posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 11:43 AM
I think social media is a way to make one's self the center of the Universe...
Look at my pictures! Look at me! I have so many "friends"! I'm important! I matter! Here's what I did last night! Here's what I'm doing now!
Here's what I'm going to do tonight! This is important to me! This is what I like! Basically, I'm the center of the universe!
I don't like it. I think it creates a false sense of communication, belonging and self-importance. The "friendships" created aren't real. And, as
someone said, the dependence on the medium is CRAZY!
I posted about a study that was done recently where people sat in a room alone for 15 minutes (without any gadgetry). They had the option to just sit
there or to shock themselves. Over half chose to shock themselves rather than to just sit there with their thoughts. Crazy! I think we're programmed
to have something going ALL the time. Some input, entertainment, music, computer, social media, games, etc.
And I believe the existence of social media enforces that.