I will give a brief point by point synopsis of my experiences and beliefs, and then I would honestly like to know, from those who claim they are of
any faith (esp. those who ARE Christians) - whether you think I 'count' or not. I won't take it personally. I don't expect everyone to say
yes, or everyone to say no. I'm just measuring where I would stand in a "poll" of other self-professed Christians. Pastors, atheists, agnostics,
Christians, Jews, Buddhists, nones, Catholics, Pentecostals - all of you....
If I were to walk into your life and present myself with these attributes - what would you 'label' me as?
Okay? Here we go - my religious resume (CV):
Baptized as an infant in the Episcopal Church.
Attended churches of that denomination for 16 years.
Attended Sunday School.
Recited the Nicene Creed every Sunday.
Participated in Mom's advent wreath/calendar stuff/bedtime and pre-meal prayers at home.
Went to midnight Christmas Eve Mass as well as Sunrise Service at Easter.
Sang in church choir.
Tried my hardest to be 'worthy.'
Had a role in the Youth Group's production of Jesus Christ Superstar movie we made.
Confirmed in Episcopal Church (after classes).
Stopped regular attendance around age 16.
First marriage took place in Episcopal Church (after mandatory premarital 'counseling').
Had first child Baptized.
Was never "excommunicated" (I don't even think Episcopalians do that, as far as I know).
Started looking into other faiths out of curiosity.
No longer an attendee.
Okay - that's it for factual upbringing/history. Now, let's go on to my beliefs.
Do I, or did I ever, believe:
Nicene Creed? No
Jesus's existence? Yes, probably.
Jesus's message? Yes, insofar as the "Golden Rule" is concerned.
Unconditional Forgiveness? Yes.
Original sin? No.
He died for our sins? No.
Resurrection? Not the way it's taught. Maybe the swoon theory.
Rose into heaven on a cloud? Nope.
Will come again? No.
Will judge everyone? No.
Hell? No.
Heaven with wings, halo, harp on cloud? Nope.
One life only? No. (Reincarnation? Yes.)
Once saved always saved? No.
Jesus is the only way? No.
The Bible is the inerrant word of God? No.
Works or faith or both? Works only.
I'm not going to go into my mistakes or 'foibles' as a human being who has, admittedly, made many mistakes.
I just would like to hear from the others who profess ANY kind of knowledge of what makes someone a "Christian" to tell me whether I'm an acceptable
specimen or not. Merely out of curiosity and self-appraisal/insight. I hope you will oblige me!
For extra credit, if you ARE a Christian, and you say I am not, please explain why. (for example: I have had people who go to "Church of Christ" tell
me "You're not a Christian if you're an Episcopalian." )
Try to be as honest and kind as possible, and not hateful, please. I just want to know where you would "stick" me in a spread sheet.
Thanks for playing!! I'll look forward to tallying up the consensus.
edit on 6/21/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)