posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to:
I have to wonder if it was obligatory for the people watching that impashioned and quite correct speech to sit like a set of bored stuffed toys? When
someone is outlining something so serious as the massacre of women and children, surely some form of interest at least should be apparent - It beggars
the question why are people so scared of Israel.
One reason is the amount of law that has been imposed on different country by Jewish lawyers insisting on respecting and not criticising eg having
freedom of speech about Israel in the name of anti semiticism. As anti semeticism stretches to so many different peoples the law is a joke and should
be repealed. Its a deliberate gag and a means of frightening people into silence.
We don't have a level 'playing field' for all the peoples of the world and equality in our laws if we allow one very small group of people to laugh
at international law and place themselves above the rest of the world. Israel needs to come into the world flock not be allowed to sneer at it and
exploit it.
I certainly wish we have more politicians for human rights like David Norris in our London Parliament.