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The REAL statistics of those killed in Gaza

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posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:25 PM

1) 72 terrorist operatives:
A. 35 Hamas operatives(most of them from its military-terrorist wing)
B. 27 PIJ operatives
C. Ten operatives from other terrorist organizations
2) 80 non-involved Palestinians
3) 41 Palestinians whose identity still cannot be ascertained.

Of the victims that are known, nearly half are confirmed to be terrorists. This is roughly in line with what we saw during Cast Lead, a 1:1 ratio of terrorist to civilian, a ratio that is unknown in any other military operation in urban areas in history outside Israel.

So 1 civilian died for every combatant. This compares to -for instance- Russia in a similar war killing 10 civilians to every combatant;

During the First Chechen War, 4,000 separatist fighters and 40,000 civilians are estimated to have died, giving a civilian-combatant ratio of 10:1.

It should be pointed out that:

The truth is that the number of casualties, and the percentage of civilians among the dead, comes exclusively from Palestinian sources.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness

I gotta say man, it still doesn't justify it.

So what it is better than everyone else's C/T it's still bad.

Every dead civilian might well breed 2 new members of Hamas. Would that mean the Israelis go on til there aren't two more people to take revenge for thier dead relative?
edit on 1672014 by DodgyDawg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:35 PM
Do you have a link for a non Israeli website to back up those numbers? This is like using the Electronic Intifada to support facts that Hamas puts out. Both sites would be bias to their cause.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:38 PM
Very interesting. Though actual casualty numbers will be murky until this is all over. If this end that is. But like I've said in other threads Israel is just trying to protect their people. They've put up with random rockets from Gaza for a long time and they're tired of it. Thanks for the find though. God bless

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: DodgyDawg
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness

I gotta say man, it still doesn't justify it.

So what it is better than everyone else's C/T it's still bad.

Every dead civilian might well breed 2 new members of Hamas. Would that mean the Israelis go on til there aren't two more people to take revenge for thier dead relative?

What justifies it is Hamas firing hundreds of missiles at Israel this year alone:

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
Do you have a link for a non Israeli website to back up those numbers? This is like using the Electronic Intifada to support facts that Hamas puts out. Both sites would be bias to their cause.

Except in the previous Gaza war Israeli statistics were proved to be much more accurate than Hamas's initial claims;

We might be reminded of Palestinian propaganda such as the "Jenin Massacre" that never happened. The Palestinians initially claimed over 500 civilians were killed:

The final figure was At least 52 dead (at least 27 militants and 22 civilians) and 23 dead Israelis.

The point is the Palestinians consistently lie, the media consistently laps it up, and the corrections come too late as the anti-Israel damage is already done.
edit on 16-7-2014 by HisRoyalJewness because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:51 PM
Like the Israelis went into Gaza to verify that. Like they would not sugar coat the truth. I don't know for sure, but i believe a 3rd party first the UN which reported 80% of Palestinians dead were civilians. How many more crippled or injured that is not reported? 4 children were killed on a BEACH today in Gaza. That must have been a terrorist location too. NOT.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: Wanderer777
Very interesting. Though actual casualty numbers will be murky until this is all over. If this end that is. But like I've said in other threads Israel is just trying to protect their people. They've put up with random rockets from Gaza for a long time and they're tired of it. Thanks for the find though. God bless

Yes, almost every Israeli has a bomb shelter which is the reason more Israelis don't die. It's not through lack of trying. The Palestinians have fired over 1000 missiles at Israel in this latest episode forcing 4 million Israelis (half the country) into bomb shelters.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: roth1
Like the Israelis went into Gaza to verify that. Like they would not sugar coat the truth. I don't know for sure, but i believe a 3rd party first the UN which reported 80% of Palestinians dead were civilians. How many more crippled or injured that is not reported? 4 children were killed on a BEACH today in Gaza. That must have been a terrorist location too. NOT.

Actually it's pretty easy to find out the truth if you read Arabic (as most Israelis do, they learn it in school) because Hamas and Islamic Jihad usually post this information in Arabic on their websites proud of their Shaheeds (Martyrs).

In this lastest war they haven't been doing this, because they've learned that Israelis can read Arabic and discredit their propaganda in English.

Islamic Jihad has still been posing their "Martyrs" though:

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness

The media laps up the Palestinians lies?

Yeah okay..... The media is clearly biased against the Palestinians and in favor of Israel.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness

Maybe the ghettoisation and submission Palestinians have been pushed into for tens of years? Or at least it justifies it for Hamas.

Oh yes and wasn't it 1500 Israeli strikes in Gaza since the start of the recent conflict?

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Swills
The media looks at both of them like dogs but the UN has been trying to stop Israel and trying more peace talks that do nothing but fail. It's one time to talk of peace and its another thing to actually exercise it

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness
Both your links goes to the Gaza war so they are useless because the Gaza war happened a good six years after the Jenin Massacre. And evidence has shown there was a massacre there even though the numbers aren't truthful murder is still murder.
Jenin 'massacre evidence growing'

Prof Derrick Pounder, who is part of an Amnesty International team granted access to Jenin, said he has seen bodies lying in the streets and received eyewitness accounts of civilian deaths. The Dundee University expert said the Amnesty investigation has only just begun but Palestinian claims of a massacre were gaining foundation as the team continued its analysis. He said: "The truth will come out, as it has come out in Bosnia and Kosovo, as it has in other places where we've had these kinds of allegations.
"I must say that the evidence before us at the moment doesn't lead us to believe that the allegations are anything other than truthful and that therefore there are large numbers of civilian dead underneath these bulldozed and bombed ruins that we see."

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:10 PM
Isn't it funny though how Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinians to run their government, only to be immediately labelled as terrorists and bombed and assassinated ever since? I swear the pre-9/11 definition of "terrorism" was violence used to destabilize political institutions. For example: targeted killing of Hamas officials, intentional bombing of public infrastructure, and mass-murdering civilians in the process to scare the Palestinians into thinking that Hamas cannot protect them so the Palestinian untermensch will submit to Israeli liebensraum programs if they want the indiscriminate killings to stop.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Wanderer777

The only people who look at Israel as a dog are those who hate Israel. The MSM does not hate Israel & is always bias towards it. Always.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness

Say what you want about the statistics. There certainly are worse nations than Israel. My problem is that Israel is doing these things with American tax dollars. If they want to up-root Hamas they need to invade and get it over with, but this flip-flop diplomacy game at America's expense needs to stop!

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Swills
Is that why the UN is bringing relief and help to Gaza tomorrow in the 5 hour cease fire?

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: Wanderer777

I don't understand your question. Do you not know both Israel & the Palestinians receive all types of aid from the world?
edit on 16-7-2014 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:39 PM
Propaganda pure and straight.
This whole situation is as funny as a 300 Lb. monster tearing a little girl apart.
And some folks still attempt to smooth over the facts..

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: DodgyDawg
a reply to: HisRoyalJewness

Maybe the ghettoisation and submission Palestinians have been pushed into for tens of years? Or at least it justifies it for Hamas.

Oh yes and wasn't it 1500 Israeli strikes in Gaza since the start of the recent conflict?

Gaza has a border with Egypt, the country which occupied it until 1967. It's not a Ghetto.
edit on 16-7-2014 by HisRoyalJewness because: (no reason given)

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