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Philippines Brings Home Workers In West Africa

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posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 05:02 PM
The Philippines have decided to repatriate 3,500 workers from West Africa due to Ebola. Yesterday they announced they're bringing their troops back from Liberia.

So, hysteria or common sense/concern for their citizens? Do you think we'll see other countries do this and if so what effects do you think it'll have, either economically or socially? Will this be viewed as a positive move or a knee jerk reaction?

“We are preparing for the implementation of mandatory repatriation of Filipinos in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in view of the threat posed by Ebola,” Charles Jose, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, said in a text message to reporters.

Philippines Repatriates Workers In West Africa

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 05:06 PM
In this situation, it would make sense to only allow nationals from a few countries with health departments capable of handling infectious diseases. There is no sense in having everyone from everywhere in those countries at this time - though that was the goal of globalisation - to bring down borders and allow free movement everywhere.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: stormcell

My only worry is they could somehow infect people back home but I agree with your pov that only countries able to handle it safely should do it. I understand their fear and concern but I also can understand people who want the countries or entire continent quarantined, though at this point I can imagine there's people around the world who might have it.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:44 AM

Maybe they will build a giant wall around lybia? Like in Escape from L.A/ New york

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: stormcell

I agree.

I don't think the Ebola problem will be too big to handle as long as we use common sense. And some of that common sense should be putting a stop to visitors from areas where they do not have the capabilities or knowledge to stop the spread of Ebola.

I think the Filipino government is doing a good job taking precautions. No need in getting more people sick.

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