The E-Abzu and the Netherworld
The word Abzu (akkadian Apsu) actually means ‘down into the ground’ or ‘under the ground’. The E-abzu was however a gigantic facility close to
Eridug that partly was built beneath the surface of the sea and down into the ground below the surface of the sea. Only parts of the facility itself
was visible over the sea.
The complex was located in the middle of the sea or perhaps in the middle of a lake, and the only way to access it was by boat. Enki kept a special
boat for this purpose, and it was called “The stag of the Abzu”. The captain of this boat was called Nijir-sig. It is this boat and it’s captain
that later caused the myth of the ferry man that transported the souls of the dead to the Netherworld to be born. The E-Abzu was also referred to as
the E-Engura (House of the subterranean sea)
The area around the E-Abzu was fenced in and was in addition to this heavily guarded by 50 giant creatures called the lahmu’s (the hairy ones).
Those creatures was beings which the former generation aliens had created, and were probably identical with the giant creatures that the Greek
referred to as ¬the Hecatoncheires and the cyclopes.
So what was going on in this gigantic facility of Enki? Well. It was basically a huge science station, and it was packed with all the smartest alien
scientists. These scientists probably all lived and worked there and they did experiments on merely all kind of organic life forms they could think
of. They even engineered, designed and created hybrid animals there , as well as mixtures of animals and human beings. (Interested people should read
Berossus account on this). It was also in this place that the human beings eventually was created. We must therefore assume that the garden of Eden,
also was situated within this complex.
Thus we must assume that the facility was packed with all kind of laboratories and different kind of scientists . There were also so called birth
facilities located in this complex as well as birth goddesses which assisted giving birth to the different beings.
Besides being a facility for science on the source of life itself, it also contained morgues and laboratories where autopsies was performed on the
dead. It also housed a staff of people who was dealing with the dead. Thus they were responsible for keeping an archive of the dead as well as
supplying funeral rites and priest. The facility also contained a prison where they kept alien prisoners and perhaps prisoners that they even
experimented on. (ref.Kingu who’s blood was used to create the fourth generation mankind)
In addition to all this. There was also laboratories in this place where different scientists were doing useful science on plants , food production,
insects , fishes, birds , as well as wild and domestic animals. Thus most of the work they did in this place was probably very useful and eventually
beneficial for everybody.
One can however imagine why and how a multitude of strange myths arose from such a place. According to Sumerian texts , it was next to impossible to
get access to the facilities for people from the outside, even for higher ranked Anuna Gods. We can read in Sumerian texts that the place was
surrounded by strange rumors, mystique and strange stories even in those days, and thus most people kept away from the place anyway.
Thus this strange underwater scientific complex of Enki became known as the underworld and the place where immortality could be achieved. Thus we can
for instance read about Gilgamec who (after the flood) searched for Noah in order to find out where the Abzu was located. He wanted to find the place
so he could obtain immortality. Thus he ended up diving (in the sea) , looking for the underwater facility called the Abzu.
We can furthermore read in several biblical texts that the experiments that was going on in those days eventually led to a lot of uncontrolled
diseases and for this reason most of the animals at that time was dangerous to eat. Hence they were called ‘unclean’ up until after the great
The netherworld was also referred to as the place where no one returned from. At least it was not easy. The reason for this was because the entire
complex always was under strict laws of quarantine. Whoever arrived from the outside was stripped down and examined for contamination, diseases and
viruses before they eventually were let in, and they could only leave after having undergone a period of quarantine. Thus we can read the Sumerian
text called ‘Inanna’s decent to the underworld’, how Inana for example was stipped of her clothes before she was let in.
Sumerian texts tells us that Namtar was the minister of the complex and that it was Neti who was the gatekeeper. Ninazu (son of Nergal and Ereskigala)
was also a scientist there, so was Ninjicsina and Ninmah , just to mention a few.
The facility itself was probably subdivided into seven different sections with different security zones as we can read from Inana’s descent to the
underworld. Also note that Inana’s reason for her descent to the netherworld was to inform Ereskigala that (one of her many?) husband(s) was dead,
and that they needed Ereskigala to arrange for funeral and funeral rites for him.
So what happened to this great facility? In some Sumerian texts called the ‘Lamentation series’, we can read that the entire complex was bombed to
smithereens by Anu and Enlil shortly before the great flood. So did also the palace of Enlil as well as many other of those famous palaces. The texts
does (sadly) not give us an exact reason why this is done. But it is clearly written in those texts that the bombing and destruction of those palaces,
facilities and temples are planned from ‘high command’.
So let me leave you with this description of the E-abzu from the text called ‘Enki and the world order’.
“The lord established a shrine, a holy shrine, whose interior is elaborately constructed. He established a shrine in the sea, a holy shrine,
whose interior is elaborately constructed. The shrine, whose interior is a tangled thread, is beyond understanding. The shrine's emplacement is
situated by the constellation the Field, the holy upper shrine's emplacement faces towards the Chariot constellation. Its terrifying awesomeness is a
rising wave, its splendour is fearsome. The Anuna gods dare not approach it. The great prince Enki, the pelican of the sea.”
Part Two (end)
edit on 16-7-2014 by helius because: (no reason given)