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Here are some of the anti Koch brothers commercials running accross the land

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posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: JacKatMtn

I agree, but until this big money gets out of our elections that isn't gonna happen!

THen why oh why, help further either side in an election season effort to herd folks to either side of the BS party affiliation game we have going on right now?

I have both conservative and liberal leanings, but refuse to champion one over the other due to their efforts to pigeonhole me on single issues....

As long as they get away with that BS... we will once again be arguing the same old shyte...

One day... WE THE PEOPLE, will flip the script... and things will be right...

Despite some who have given up and think a revolution is necessary, I am not one of those...

It's about getting folks to release their comfort zone... and OMG accepting that those who have differing opinions, are still looking as we all are, to carve a life for ourselves and our future generations...

concessions are key in an understanding society... in other words..

Live and let live...?

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 07:29 PM
The Koch have spent this on this years elections alone:

The Koch brothers reportedly made another financial commitment for the 2014 elections Monday, announcing a new super PAC called Freedom Partners Action Fund, according to Politico. The group will invest $15 million in the midterms, bringing the Kochs' total investment to a reported $290 million.

washington post

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Just the tip of what's known.....

The grandaddy of Democratic mega-donors — billionaire financier George Soros — also stepped up, giving $1 million to Priorities USA Action and a $250,000 check to House Majority PAC in early October. Soros, who became a conservative target after contributing $24 million in 2004 to efforts fighting President George W. Bush, this year has pledged at least $4.3 million to various liberal outside groups.

Meanwhile, his son, Jonathan Soros, launched Friends of Democracy, “a super PAC to end all super PACs” earlier this year. Soros’s super PAC has raised a total of $2.1 million since its founding and has spent $1.2 million mostly on direct mail.

Liberal mega-donors embrace super PACs

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: LDragonFire

Just the tip of what's known.....

The grandaddy of Democratic mega-donors — billionaire financier George Soros — also stepped up, giving $1 million to Priorities USA Action and a $250,000 check to House Majority PAC in early October. Soros, who became a conservative target after contributing $24 million in 2004 to efforts fighting President George W. Bush, this year has pledged at least $4.3 million to various liberal outside groups.

Meanwhile, his son, Jonathan Soros, launched Friends of Democracy, “a super PAC to end all super PACs” earlier this year. Soros’s super PAC has raised a total of $2.1 million since its founding and has spent $1.2 million mostly on direct mail.

Liberal mega-donors embrace super PACs


The SCOTUS says it's okay.

You reap what you sow...

edit on 17-9-2014 by the owlbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 08:16 AM
The Koch brothers' chemical plant leaked into the rivers here where I lived, poisoned the water supply, hundreds of thousands without water, and the Koch brothers cared less. They even made the state of WV pay for the bottled water that residents needed. The Koch brothers do not care about anything. They own a lot of puppets in many states. The governor of my state, and others, weren't even that critical of the Kochs behavior after the spill. These are some evil, greedy, parasitic people.

This being said, yeah, I'd like to see the day when ads run against elites like Soros, Buffet, and the many others who profit on the backs of struggling Americans.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 02:48 PM
Here is one from Alaska:

Here is a older one lol

edit on 24-9-2014 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

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