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It's Just a "Do-Over"

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posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 10:05 PM
So let's say it is…just a "do-over." What does that mean?

Well, let's say it means that history and time and literally a circle. This is discussed a lot on ATS, so I think it's within everyone's grasp to think of it this way, and perhaps, there are those that know that, already, even.

If time is a circle, as I describe, then A) anyone can seem to be prophetic, as long as the controller's of the "do-over" are friends, and let you be; and B) you can be "ahead of your time" at absolutely anything, if you've got the right connections; and C) everyone who doesn't know this may be just a mark, because after all, we'd be pretending for a reason, wouldn't we.


edit on 18-9-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 11:01 PM

edit on 18-9-2014 by Cosmology because: Video error

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: Cosmology

I watched that video, and yes….what more can I or we say?

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 01:05 AM
I guess that's the answer, for once you realize that's what's going on, then what else is there to say?
Yeah, we're just doin this over, yeah we're not……

But if we are, over and over and over, so people are "before their times," and we have those who can tell us the future, then what do we do next, to stop the Isis, to stop the next movement, that stops us all from living free in this future?

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: tetra50


Hypothetically speaking, a lot of things nowadays could be explained if that were true.

Like why more and more people are questioning the order of things. Or why lots of people claim that something happened while others dismiss it as being made up in that person's mind. Like the whole Stain/Stein thread that started a while ago on here.

Maybe we all are experiencing the effects of the loop and the elite don't want us to know. Maybe that's why everything seems so surreal nowadays. Maybe everyone knows this is a farce on a subconscious level but they don't want to disturb the dream we've all locked ourselves in.

And if someone who had the ability to see the loop for what it is were to travel back in time to change things, wouldn't that individual be threatening to the powers that be? If after all, you could tell the truth about things to the general populace, a lot of things we take for granted would fall apart.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: thatguyy27

I'm glad my short OP wasn't lost on you. Not too many people seemed interested in this theory, however, as evidenced by the overwhelming replies it garnered. LOL.

I was actually attempting to draw together under one umbrella many threads, which knowingly or unknowingly, you alluded to: one, knowing, the Stain/Stein thread. Precisely my point.

Maybe we all are experiencing the effects of the loop and the elite don't want us to know. Maybe that's why everything seems so surreal nowadays. Maybe everyone knows this is a farce on a subconscious level but they don't want to disturb the dream we've all locked ourselves in.

This alludes, in part, to the Jacques Vallee Control System thread. It's a long read, but I highly recommend it.

I would think people in the know, so to speak, and maybe that's everyone, but maybe me, recently, would feel pretty comfortable with knowing what the future holds and doesn't. But it also means we may not be making any "progress" whatsoever. And it could also mean the same people get saddled with the blame for things they might not actually be to blame for, after all, and scapegoated eternally.

Then there's this whole idea we have of "history." Except, this would throw history for a loop, pun intended, wouldn't it?
Thanks for answering.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 03:22 AM
I've heard of Jacques Vallee

I decided to attempt to find these control systems of his

Starting making little tests and comparing reactions to these tests. Like saying a sentence in a weird manner or moving things randomly. Putting objects in subtle patterns, and a bunch of other stupid things. Things that should have never gone beyond "well that was stupid". nay nay, I started getting results almost immediately.

Turns out that for some reason, I can't leave things in my house in a certain pattern or someone moves it. Even chilling at a campfire and putting wood on the fire, someone would feel the urge to move the wood I put on the fire. It all started after I got too close. People started coming into my life that did not act like they were supposed too. Like, people claiming to be from one place and then not doing anything at all like other people I knew to be from that area.

Little things that most people wouldn't notice. Or don't want to notice.

My favorite was when I started doing every undercover hand signal I read about in public areas and then looking for reactions.
6/10 times someone would react. They would do a return signal to me. That's when I started to lose it.

Turns out when you poke the hornet's nest, you get stung.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 06:10 AM
Hi there tetra50:-) I can't watch the vid right now but my interest is piqued,so I will watch it tonight.I was thinking,re the deja vu phenomenon,if that could be related? When I was a child the deja vu's would be so intense it produced a very strong physical sensation-vertigo,and a sensation I can only describe as feeling like "I'm turning inside out" Now you may well ask,seeing it's propably not survivable,turning inside out,so how could I know:-DD But in absence of anything to measure that sensation against,it will have to suffice:-)

Later in life,by the time I was a young adult,these occurences were not so intense anymore. It did still leave a physical sensation,just toned down.These days,I seldom get deja vu-though there will still be moments when I pause and feel like this has happened before,but just a vague feeling,more like just a momentary acknowledgent,no physical reaction.But my children feel theirs very markedly and strongly,I don't think they have those strong physical sensations,though.They would've mentioned it,because I have told them about how intense mine were,and how it could be felt in a physical way too,not just the mental "wth??"

Which in turn makes me wonder if others had also noticed that it seems to become milder and less noticeable,as one ages? Or if this phenom changes/fluctuates,in any way,the way they experience it,intensity-wise.That's if deja vu is is connected to this discussion,and the vid contents-like I said,I can't vwatch the vid right now .But if our reality is some.kind of do-over/loop,I guess deja vu may be an indicator.a reply to: tetra50

edit on 27-9-2014 by Raxoxane because: typo

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: thatguyy27
I've heard of Jacques Vallee

I decided to attempt to find these control systems of his

Starting making little tests and comparing reactions to these tests. Like saying a sentence in a weird manner or moving things randomly. Putting objects in subtle patterns, and a bunch of other stupid things. Things that should have never gone beyond "well that was stupid". nay nay, I started getting results almost immediately.

Turns out that for some reason, I can't leave things in my house in a certain pattern or someone moves it. Even chilling at a campfire and putting wood on the fire, someone would feel the urge to move the wood I put on the fire. It all started after I got too close. People started coming into my life that did not act like they were supposed too. Like, people claiming to be from one place and then not doing anything at all like other people I knew to be from that area.

Little things that most people wouldn't notice. Or don't want to notice.

My favorite was when I started doing every undercover hand signal I read about in public areas and then looking for reactions.
6/10 times someone would react. They would do a return signal to me. That's when I started to lose it.

Turns out when you poke the hornet's nest, you get stung.

You might not just get stung, but find yourself impaled, not that I'd want this to happen to you…..It's just I heartily agree, and these are the kinds of anecdotal experiences I'm looking to discuss here. Also, how that "reality," or perhaps, augmentation of the same, nullifies a lot of previously held belief systems. As I discussed in the OP, then no one is really "prescient," anymore, but perhaps has total recall of how this already happened before, or even what the plan may be now…..

I've enjoyed your contributions, thatguy. Thanks
edit on 27-9-2014 by tetra50 because: called you this guy, instead of that guy…..

eta: this had me thinking of scenes from Inception, btw, when people began staring because they realized it was a dream…..
edit on 27-9-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
Hi there tetra50:-) I can't watch the vid right now but my interest is piqued,so I will watch it tonight.I was thinking,re the deja vu phenomenon,if that could be related? When I was a child the deja vu's would be so intense it produced a very strong physical sensation-vertigo,and a sensation I can only describe as feeling like "I'm turning inside out" Now you may well ask,seeing it's propably not survivable,turning inside out,so how could I know:-DD But in absence of anything to measure that sensation against,it will have to suffice:-)

Later in life,by the time I was a young adult,these occurences were not so intense anymore. It did still leave a physical sensation,just toned down.These days,I seldom get deja vu-though there will still be moments when I pause and feel like this has happened before,but just a vague feeling,more like just a momentary acknowledgent,no physical reaction.But my children feel theirs very markedly and strongly,I don't think they have those strong physical sensations,though.They would've mentioned it,because I have told them about how intense mine were,and how it could be felt in a physical way too,not just the mental "wth??"

Which in turn makes me wonder if others had also noticed that it seems to become milder and less noticeable,as one ages? Or if this phenom changes/fluctuates,in any way,the way they experience it,intensity-wise.That's if deja vu is is connected to this discussion,and the vid contents-like I said,I can't vwatch the vid right now .But if our reality is some.kind of do-over/loop,I guess deja vu may be an indicator.a reply to: tetra50

Hey Raxoxane: Long time, no run into.
Yes, we've discussed that deja vu and its attendant physical feeling on you before, which brings me to this. I even find reading ATS topics that there seems to be a cyclical nature to not only events, but the threads about them.
I suppose that has something to do with why I rarely read in the Dreams and Predictions forums. If I'm right, you don't have to be really special to predict much, huh?

And the way folks always say Tesla, or whomeversomesuch was way before their time…..well, they wouldn't be, really, anymore. Perhaps they're already been this far, and went back again, giving the appearance they were well ahead of their time.

Now as to your deja vu, and I do think it relates…..I wonder if it's ever accompanied by an actual "future memory," of how things continued to play out once you've experienced the "I've been here before, or this has happened before."
That you would have a sensation of being turned inside out doesn't surprise me, either, for it's almost as if you've found your carbon particular matter is part of all the other carbon particulate matter in that instant, and so the feeling would be turning inside out or a kind of absorption, while striving to hold onto equilibrium as an individual, separate and discreet, while still in the midst of all that….

I think some of us may truly have memories beyond the deja vu of having been in a particular instance before, and other ways it played out after. What I'm wondering, I guess (amongst a whole lot of things) is if we're all time travelers to some degree in this big loop, and if we know it went a certain way before, is there a way to stop that, divert it into another direction?

Thanks for your participation, and hope you are well.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 05:37 PM
And I guess, though I've already made this point, if this WERE just some kind of cyclical "do-over," then we all realize, right, what this could/would mean to "history?"

How would you even know the people you recognize as a particular someone are still the same person? What would that mean?

And another thing. Attendent to memory. CIA Radio Hypnotic InterCerebral Control (RHIC) - YouTube

I'm forever interested in the removal of memory from folks, and what this would mean. If you think about it, it would be devestating. Your rapist could return to you as your lover. But on a larger, society as a whole scale, it could be equally, and even more devestating.
For your consideration.
edit on 27-9-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 04:32 PM
Case in point: I viewed the Ferguson cell phone video of the man lying in the street, dead, one morning. The next day, I woke up and saw an entirely different video. He was wearing different clothes, and then there was a release of the supposed same dead guy hastling someone at the QuickPick…..

My point: It was as though I went to sleep one night with the facts, physical and otherwise, one way, and awoke to a whole different reality…..

This is the possible damage that what I describe can do, for how can anyone judge, react, deal with life, in what I describe, if it's constantly changing, according to the desires of a few? Then there truly is no reality. There is no floor, either for you to stand upon…..

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
Case in point: I viewed the Ferguson cell phone video of the man lying in the street, dead, one morning. The next day, I woke up and saw an entirely different video. He was wearing different clothes, and then there was a release of the supposed same dead guy hastling someone at the QuickPick…..

My point: It was as though I went to sleep one night with the facts, physical and otherwise, one way, and awoke to a whole different reality…..

This is the possible damage that what I describe can do, for how can anyone judge, react, deal with life, in what I describe, if it's constantly changing, according to the desires of a few? Then there truly is no reality. There is no floor, either for you to stand upon…..

Here is the thing about reality/"reality": One is a personal experience and the other is majority rule. There might very well be a floor and you'll be standing right on it. But if a group of people walk by (on the very same floor) and insist there is no floor, then officially, there is no floor. And you suddenly become a weirdo. Never mind that everyone is standing on it. And that's where, hopefully, you have a sense of humor. Because these same people who are laughing at you, if you ask them what they are standing on, won't have a f--king clue what you mean. They will have no valid argument or altermatives as to why they say there is no floor. And it will turn out they cling to their idea because everyone else in the group is clinging to it. And it has nothing to do with what's actually happening. It has to do with their programming and you being a glitch. I honestly don't know if I entirely believe in the Matrix, but I do know that people like us, if we were to subscribe to that idea, people like us are like cheat codes. And suddenly, it explains a lot of these strange one in a million things that seem to constantly inconvenience us. But also, it means that we have a lot we can do about it. That we are kind of controllers ourselves and the last thing this "matrix" would want is for us to realize that and start to tap into it. Yes, part of it is the whole control system conspiracy, But if we stop taking it so personally, it's because people like us have the potential to do a lot of harm to everything we come into contact with. Literally, everything we come into contact with starts to change around us and not always a good thing. It causes Chaos for innocent people who aren't programmed to understand. Heck, we aren't programmed to understand. We're cheat codes, remember? Which brings me back to the original point. There is a floor. We are all standing on it. The others really can't see it because they are not programmed to do so. As ridiculous as it sounds, they really can't.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 07:30 AM
I've had similar feelings, but more the idea that Hell is us living our miserable lives over and over again with no chance of transcending to something better.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: tetra50
So let's say it is…just a "do-over." What does that mean?

Well, let's say it means that history and time and literally a circle. This is discussed a lot on ATS, so I think it's within everyone's grasp to think of it this way, and perhaps, there are those that know that, already, even.

If time is a circle, as I describe, then A) anyone can seem to be prophetic, as long as the controller's of the "do-over" are friends, and let you be; and B) you can be "ahead of your time" at absolutely anything, if you've got the right connections; and C) everyone who doesn't know this may be just a mark, because after all, we'd be pretending for a reason, wouldn't we.


doesn't that sort of negate the concept of free will ? and if it does...does that mean that free will is an illusion of the mind. oh wait...

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly
Ah yes, Mario…I think you caught the drift of my OP quite well.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: tetra50

If there is no free will then how do you explain anomalies in déjà vu or people becoming aware of a loop?

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: Darksea13
a reply to: tetra50

If there is no free will then how do you explain anomalies in déjà vu or people becoming aware of a loop?

Ah well, that's something Mr. Jacuqes Vallee describes in his idea of a Control System. Perhaps you've heard of it….there are a few threads here on it. I suggest you search them.

If there is a Control System as Mr. Vallee suggests, and many have experienced, then there are no anomalies, whatsoever, for that suggests something outside our perception, doesn't it?

We become aware of the loop in the Control System wishing us to know, perhaps, it doesn't matter what we do or what we know: It controls it all.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
We become aware of the loop in the Control System wishing us to know, perhaps, it doesn't matter what we do or what we know: It controls it all.

What would be the purpose of that?

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: Darksea13

originally posted by: tetra50
We become aware of the loop in the Control System wishing us to know, perhaps, it doesn't matter what we do or what we know: It controls it all.

What would be the purpose of that?

I stated it there, if you were paying attention:
to let you know WHO, exactly, is in control…..
That is, my friend, the whole point, evidently, as hard as that may be to accept. It controls it all, whatever our desires, or sacrifices attendant to absolutely anything…..IT controls it all.

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