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Who is going to die? IF.........

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posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:42 PM
I think that my opinion on this everyone can guess, we need to get a plan in motion that if a WMD attack happens on American soil, that the 'consequences' be fully known to the planners of the attack.

In the article below it was summed this way

Bin Laden sought the "blessing" of key Islamist clerics for such an attack. Those clerics and the countries that harbor them need to be identified � now.

lets see what the European folks have to say as they are probably not the target this time. Will they stand with America or with the Terrorists?

Posted: December 1, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Yossef Bodansky, the former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and a man I respect immensely for his intelligence insights, says the United States faces an "inevitable" al-Qaida attack with weapons of mass destruction.

What would be the U.S. response to such an attack?

Now is the time to think about the unthinkable.

Contingency plans need to be made. And those plans, at least some of them, need to be known to the whole world to serve as a deterrent against such an attack.

What should the response be? IF


Do they really want to see their cities vaporized? Do they really want to see their religious centers destroyed? Do they really want to see adherents to their ideology and their faith killed in massive numbers as a direct result of their actions?

[edit on 1-12-2004 by edsinger]

[edit on 1-12-2004 by edsinger]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:45 PM
What if that "cleric" is the one based in London?

You know, the one that said it was ok to blow up children and schools because they were "infidels"?

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:48 PM
It isn't as simple as standing with the US or the Terrorists, it isn't that black and white.

As for your suggestion of nuking whole cities because of a minority of terrorists, well thats plain sick and plain dumb. Any excuse for a genocide, huh Ed.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:02 PM
its not sick if its a response to being nuked.

its reality.

I say if we get hit, we take out Teheran and Damascus.

If its real bad over here...Mecca and Rijadh as well.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by moxyone
What if that "cleric" is the one based in London?

You know, the one that said it was ok to blow up children and schools because they were "infidels"?

I didnt think of that one but that is not the Cleric in question believe me.

As for the others, this is not my suggestion although I think the threat and laying the cards out now would be prudent.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:21 PM
I am One who feels that this is more likely to happen than not, but it would not be as extreme as Movies and such would have us believe. I do not believe they have the capability of taking out an entire Major city. The problem with this enemy is that they are everywhere. It is not like, say North Korea Nuked us then we would be oblidged to do the same to them. There is Nowhere to attack. This is the Problem. I am also one who agrees that someone needs to pay for it, and should be attacked, but do we hit hundreds of "Cells" with our own nukes that will undoubtedly Kill Millions of innocent people? No, your out of your Mind if you think that will happen. Ed, this is actually a very good question. I believe there is no absolute answer for.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:36 PM
Sad to say but we would scream for the blood of Islam. Islam, at least in the middle east, would cease to exist. I would think we would deliver an ultimatum, publicly, to Syria, Iran and a few other Arab countries to surrender immediately to United States occupation and laws or face nuclear annihilation.

At least one of these countries would be stupid enough to try to old Arab approach of stall-talk-stall not understanding western directness and fury. We�d probably end up nuking Damascus at the very least.

India would be given permission and support to invade Pakistan. Israel would invade and occupy Lebanon and maybe even Jordan. The U.N. would be disbanded and perhaps China would be provoked to invade / deal with North Korea under threat that we would do it ourselves the nuclear way.

America might become a military dictatorship, one the likes the world has never seen.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by moxyone
its not sick if its a response to being nuked.

its reality.

I say if we get hit, we take out Teheran and Damascus.

If its real bad over here...Mecca and Rijadh as well.

I think if the US gets nuked by a terroist and we react to it by nuking another country then the world better be prepared for nuclear holocust.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:49 PM
If just 1 nuke is LAUNCHED anywhere in the world thats it. All over, the fat lady has sung. I want to emphasize LAUNCHED.

So this nuke talk is frightning. I think the best way to react is a POUNDING of a conventional type. Im talking massive waves cruise missles to start and dissable as much deffense as possible. Then daisy cutters and carpet bombs galore. Throw in a few bunker busters and the place is rubble.

You drop a half dozen daisy cutters on a city after some precision strikes and its a safe bet the place is toast. Have a handfull of C-130's flying about to strafe would add a nice effect as well.

Do this to a capitol city and Im sure it wouldnt be long before your "enemy" cried uncle...with not one nuke going off.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:56 PM
It would become the American Crusade 2005. You would see a huge military build out of almost every able bodied person they would be deployed in mass to the middle east and it would be a coalition of American Russian and Chineese forces after which the "radical" countries would be divided and "re-conformed" into economic depots for the attacking Nations. The Chechnyan problem would be resolved, the Ukrianian issue would be resolved. Iran would be punished into submission, Syria would be destroyed, Yemen could face a politcal overthrown, Lebannon would no longer exhist. Areas of Pakistan would be full of Coalition soliders, entire villages along the border would be wiped out by massive bombing strikes aimed at terrorizing the villagers into giving up OBL.

It would be the end of islam and the teaching of Allah.

And if that wacko in North Korea even spoke a single threating word, China would absorb his sorry Nation and there would be no stopping them. Taiwan would full back under China's wing, not by force but by economic pressure. Look that part is already coming into play look at the ASEAN accord that has been signed making a free trade zone with China. THEY WANT to be a part of it.

The three superpowers are going to wake up and realize that all along it should have never been East vs West but those with the Haves against those with the Have nots. If Russia and China and the US could become allies then who could possibly stop them, what could they not control. IF YOU COULD ONLY REMOVE GREED from Human nature we could possible live in a relatively safe a peacefully society. But even with the Trio of Super Powers eventually something must spoil.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:58 PM
oh and immediatly following the nuke attack on US spoil all US forces in Iraq would be immediately withdrawn and re-deployed to the Afghan Pakistan border on a search and destroy mission ALL 150,000 of them

Iraq could go to hell, it would no longer be important. If the Iraqis want to continue to kill Iraqis then so shall it be.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:50 PM
If a nuke did go off by terrorists, I honestly think that the line between terrorist and someone looking middle eastern would be no more. Hate crimes on anyone that even looked like they were middle eastern. Then all hell would break loose! The end of the world. Just kidding, but I would say for sure an increase in hate crimes towards middle eastern people in the US.

If the middle eastern people in the US decided to leave because hate crimes became to much, it would leave a huge impact.

We would have to learn to run our own Quik-E Mart's, setup cheap kiosks at the mall and sell fake jewelry and cell phones, run more cigar shops, and drive more cabs. Not too bad if you think about it! Hell, maybe open up a few Quizno stores and whatever else middle eastern people do here. Thats all I can think of. Needless to say, a nuke would suck, hate crimes would suck but we are only human.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Killak420
I think if the US gets nuked by a terroist and we react to it by nuking another country then the world better be prepared for nuclear holocust.

Not sure if I like the content of your post, but I sure as hell like the avatar!

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by MrNice
Sad to say but we would scream for the blood of Islam. Islam, at least in the middle east, would cease to exist. I would think we would deliver an ultimatum, publicly, to Syria, Iran and a few other Arab countries to surrender immediately to United States occupation and laws or face nuclear annihilation.

At least one of these countries would be stupid enough to try to old Arab approach of stall-talk-stall not understanding western directness and fury. We�d probably end up nuking Damascus at the very least.

India would be given permission and support to invade Pakistan. Israel would invade and occupy Lebanon and maybe even Jordan. The U.N. would be disbanded and perhaps China would be provoked to invade / deal with North Korea under threat that we would do it ourselves the nuclear way.

America might become a military dictatorship, one the likes the world has never seen.

Seems your sweetest dream could come true MrNiceGuy, all the signs are there that such a scenario could happen. However invade pakistan??dont think so, they have massive amounts of atomic bombs and a good militairy system for one thing, and secondly they helped the US in the war against terrorism and still are.

This would mean a tragidy not only for innicent life but also for the world economy.But because the US are already in the sheit in that department they dont care.Hope you have some valuebles stashed somewhere mr niceguy cause if this secenario unfolds ur gonna need it.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:45 PM
Some great replies!

I personally feel that if a nuke went off in a United States major city� Iran and Syria would be no more, followed by Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:49 PM
"What's a South African doing in the Ukraine with three Russian scientists and a crate from Israel?" a character asks in "The Sum of All Fears."

it seems inevitable that at some point in the future a terrorist nuclear attack will take place. The public will demand foreign blood and a totalirian regime will have the change to rule america by marshall law, let's hope the bomb is not made in america

[edit on 1-12-2004 by Countermeasures]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:00 PM
No MotionKnight, it is NOT a sweet dream but a sober look at what would happen. Pakistan WOULD be invaded and they would be told in no uncertain terms that if they resist a sub would be off shore waiting to �pave� the way to Allah for all Pakistanis.

You have to understand, a nuke in one of our cities means that would governments will go mad, literally. If we can�t stop a nuke then they will see that NO ONE has a chance to stop one.

Limited nuclear exchanges will be considered an acceptable price to pay for ridding the world of Islam. It wouldn�t be directed just at radical Islam, it would very ugly and very very bloody. Rightly or wrongly if OBL and his gang succeed in setting off a nuke the world is going to blame Isalmists (sp?).

Imagine the destruction of NYC / Boston and then seeing dancing in the streets of several Middle East countries (You KNOW they will be dancing in the streets if he pulls that off�). The howl for blood would be so extreme it boggles the imagination.

Perhaps Indonesia would survive relatively unscarred because they have been pretty quiet and there are hundreds of islands to be accounted for if you invade there. Also, the folks there took no joy after 9/11 like other Islamic countries.

Remember how the world hunkered down and got VERY quiet after 9/11. China and Russia would become VERY VERY quiet as we dealt with the Arab / Persian world.

Russia might make a few advances in places like Chechnya and some rebellious satellite states but personally, I don�t think they want to attract any attention. China wouldn�t even think of attacking Taiwan, they�re not stupid.

No�a lot of countries are going to go into their homes and bolt their doors and try to ignore the sound of slaughter in the world streets. They might plead with us to stop the worst of it, but they would NOT get involved.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:18 PM
Even if the Dubya admin decides to nuke a city themselves to create a totalitarian regime(maybe this threat is not so real as they want you to think from the ''terrorist'') they wont be so dumb to use a american bomb because u can trace such a thing.
They probably have some dumb ignorant arabian bastards who think they are being ordered by a terrorist leader abroad (actually the cia will be behind this operation,brought them in from abroad and funding them, giving them a a-bomb and leading them to believe they are working for some kind of muslim fundamantalist group) to take out a city in the US.

Probably the a-bomb used will be a a russian suitcase bomb bought by the CIA on the black market so all traces wont be led back to the source.
And voila they can make the world a risk board.

Impossible you might say.....well stranger things have happened.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:25 PM
remember we can not go around nuking the middle east because we still need to get the oil out.

just keep that in mind. Nuking a mountain range though and leveling a few un-opperative tribal villages on the Pakistan Afgahan border though are within the realm of possibilities.

As is nuking a fleet of Iranian military vessels parked in the "med".

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:28 PM
If the next terror attack came from Texas, would you Nuke them?

You keep thinking that the next attack will come from the Middle-East but it could be a home-grown attack instead.

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