You did say questions,in the plural.
-Please ask Kerry if after all of her pioneering work and investigative learning,whether or not she has found one SINGULAR common thread that runs
through everything she has encountered in the TOTALITY of her varied subject matters.
-What does she make of it all,what is her personal perspective on the accumulation of knowledge she has spent so much time and effort ammassing to
-How do all the pieces come together? Or do they?
-Is our Universe a place of random action/reactions? Or is there a thread of continuity which exists that holds it all together.
-Is there more than one thread of continuity running through multiple realitys but still operating under the auspices of Mother Nature?
-Is the number of potential Human realitys we could experience as a Species limited directly by the exact number of Humans alive at that moment? Are
we no greater or less than the exact number of contributing souls,spirits,intentions or voices which are alive to contribute to our song?
-Are we really 6 Billion individual Universal Realitys co-existing,whithin the maelstrom of Humanitys emotional undulations?
-Are we really creating our cumulative reality as we go along,is it really up to us to find a way for every humans voice to be heard equally and in an
impactfull real-time manner,and is this the ONLY way for Humanity to realise its potentials?
-Has real-time Global communication been a natural skillset we have had removed from us?
-Were we once telepathic and has that ability been removed intentionally,causing us this eternal state of Hum anitarian unrest?
If we could read each others minds no one could lie and no one could take advantage of another,everyone would do only the things that truly make them
happy,because if they didnt they would be singing out a constant unhappy song,and everyone would hear and come to help.
-Does the Internet give us back this ability to find TRUTH? By giving us real-time Global communications potentially available to every human on earth
has the Internet made it possible for Humanity to EVOLVE in close to a natural format?
-Is the Internet a PLACEBO for the telepathic abilitys which lay dormant within us all and which have been shut off intentionally via DNA
-How does Kerry feel about an extrapolation that St.Germain was the catalysing factor behind the Internet? I had to throw a ringer in there.
My last question would be .... does Kerry feel that she has developed an overall intuitive sense of a Finite Timeline which our current Edition of
Humanitarian Global influence is working within?
edit on 1-6-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)