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Be careful what you wish for...

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posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 06:52 PM
Sometimes I wonder if what we need to do is to give the corporations everything they want but instantly. All the money in the world, control and we all comply to their every whim. This could go south in so many ways for the common folk but bear with me.
So now they have everything and you get something like Buy & Large from WALL•E. Ok corporations, what now? Build our roads, or build the infrastructure that self perpetuates the corporation. What next? I mean you have all the money so does an economy still exist? You don't pay workers, no economy. No economy no innovation for wealthy workers/businessmen to try to get money because one corporation has it all and it will buy any competitors or intellectual property or even property for that matter. No competition in that arena will make society cease.
Why innovate? Why make change? Everything would be static and fully controlled. But for what purpose? What is left to do or conquer? Will there be an onset of boredom? So bored we go out into space and take over alien planets and create more boredom? What is the winning chess move in all this?
I say its the journey of the hunt for these people not really the destination. Because the destination is a pretty god awful place to be for them. You see there would be no conflict and I believe they thrive on conflict.
Bliss on tap? Like what the Devil offers Keanu Reeves in the movie The Devils Advocate. What exactly did Keanu Reeves do to upset the Devils Plans of giving him every whim? Oh yeah he shot himself in the head because he must have seen the boredom in it.
So let's give them the destination. But maybe in a simulation instead of real life.
edit on 11-7-2014 by Emeraldous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Emeraldous

Them robots won't build themselves. Even if you did give them what they wanted they would still kill us all off because that's the plan. They want the population under 500 million. So to give them what they want we would all have to go out and start committing mass murder.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch

Thanks for responding. I added a bit at the end of the OP with "Bliss on tap" to drive the point home a bit. Check it out.
Yeah robots, androids or what they would have already which are willing humans that will never question their whims. So why build the robots in the first place? Or if the job is cheaper to do with robots, you would have to educate people to create the AI and the mechanics of the robots to be autonomous. Wouldn't that generate a problem or a change in their rigid control system and cause more headaches and profit loss? You know the robot AI becoming self aware or not tuned very well for efficiency like people innately are. People in factories that do repetitive jobs riddle them with shortcuts and efficiencies to make the work better, because they are lazy. But if life is slave like why would people strive to innovate and maximize profits for the corporation? It wouldn't make sense because the corporation has it all...

edit on 11-7-2014 by Emeraldous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Emeraldous

I'm pretty sure this whole 3d printing thing is going to remove the need for large workforces and factories. Add robots to that and they wouldnt need us at all. We would just become entertainment. The ones that survived.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:29 PM
First they reduce the population until they have their own paradise on earth. But their own populations will grow and so they'll move out into space, find another planet and do the same, then another and so-on.

They dont need the masses anymore, us ordinary folk are doomed. So no, dont give the nothin, make the come and get it!

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:34 PM
About the mass murder bit, the earth has seen population reduction in the past and it has deleterious consequences. Less genetic diversity has created less genetic expressions. If you further reduce the population you would compound the problem by limiting it further. The less genetic diversity you have, well you get something like 10,000 chickens in a coup that can all die because of a measly disease. Or Pedigree dogs that have been over bred with themselves and can't breathe right or need c-sections in order to birth because of hip problems.
That would happen to the 500k humans that would be left

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: Emeraldous
About the mass murder bit, the earth has seen population reduction in the past and it has deleterious consequences. Less genetic diversity has created less genetic expressions. If you further reduce the population you would compound the problem by limiting it further. The less genetic diversity you have, well you get something like 10,000 chickens in a coup that can all die because of a measly disease. Or Pedigree dogs that have been over bred with themselves and can't breathe right or need c-sections in order to birth because of hip problems.
That would happen to the 500k humans that would be left

Just look at the royal family

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: Emeraldous

Yes, but you has advanced pretty far. They could create all the diversity they want. Think of all the DNA they have.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch
You would have to know quite a bit about the non linear genetic interactions that arise from changing one gene and understand how that change in gene would interact with all the others AND how that would change how the individual would view itself socially and environmentally. ei a non linear system which is innately unpredictable and flies in the face of control.
aka if I make a new body for myself with muscles, could I develop into a genius math nerd? I mean all these honeys are constantly calling me but I can't find the time to work on my math...

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Emeraldous

No I'm implying they have samples of lots of DNA. I'm pretty sure they are to the point they could clone someone. If they aren't there yet they can't be far off.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch

Ok they clone, so I'm guessing one clone is not enough, so a whole bunch of clones. Let's make different clones for different purposes, ok. Oh my those races of clones sure are easy to handle but if one type gets space herpes they all die at the same time. Or gee they all think alike so let's not expect much change, gee this is boring.
This is getting really boring, let's let them clones cross breed maybe, I don't know God I'm bored. Say lets make love to those clones because we made them enticing and we enjoy their clone culture... fast forward many years and you end up with what we have now. Many different diverse peoples that interestingly came from different homogeneous clones.
Interestingly enough the last mass extinction on earth left about say 3,000-15,000 people on the planet. You could argue that each individual was a "unique hardy clone" and were left to generate the diversity we have now.
So what I'm trying to say is fear not. If you could see into the future you would let nature take it's course. And that human intervention ruins it, humans would need 4th dimensional thinking to make a world that works in their own image. Since that is impossible then trying to control say genetics of human beings turns out to be futile.
We don't have the brain power to control or even create a non linear system in our own image

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