some new satellite to detect ET
spaceships or satellites in our solar system or near by, where as right now we don't. The only thing we have are astronaut visual sightings which may
or not be all debunked...All of our current technology is doing practical space research and we have a few satellites and telescopes looking for signs
of life in deep space.
As far as I know, we are just beginning to look for alien life, publicly.
We have studied UFO's for over 50 years, 1000's of contact claims, but no smoking gun. I thought it was interesting historians were mentioned in the
OP. Some say the Ancient Alien theory is the smoking gun, but we have no rock hard (excuse the pun) conclusive evidence, because nearly all, or
possibly the entire AA theory can be debunked by historians and archeologists...
However what happens when science discovers something that matches up with an ancient tale? That will be the day! Such as life in the Orion star