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U.S. reconstitutes group to fight homegrown extremists

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posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 07:24 PM

This comes after they just released 5 known terrorists. This comes after Obama/holder have been caught red handed with operation "Choke Point". When are we the people going to learn? I can guarantee you that the administration will be using this to target individuals that it disagrees with. The slippery slope that started well before Obama had taken office has definitely increased speed with his presidency...hopefully it will bottom out soon enough before we all suffer even more.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 07:26 PM
They need not wonder why we, the American people, are coming to question whether the Government is an enemy in itself.

We just watch them and return the favor. That's all.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 07:35 PM
I guess hate groups should stop shooting people if they do not want attention. Oh wait the reason they so stupid stuff is because they think when the average american sees them on TV they will rise up and joing them instead the reality where they wonder why nobody did anything about them before it go this far.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 07:37 PM
On one hand we have The People;

On the other hand we have an illegitimate government.

It's almost as if neither trusts the other.

How curious.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 07:45 PM
I bet im on some sort of Homegrown terrorist watch list somewhere. But I dont care between my friends and I we have enough guns ammo and food to supply a platoon sized force for quite some time. We have training (and some of us experience) in combat. I know my state (AZ) better than most people know there alphabet. I have no doubt in my mind if SHTF and we were ever invaded by a military force foreign or domestic we would put up one hell of a guerrilla resistance. Red dawn status. I know several state militias I have trained with out here in AZ are some of the largest/most formidable on the West coast. There numbers grow everyday. I say bring it.... I am not afraid of the Government..

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: dizzie56

This comes after they just released 5 known terrorists. This comes after Obama/holder have been caught red handed with operation "Choke Point". When are we the people going to learn? I can guarantee you that the administration will be using this to target individuals that it disagrees with. The slippery slope that started well before Obama had taken office has definitely increased speed with his presidency...hopefully it will bottom out soon enough before we all suffer even more.

I am just wondering how long it will be before MH370 appears someplace, maybe in Diego Garcia, Tel Aviv or the bottom of Indian Ocean? I mean seriously, 5 terrorist leaders for a 777 and a deserter, sounds like a good deal to me maybe, maybe not?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: MrSpad
I guess hate groups should stop shooting people if they do not want attention. Oh wait the reason they so stupid stuff is because they think when the average american sees them on TV they will rise up and joing them instead the reality where they wonder why nobody did anything about them before it go this far.

I agree with you on the basic level that actual homegrown terrorists who actually threaten violence on people deserve whats coming to them. On the other hand tho, we have the government who has the ability to redefine who and what a terrorist is. All you have to do is disagree in an outlandish way and the president can now literally send a drone to your house or wherever you happen to be without any previous trial.

I havent posted in a while on this site because Ive been just sitting and watching the outlandish laws that have been passing and my mouth keeps dropping closer and closer to the floor day in and day out because of them. I have that strange ability of being able to ponder "What if?" whenever I see a law passed and I often am able to come up with a very negative consequence when the right people are involved with the decision making. Unfortunately to me, these recent steps the country has taken are starting to look like a huge tipping point on how "free" we will actually be. The fact that the left strives for a beautiful "Utopia" they all dream of but tend to ignore all the consequences of having a society like in the actual book "Utopia" just says to me that we are heading blindly down a path to our own doom and we have a smile on our face all the while.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Wrabbit2000
They need not wonder why we, the American people, are coming to question whether the Government is an enemy in itself.

We just watch them and return the favor. That's all.

For me there is little question Government is an enemy in the sense that it violates my sense of well-being. I.e., a threat (to civil liberites, life, etc.)...terrorism, if you will. The power of what Snowden did was not in exposing all the surveillance programs or showing how inept the security protecting what he stole was, it was in elucidating how the power dichotomy is clearly tipped in the Government's favor.

When everyone in a country is a potential suspect, the war on global terror has gone too far. Every move, be it the Bush or the Obama administrations (and let's be honest, they're pretty much the same) since 9/11 has been to concentrate and consolidate power: Patriot Act, NDAA, expansion/abuse of FISC/FISA, ACA, etc, etc. and now reconstituting this DOJ taks force.

When Holder says "We must also concern ourselves with the continued danger we face from individuals within our own borders who may be motivated by...anti-government animus" I can help but think 'no #, you all started it.
edit on 3-6-2014 by FatherStacks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:41 PM
US government by design is supposed to be representative. It's not. Threats like this just cause further alienation and invite the general population to rebel. It's actually pretty idiotic, and typical, for Holder.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: FatherStacks

I'll tell ya what I think it was. I recall the articles in the paper about it at the time too, and thinking to myself then... 'awww..crap..they're addicts now..'

Just after the towers fell, it came to be known that the Government had, under legitimate emergency powers, gone where no Uncle Sam had managed to just barge in before. The central hubs of the global financial transaction system. The credit card companies and the debit card processors. The 'Everythingica on Everyonica' who uses any plastic or check form of payment within our 21 century system.

That turned the casual user into the die hard junkie on the way to hitting bottom ..and they're still falling. I think UP TO that point, they had fought around the edges and from the outside in, where they could hook and crook access through court orders to those true nexus points of our modern system...or just hack it.

After that? They could just kick the front door to those places if they weren't followed after a nice request. That changed everything.

Absolute power absolutely corrupts and I very sincerely believe the saying I have in my signature. Words to live by, in every sense. In literally coming to pursue *ALL* the power in the world, by chasing *ALL* the information like a junkie or a bottoming gambler , they've become what they set out to fight and gone so far beyond it.

Sorry to to go on.. It's just an area I've come to feel strongly on too.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000

Even more distressing to me are the new things the feds think make you a terror suspect. Now, as a veteran, I am a possible terrorist.

Ten ridiculous things that make you a terror suspect

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: rockflier

We are on lists for sure,but if they attack us with the same skill as all the rest of the things they have executed it should be over quick, remember they only fight with politics.We want freedom.Which is more palatable to you?

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

You and I both know what our reaction would be and how we would handle any attempt to subvert our freedom. Salute

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