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De-Dollarization Accelerates - China/Russia Complete Currency Swap Agreement

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posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: Apollumi
I'd say we are seeing the eventual inevitability playing out. You can't have a great nation without a great economy and for that you have to make stuff people want to buy. I have seen this play out in manufacturing. Increasing competition and pressure from better and cheaper products from overseas while the younger our workforce becomes the worse attitude they have. We now have generations of people that want to be constantly entertained. They, generally speaking here, don't want to work for it.

Where did our place in the sun materialize from? We lucked out post WWII. Manufacturing was by far northern hemisphere and most of that got beat senseless in the war. Sometimes I wonder if our "leaders" (I say that loosely) had contrived this. Ruin is the best money mover and the best chance to skim somebody Else's wealth. Start a fight between two people and mop up after they have beat themselves senseless. Be the arbiter of peace afterwards and benefit from the confusion and pain.

So the pendulum swings, as it always does. Nations rise and fall and the fall is precipitated by the people becoming too comfortable and going to sleep intellectually. So now here we are. Some of us realizing long after others that the ride is almost over and we have to disembark the pleasure boat we've been on very soon. So watch that currency swing.

And for those that don't think it matters did I mention we don't make anything anymore. Wonder how much that big screen will cost with a greatly devalued dollar? How about them pants made in Honduras? Talapia for dinner anyone?? Lolol...

America is the greatest country on Earth, how dare you bring it down to its knees and tell the world such a big lie. People around the world buy American products any day of the week before they'd buy Chinese sh.. oops, seems like the Mc D's and KFC and Pizza Hut chicken from me slipped by, so sorry, I slipped with my tongue.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Apollumi
I'd say we are seeing the eventual inevitability playing out. You can't have a great nation without a great economy and for that you have to make stuff people want to buy. I have seen this play out in manufacturing. Increasing competition and pressure from better and cheaper products from overseas while the younger our workforce becomes the worse attitude they have. We now have generations of people that want to be constantly entertained. They, generally speaking here, don't want to work for it.

This is such an untrue stereotype of the millennials. It really needs to end. Millennials are largely out of work because the aging Baby Boomer population refuses to retire. But you can't blame them either since they don't have the money to retire, are living longer than ever, and SS pays a laughable income post-retirement.

Most of the unemployed are turning to crime. Believe it or not, to make money in crime you have to work for it. Dealing drugs, robbery, whatever your racket is, it requires work, risk and effort. Turning to crime is not easy street and that is what many Millennials are being forced to do.
edit on 15-8-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 08:21 AM
Stock market comes back swinging once again and oil is at it's lowest price per barrel in 7 months.
The vast waste lands of China and Russia aren't the lush valleys people seem to think they are and believe me, without the dollar they would suffer great losses.

Gloom and Doom my butt.

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