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How Many Minutes/Hours Per Day/Wk Do U Spend Reading, Thinking, Talking About ...Conspiracy Stuff?

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posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

So many such chains in society today, including the sports I mentioned elsewhere!

For FB these days, I go on now and then, to see what certain family are up to, and to check on a church group, and that's pretty much it. I very rarely post anything personal on there. if more people would remember how to use email, I might never get on FB at all. it's like half the world forgot that any other form of communication exists. Instead of using it to stay in touch, people treat it like their own personal reality show. Because, gee, I care what everyone did all day long......NOT!

I have no doubt the fear mongering is deliberate, and also the way some things that are real issues are downplayed, or ignored. We know who's behind those games, though. Nothing new there.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: nrd101

My heart goes out to you.

I don't know how many times in my life I felt quite similarly.

Being a "bird of rare plumage" as my Navy Human Relations Project boss called all of us on the staff . . . did not help . . .

It also did not help that . . . as another boss put it . . . "Bo is the kind of person who knows what you're thinking before you know that you don't want him to know what you're thinking."

And my above average intense personality did not help attract quality friends in a winsome way. LOL.

Being a kind of Jeremiah personality certainly has had its drawbacks.

A few of those periods in my life, I found the best way out was to FORCE MYSELF TO REACH OUT--to those hurting more than I was; to store clerks; to folks on the street; to folks in old folks' homes; to people in the line at a store . . . to initiate a kind word . . . a compliment on the way they were relating to their children . . . on their hat or vehicle when getting gas . . . to note to another patron in a restaurant that I was happy to see how their family members cared for one another . . .

Even to write notes on 3 X 5 or 4 X 6" cards . . . a simple sentence of encouragement . . . and leave it with a harried clerk or waitress . . .

--anything that forced me to reach out to others in a kind but non-threatening--take it or leave it kind of way.

And If I didn't get the 'return on my effort' I was hoping for--at least it forced me to reach out of myself a bit more. And that was good in itself.

To be sure, in our era, there seems to be an abundance of people who--whether they are awash in conspiracy stuff consciously--they are awash in the propwash of the globalists' conspiracy efforts, economic trashing, corruption and tyrannies.

People are desperate for hope, for encouragement . . . even for merely a kind word. I found, as desperate and alone as I was, I could offer a kind word. And, that doing so, I felt better--about myself and about the world.

Please stay in touch. The isolation is no fun, in my experience. Feel free to PM me.



posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

INDEED. Nothing new from the source of such junk . . . and sadly, nothing that new from the responses of individuals on the street and locked in their homes . . .

walking dead,
Walter Mitty lives day in and day out . . . bleak, whipped, downtrodden,


Hope is such a priceless thing.

Am glad I've been able to offer as much as I have over the years to so many students and counselees.

Certainly the oligarchy has murdered hope as much as they have millions of innocents.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 02:27 AM
This is a good thread.
I think about the 90s, too, as the only decade I really remember before all this.
I'm pretty sure I'll be one to go phone & computer-free, for long periods, to live the way I'd like to remeber when my time comes to pass.
Again, this is a good thread.
a reply to: nrd101

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: kkrattiger

In the Navy Human Relations Project . . . we took Navy, Coast Guard, Marine folks up to the YMCA Julian ranch house an hour out of San Diego.

We took their ID, watches, etc. would have taken cell phones if they'd existed then.

Thursday evening through Sunday . . . It was a different world to get in touch with themselves and their issues and relationships--intense group process.

There's sure a lot to be said for stepping back . . . away from technology . . . demands of social 'obligations' that are too often only surface relating and of little lasting consequence.

. . . getting in touch with one's self and one's priorities . . . re-centering . . . re prioritizing . . . re-grounding.

I'm glad you know how to step back . . . ponder and maybe regroup, recharge.

Thanks for your kind comment.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Thank you .. apologies slow reply rain earlier lost signal out here ..
We had a few rough patches along the way as everyone does but we got them worked out as they occured ..
most important thing after life that a person has is family .. my oldest four were vietnamese war orphans the younger two fukushima orphans the older one started uni this year and the youngest will be staying with son in japan starting back in school there as couple years till he graduates ..

Spend part year up in the vietnam , laos, cambodia border regions and when downriver visit my kids who live in vietnam , china and back in japan hit it on the nose for life in asia great food and beautiful ladies in taiwan .. yep gotta watch them in hk they slick and have all the angles then some covered when it comes to making money though if you know where to look some great deals there too ..

Rain stopped now and sat out in garden enjoying a rather nice evening ..

Welcome and thank you for posting interesting threads .. may not always reply due my rusty english these days (another good thing about ats am able to work on my written / reading english been over a decade since used conversational english) ..but do read them and even at my age learned a couple new things from them.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Walter Mitty......great example! I wonder how many school kids these days even know the name, or if they do, know it only from a movie?

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

edit on 26-6-2014 by Tidnabnilims because: oops clicked wrong person to reply to, was a general answer to OP, sorry LGE

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Tidnabnilims

Maybe, if that.

Good story, though. Haven't read it since school, which was some time back, but really enjoyed it. You know it's good if you recall it from dinosaur days!

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: Expat888

Congrats on your loving challenges in raising orphans as your own!


Thanks for your kind words.

AGREED . . . family . . .

Have spent most of my 60+ years trying to cobble together some semblance of family with this or that cluster of folks. Never quite made it except for occasionally for some months or a few years.

Have helped countless other families be closer and work things out as family. That's been gratifying.

My own parents did the basic shelter, clothes, food stuff well enough. It was the other crucial things that they seemed to have too little clue of.

I didn't realize . . . even as a young psychologist what an ENORMOUS NEED BELONGING was and is.

Mercifully, there's been enough of a hint of belonging with those who truly loved God and others that I've been able to hobble along tolerably, most of the time.

It's been interesting to me that a lot of the pull of gangs has been the pseudo family sense of belonging within them.

I've wondered about when the NWO folks really begin to exterminate OUT-GROUPS . . . how much of the coercion will come from wanting to escape death a while longer and how much will come from wanting to BELONG to the LEADING, IN-GROUP . . . however temporarily.

. . . but then . . . the ULTIMATE BELONGING would be sacrificed . . . "he who saves his life shall lose it; he who loses it for my [Christ's] sake shall gain it [eternally]."

Interesting paradoxes.

I think Asia handles paradoxes better than the West does. What do you think?

It's interesting about your geographic places . . . for some reason, that was very close to the image I had for you in my mind's eye. Curious.

I think the closest I've gotten to your haunts is Chaing Mai.

Welllllllllll, I'm confident you will keep up the great task of loving your loved ones. There are few higher priorities than that . . . whether one is a prepper or not.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Yeah, the 'lives of quiet desperation' the Walter Mitty character so typifies is far tooooo common in our era.

The 'rat race' is all consuming for too high a percentage of the population.

I think that makes the oligarchy's conspiracy stuff easier to pull off--by design.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: Tidnabnilims

Sorry. Am trying to understand your post and not succeeding. I've read the post you're replying to and still not making sense of it. Maybe I'm not awake enough.

Would you be willing to elaborate?

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I hope those who NEED and who WILL NEED such info and dialogues find our thread here in the hinterlands. LOL.


Thanks for your contributions.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Well, God does have a way of getting to people what the need, so don't worry. If the message is based on His word, you are guaranteed it will be seen, because His word never comes back empty! That's a promise that can help you stick to sharing online, when we have no way to know who sees what we write.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

TRUE. TRUE. He IS faithful to HIS WORD.

That will surprise countless folks hereon, however. LOL.


I hope folks awaken to the extreme priorities in this complex era of many competing high priorities.

Loving one's loved ones . . . 2nd only to loving God, HAS to be a super high priority, imho.


posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Oh, surprise will be a common thing one of these days! Too common, I expect.

Priorities these days are a mess. For a lot of folks, it's always, "Me first!"

For me, I try to keep Him first, and family is definitely always a priority. Who will watch out for my kids if I don't? No one else but me, their dad, and God.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

As has been said often but not often enough . . .


LOVE . . . . T I M E.

AND it takes a LOT of time to insure that those critical moments of emotionally bonding and tuning in occur. One has to wade through a lot of seemingly shallow, low intensity exchanges in order to be there, to catch, to understand and tune into the critical truly informative, bonding, educational, merging together exchanges.

Those do NOT come on command or on schedule.

And if sufficient amounts and qualities of THOSE have not occurred between parents and children, the children will be ill-prepared for life and certainly ill-prepared for the traumas of the looming overt oligarchy tyrannical rule over the planet.

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Indeed! Same for anyone, really. If someone isn't willing to spend time with you, it's difficult to believe they have any sense of caring about you. Children know when they aren't getting enough attention.

I firmly believe that TPTB know exactly what they are doing, and are deliberately setting things up so parents spend less and less time on their children. Even stay-at-home parents are likely as not, these days, to give the kids all sorts of electronics; televisions in their bedrooms, their own computer, with internet, cell phones (though I can see that for kids in school, at any age, these days), etc. Even when "together", how much time do families really spend TOGETHER?

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I firmly believe that TPTB know exactly what they are doing, and are deliberately setting things up so parents spend less and less time on their children. Even stay-at-home parents are likely as not, these days, to give the kids all sorts of electronics; televisions in their bedrooms, their own computer, with internet, cell phones (though I can see that for kids in school, at any age, these days), etc. Even when "together", how much time do families really spend TOGETHER?


It seems to me that most individuals have forgotten or never learned

HOW TO BE TRULY TOGETHER . . . emotionally . . . truly listening heart to heart; sharing empathy and understanding; sharing goals; sharing emotional intimacy; sharing healthy affection freely and liberally; sharing support routinely with wisdom . . .

Instead, they've learned how to be more violent to those who merely annoy them.

They've learned how to have short tempers.
They've learned how to be more arrogant and demanding.

They've learned how to waltz around exalting in ME! ME! ME! ME FIRST!
They've learned how to be more selfish and shallow.

They've learned how to be more absurd, silly, trashy just on a whim and for kicks.
They've learned how to lie, manipulate, avoid responsibility more routinely.

What a prescription for disaster!

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