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14 Years ago a Time Traveler Warned us of a Nuclear War with Russia in 2015

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posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 11:53 PM
These folks crop up.. produce lots of "info" but not a single thing they produce actually can be matched to a specific name, event, etc. Had he mentioned Obama for example, or any actual specific evert or name well.. then he has credence. But the ol' "Well, I can't discuss that subject" in regards to anything that could actually be verified later is pretty much a dead giveaway that they are full of BS.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:11 AM
Someone asked what good is it to go back to kill Hitler in a 'multiverse' (there's Universe, but even if theree were different timelines (which I don't think there are), it is still all part of one existence, Universe, not 'multiverse'. That whole word is just a comic book invention, and should stay that way).

The better question is, what good would killing Hitler do, when if Hitler is dead, there's no reason to go back killing him, which means that no one will, which means he doesn't get killed, which means there is a reason to go, and so on. The whole grandfather paradox would become in effect, and eliminate the whole point.

Besides, Hitler was just a puppet, and this world is resembling the good ol' Nazi Germany more and more every year, except with enhanced technology, what with all the camera surveillance, microchips and other nightmarish control devices that Hitler probably didn't even dream of. The same occult forces that used Hitler and all the other people with lust for power to advance their agenda, are still in control, regardless of the individuals who die and wage war or peace.

(I am saying 'wage peace', because I'd actually take a world war over this oppressive 'peace' that we are treated like cattle in, and where most people behave like cattle as well, and make uninformed decisions in pure ignorance (how many of even ATS members really know the truth about 'person', the reason, why 'their name' is always written in all official documents, contracts and especially bank and other "ID"-cards with CAPITALS, SURNAME, FIRST?))

Anyone, who thinks that there would be some kind of 'world-saving benefit' in killing Hitler before he came to power is ignorant of history and the power structures of the world, and the current world as well, and basically deluding themselves.

Besides, people talk about killing, like it's a normal and acceptable choice, something to do, like buying bread or admiring the stars. "Honey, would you buy some bananas, get my perscription and oh, go kill Hitler, while you are at it, will ya? My back hurts today. I'll make it up for you"

Is that how we are supposed to think about murder? Did Jesus say it's ok to kill BAD people?

edit on 8-9-2014 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: GeisterFahrer
Except that article is not talking about "Hawking radiation" which is what the Titor post was about. Hawking wrote his paper about the "escape" of particles from black holes in 1975. Nowhere in his post does Titor mention the loss of information which is what the later article is about. He is talking about "Hawking radiation.

Steven Hawking proposed the existence of microsingularities that were created in the big bang. They were probably about the size of a proton and disappeared over the years due to an effect of radiation evaporation. (Yes, black holes do emit energy.)
That is what Hawkings 1975 paper says. Read it:

In the classical theory black holes can only absorb and not emit particles. However it
is shown that quantum mechanical effects cause black holes to create and emit particles as if they
were hot bodies with temperature ;^10~6 —— °K where K is the surface gravity of the black
2πk \ M ,
hole. This thermal emission leads to a slow decrease in the mass of the black hole and to its eventual
disappearance: any primordial black hole of mass less than about 1015 g would have evaporated by

Titor is a fraud.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: GeisterFahrer
Except that article is not talking about "Hawking radiation" which is what the Titor post was about. Hawking wrote his paper about the "escape" of particles from black holes in 1975. Nowhere in his post does Titor mention the loss of information which is what the later article is about. He is talking about "Hawking radiation.

Here is what Titor said in 2001:

Steven Hawking proposed the existence of microsingularities that were created in the big bang. They were probably about the size of a proton and disappeared over the years due to an effect of radiation evaporation. (Yes, black holes do emit energy.)
That is what Hawking's 1975 paper says. Read it:

In the classical theory black holes can only absorb and not emit particles. However it is shown that quantum mechanical effects cause black holes to create and emit particles as if they were hot bodies with temperature ;^10~6 —— °K where K is the surface gravity of the black 2πk M , hole. This thermal emission leads to a slow decrease in the mass of the black hole and to its eventual
disappearance: any primordial black hole of mass less than about 1015 g would have evaporated by

Titor is a fraud and he did not tell anyone anything that was not already talked about.

edit on 9/8/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 02:23 AM
Time travel is possible, according to a recent article in Scientific American. However, John Titor got it wrong so he's probably not a time traveler. What he is, however, is capable of holding in his mind and following "if/then" sequences in detailed form, to get to what is most likely to happen in the future. Nostradamus did this too. You can do it if you put your mind to it.

Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox” :

"It's intriguing that you've got general relativity predicting these paradoxes, but then you consider them in quantum mechanical terms and the paradoxes go away," says University of Queensland physicist Tim Ralph. "It makes you wonder whether this is important in terms of formulating a theory that unifies general relativity with quantum mechanics."

Maybe time travel is what needs to be invented to bring these two theories of everything together.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 03:26 AM
Good old John Titor.
Must have come from some alternative future where wireless, NFC, touchpads and the like did not exist.
Instead, they used large analogue hand dials, curly CB wires and yellow tape on their cutting edge time machines.

cutting edge

One look at his pictures and you even find a man smoking a CIGAR INDOORS....the way things are going you wont even be able to say cigar by 2020!

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: VegHead
I'm sorry.

I had to stop reading the instant I saw that Popular Mechanics cover from 2036, which included the headline:
"E-Books the New Way to Read"


Well yeah man, think about it... the whole world was devastated by nuclear holocaust in 2015. So technology took a hit, and obviously it took them until the year 2036 just to get back to year 2001 technology. So that means 2016 mustve been like the year 1980. I cant wait to relive my childhood!


It also took them until the year 2036 to rediscover that the government is spying on us again lol.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

Another person who cannot wrap their minds around the effects of a devastated world on technology. You think anyone is gonna care about the health risks of cigars after WW3?

There was enough knowledge preserved, and secrets leaked from the instability of western governments that time travel was figured out, but they did not have the manufacturing quality to create touchpads and NFC at a whim, and the future, or past, or something, was at stake so they just hurried up and created it with more easily attainable materials...materials he could easily replace amd repair without attracting too much attention to himself and for a small amount of money.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Got technology for time travel but still need curly CB handset wires?

Is that a cigar from prior to the war then?
Seems like a waste of something that would be relatively rare if so....

Or perhaps efforts went into finding some land to grow, cure and dry tobacco then manufacture and distribute Cigars post WW3 just in case any quantum physicists needed one to demonstrate bending laser lines?

Too many real mysteries out there to waste time on Titor pal.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: METACOMET
Thanks for alerting me. That time traveler, let's call him biff set the timeline eschew but I, and you will only know me by my code name Marty have restored the original reality. Me and doc brown (it's a coincidence I swear) destroyed the time machine so this can never happen again.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Ok, I get where your coming from. I agree with everything you say after the multiverse/universe killing Hitler/not killing Hitler thing.

Titor describes time travel like looking into a corner mirror. You step into the mirror, your reflections step into there's and everyone concerned ends up in an alternate reality. So instead of calling it uni/ multi let's just call it AR.

Ok, I step through, shoot Hitler. Hitler's dead but in my past, my Hitler still exists. My past doesn't change. Ever. No matter what. We're just creating New ARs here. No need for paradox. Once I stepped back I left my timeline for good. No way back. Now I'd assume if you were in the situation to timetravel your not the average Joe. You work for some kind of agency, that agency has rules and protocols. They also understand that when you go its not the original you you that comes back but an AR you but that AR you must also work for an AR agency or they wouldn't be stepping through in the first place. All that would be needed is a debrief of the timeline you are in. Kind of an agent of the secret services switching from cia to nsa to MI or somewhere else.

The rest of what you said.. Couldn't agree more. Except the jebus stuff. No offense

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:33 AM
This must be true - It's from a time traveller! A TIME TRAVELLER! Spooky. Weird.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: MrMac1999
This must be true - It's from a time traveller! A TIME TRAVELLER! Spooky. Weird.

I guess the logical thing to do is assume every guy who claims to be a time traveler or alien or yeti is telling the truth.
edit on 8-9-2014 by mattsawaufo because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2014 by mattsawaufo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: METACOMET

I definitely call BS on this. Why? There have been a few prophecies (Henry Gruver whom I mentioned in one of my post) who back in 1986 mentions this exact scenario of Russia against USA. Meaning? TITOR makes statements that are easily found throughout the internet. His science? or is it science fiction??? or maybe just Plagiarism .......!

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: METACOMET

context is EVERYTHING - titors claim of war in 2015 was the " logical " conclusion < sic > of a string of previous claims that filled in the timeline back to 2004

as none of these pre-curser claims happened - the " war with Russia in 2015 " is just random noise - appologies - but that's the way it is

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 08:43 AM
lol don't believe this time travler haha. Probably had a dose of '___' and it messed with his mind. If he clearly was one, he would of been captured by the Gov already lol..and he warns of a nuclear war, well how the F would he survive it lol..Clearly every living organism on this planet would be annihilated.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
I would give up my own life for nuke fodder knowing that America's worst and true enemies (Obama, Bush's, and all who co-operate with them in any way) were going to be turned into a small pile of ash. It would be a small sacrifice for freedom.

Amen Brother, except they're puppets. I'd rather see a list of bankers and their families who are part of the real world, with locations for all the dumbs. If this does happen I hope they are hunted and burned out of the holes they are in or dug into. They probably do want nuclear war.

There are two distinct factions that poster on the first page was either a shill, in denial or a genuine moron.

Even if it's all bull#, it interested the # out of me reading every post of his years back. At that time I just started to discover the reality that the world we live in is not what it seems. I believe it's a proven hoax, but intriguing.

That part about the computer being able to read two different types of code. It's a pretty big deal if they were blown away he knew, but even more important if his time travel theories stood the test of time. It's possible he worked on the computer.

Who knows what parts he had to scavange, maybe he needed that #ty old cb radio. If there was a nuclear war we have no idea what the world would be like. We'd love to believe he has a communicator that can talk to the future.
edit on 8-9-2014 by tompumped because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

lol, You realize that most people couldn't care less wether his story was faked or not.
It's about the content and if even more people told similar things in the past we should be even more concerned.

It's crazy enough that people have to fear another 9/11 at this very moment because al qaida is currently in control of the 11 planes that are missing If these reports are true.

Terror alert in the UK.

It's 2014 Al Qaida shouldn't be in control of anything Al Qaida shouldn't exist anymore! But in a world where these groups are backed by governments it seems rather unlikely that a world without bad guys will ever exist...

Terror attacks can always trigger bigger conflicts.

edit on 8-9-2014 by Eagleyedobserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Ask Michio Kaku wether the term "multiverse" is a comic book invention...
edit on 8-9-2014 by Eagleyedobserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Little time left to prevent anything, you the public is us all of us everything around us is us, what titor didn't tell you was what his future might look like. Theres only one way to jump into a different timezone an that is act now, 'us' need to change the world on a dramatic scale love is the best intelligence an the only way to solve this problem if this fails global cleansing rid the planet of evil is the only option left, believe you me we don't want to be sitting in titors shoes come 2036 peace all. ACT NOW

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