posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:47 AM
So - I had a dream.
Don't usually remember them...and, over the last years (9 or so), when I do, I memorialize them.
I don't know what significance dreams might hold...but, believe there must/might be something to them.
An example, before relating this dream...
On the morning of Monday, September 4, 2006, I was in a dream, where there was a terrible furor going around that one of the stars of the Cable
network - Animal Planet had died suddenly.
In the dream, I was thinking that it was Jeff Corwin...but, no-one ever named the 'deceased'.
It shook me badly enough, to awaken me before 8 a.m. on a holiday (this was Labor Day in the U.S.A.).
I got out of bed, went to smoke a cigarette, then...rather than going back to bed, because I was still 'shook' from the dream, I sat in the
den-recliner and turned on the television.
The television was 'dialed-into' one of the 24-hour news networks...and, the first thing I heard was - "Steve Irwin - the Crocodile Hunter - is
Okay - it wasn't Jeff Corwin...but... ... ...
So - anyway -
Three days ago, I had the strangest dream.
I and my family were in a motel located on the west side of the town where I currently live.
For some reason, I had expected some event to take place during the night-time hours between 1 & 2 a.m. --- (that's very strange) ---
it had not happened.
But, at sometime between 5 & 6 a.m., I and another fellow were on the second floor balcony of this 'motel', looking eastward to the skies...when two
planes started approaching.
Both were at a similar altitude, and perhaps a mile apart...
They were heading toward the international airport located about 12 miles west of us...
The plane on the right (southernmost) was a normal looking commercial passenger jet.
The plane on the left was entirely different.
It was a triangular-shaped dark blue craft...
As the two approached, I noticed the triangular-shaped craft 'lose its equilibrim' and...start to 'tumble'.
It was strange... At first, I simply accepted the 'tumble' as something to witness...but, then, it became obvious that this tumble was
not good...
The tumble developed such that each of the three points on the aircraft were following each other, over and under it passed overhead, I knew
it was not going to end well.
I ran around to the other side of the second-floor balcony and watched as it crashed into a 'tank farm' (there is no such tank farm in that
vicinity, in reality - so, I don't know if it was a chemical or petro-chemical tank farm).
Immediately - when seeing the plane going into the tank/s...I started yelling for my family...and everyone else to "GO! RUN! Get Out Of Here! It
crashed into the tanks!"
Oddly -- everyone staying at the motel were not in separate rooms, but rather in a large hall, with, perhaps 4 rows of bunks going from one end to the
At first, when I yelled, my family (spouse & children) were almost within arms reach - but - as soon as the message was clear...I lost
them in the chaos.
A moment or two later, I was downstairs in the parking garage. Pandemonium and chaos were the rule... My family was nowhere in sight... I knew I
needed to 'get out' like everyone-else...but, realized I'd left my cigarettes upstairs...and...without hesitation, raced to get them.
As I re-entered the building, I passed two people standing & sitting at a desk, listening to a recording between the pilot/s and control tower... I
was going to pass them by but a beautiful young girl (perhaps 12 years old) came through the doorway, blocking my way up the stairs,
and...hesitating, to allow her passage - she didn't pass, but rather, stopped, listening to the recording - and so - I listened as the pilot was
joking with the air traffic controller...and then, the controller burst out some 'exclamation', and the pilot responded with "I thought you said
Dig"...and, the conversation grew desparate...and it was obvious that the aircraft crashed...each of the listeners let out screams
and cries of untold if...they were witnessing the event for the first time...
I know...
Doesn't mean anything...
It was a terribly unsettling dream...even in the retelling.
Thanks for your time.