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Scottish independence: Barack Obama backs 'strong and united' UK

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posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Quite - there was only a handful of actual riots in the biggest cities.

Where I live, not a peep and I'm in Berkshire, which borders London.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

What do you mean "you guys" it's not like we had any say in who comes into our country.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: stumason
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Not really - as a rule I don't generally watch video's people post, I much prefer to read things and have facts, figures and opinions presented by the person I am debating with, rather than argue with them over someone else's opinion.

Watch the videos, you might learn something. so you make your own opinion based on what, you must get your opinion from somewhere/someone...why not a video?
edit on 7-6-2014 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: stumason

All that needs to be done is raise the supplementary charge by 5% from 20% to 25%.
I calculated loosely based around this bbc article and the estimate of between 2billion and 10billion which was stated as the closer estimate so for fairness we'll say that raisnig the supplementary charge by 12% was estimated to reap 6billion.
The oil price is roughly the same at the time of the article so that would gain 2.5bn and that's just pocket change for the type of companies that operate in our waters. Our debt on that alone would be paid off in 30 years.

Crude oil of 5 years

We are making good developments towards centralising infrastructure and so I think we will reduce our government deficit but not break even on that but we don't know what other provisions the government has plans for regarding tax, we are one of the most investable countries at the moment so you don't want to stifle that, so I would personally increase the corporation tax by 2% but i think a big saving could be made by centralising national insurance & tax and go for a benefits credit system.
This would be where the amount of credits is based 1/2 on length of tax payments & 1/2 based on how much you have paid into the system. Make the benefits office deal with all benefits including pensions, housing benefit, jobseekers etc..

In the benefits credit system the higher the credits the higher in social housing etc.. and that would solve the problem of social housing going to foreign nationals with kids against a single guy who has paid into the system all his life. Introduce a national ID to replace the passport and drivers license and you will reduce government deficit quite a bit and make it a fairer system.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol
I deal with the things under my currency is not one of those things, and it is off topic.
Now, as I understand you were referring to the London riots when you spoke of Scotland not nearly burning, I still don't see how those events were any more relevant to Scotland than they were Devon and Cornwall?

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: mclarenmp4
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Probably why Scottish highers do better against their A level counterparts. Maybe.

And that comes from the British tax payers... Definitely

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
a reply to: TritonTaranis
And probably why Scotland never nearly burnt itself to the ground a few years ago. Vote Yes to stop the flames from spreading any further.

What are you'd on about burnt itself to the ground... Ermmmm


How's the weather in Russia? Mr anti west?

What concern is Scotland to you other than a weaker UK?

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Yes which Scotland pays more than it's fair share of and has an excellent standard of education, how's the dumbing down of GCSE's going?

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: Soloprotocol
I'm curious, which 'burning to the ground' crisis do you mean, the banking crisis including the purchase/bailout of The Royal Bank of Scotland by UK taxpayers, or something else?

well lets talk about the bail out of English banks if you want to head down the avenue. HBos, Lloyds etc...i was talking about the riots and well you know it.
Lets look at who was to blame for the Crisis in the first place, who allowed it to happen with piss poor regulation and management..oh that's right...Westminster, but for some reason it seem to have been twisted around so that the poor, unemployed, disabled and immigrants get the blame for it all....welcome to Better together.
No Thanks..

The London riots started due to a wannabe gangster getting shot by police

What has this to do with Scotland's independence?

And what has the "GLOBAL" financial crash got to do with Scotland's independence referendum? In fact what has it got to do with Westminster and the UK government

You have absolutely no idea what you're on about only trying to link irrelevant things to Scotland's referendum

Let it be know to other posters that you only ever have something to say in anti west anti US threads and support any kind of division outside your Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, alliance, have a nice day

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: mclarenmp4
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Yes which Scotland pays more than it's fair share of and has an excellent standard of education, how's the dumbing down of GCSE's going?


You're missing the point

All that comes from the British tax payers

I guess they can't teach you forgiveness to tame your Hollywood hate... Anyways enjoy the euro currency

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Euro currency - debunked early can't be bothered if you can't read the whole thread.

Well done it was paid by the British tax payers which Scotland have done since the start of taxation within the union, your point?

What on earth has Hollywood got to do with anything?

How's the job in the nuts factory going?

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: mclarenmp4
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Euro currency - debunked early can't be bothered if you can't read the whole thread.

Well done it was paid by the British tax payers which Scotland have done since the start of taxation within the union, your point?

What on earth has Hollywood got to do with anything?

How's the job in the nuts factory going?

I domt think you understand again...

Scotland won't have a CHIOCE this time around

And debunked how exactly... By Alex Salmond whose been caught out lying g through his teeth... Yh sure Alex and his elites only care about one thing.. More money and power for themselves

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: mclarenmp4

Just thought I'd point out this to you since you was banging on about how good Scotland's education is die to the British tax payers money being well spent

No matter how much you brag about grades... It's certainly not working in your hate campaign

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

I'm really not missing the point at all i understand it quite simply but we paid more tax than the rest of the UK without the inclusion of North Sea Oil so we will continue the taxation but have control on our resources, monetery policy and system of government. You say words but they have no substance.

And I don't disagree with you about Alex he just wants his name in history but the vote is about independence not who runs the country. I can guarantee we won't regain our sovereignty only for it to be handed over to the EU.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:03 PM
More facts for the delusional

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: mclarenmp4
a reply to: TritonTaranis

I'm really not missing the point at all i understand it quite simply but we paid more tax than the rest of the UK without the inclusion of North Sea Oil so we will continue the taxation but have control on our resources, monetery policy and system of government. You say words but they have no substance.

And I don't disagree with you about Alex he just wants his name in history but the vote is about independence not who runs the country. I can guarantee we won't regain our sovereignty only for it to be handed over to the EU.

No your still not getting it my friend

Scotland cannot survive on its own without extreme poverty striking hard

You'll have no choice... Understand?

I'll just leave this here too

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:11 PM
This about sums it up

edit on 7-6-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

Wake up... The damage will be irreversible, and your future will be answering to Brussels once you go under. Because the UK certainly won't be bailing you out nor coming to contain the firestorm which will ensue on the streets, no fearporn here just predictable watching dumb and dumber leading the devolution hate army
edit on 7-6-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

If we get a no vote then I will respect the decision as it's the will of the people be we don't have a hate campaign our campaign has all been positive, so no worries there. It's all about giving us the choice, obviously I want yes but I'm perfectly sensible enough to accept that if the country decides otherwise then I will happily carry on with my life.
It's not an emotional issue for me as I rather look at facts and make informed decisions.

You need to up your trolling skills better, I've been trolling since before the internet begun Dave.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
Scotland cannot survive on its own without extreme poverty striking hard

You do not know that, it is an assertion.
Please do not declare expected forecasts as known facts.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:16 PM
You accuse me of negativity and then the next 2 posts telll me that if we go independent we're all DDDOOOOMMMMEEEEDDDDD.
Keep it up it at least adds some humour to the thread.

edit on 7-6-2014 by mclarenmp4 because: (no reason given)

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