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Greg Palast Blows The Cover On Big Oil

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posted on May, 27 2014 @ 01:26 AM
Greg Palast, journalist & real life vigilante, joins the Governor for a two-part investigative interview that’s all about the scheming behind our country’s largest source of energy…OIL. Palast spills on the entire oil industry, unearthing shocking reports from BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster to revealing new allegations against the Koch Bros and their involvement in the Keystone Pipeline. Warning: for vigilant viewers only. What have you uncovered on Big Oil?

Both part 1 and part 2 of the full episode with Greg Palast is available on
edit on 27-5-2014 by OFFTHEGRID because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:10 AM
Gee, I would like to watch but I get tired of rehashing the same stuff everyone already knows.... I have yet to see anything ground breaking or new come out of this series.

I already know that red is red and black is black......

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 12:11 PM
The power of the "Grid" can not be Undone,,,you can not get off it ,,,Not with ten-thousand volts could you do this. It is folly,,,,it has no Master....

edit on 27-5-2014 by Misinformation because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Mamatus
Gee, I would like to watch but I get tired of rehashing the same stuff everyone already knows.... I have yet to see anything ground breaking or new come out of this series.

I already know that red is red and black is black......

And we already know it's the government making the huge money on oil.... And they don't even have to find it, drill for it, refine it or anything, just stick out their hand. But SHSSSH.... nobody knows that.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

Well.... Yes and no.
It is not the government which is getting a share of the money from BIG OIL.
It's those most honorable and trust worthy of men, the politicians.
I would bet a big part of a payday, not the candy bar, that most of the mineral royalties which are owed to the government for BIG OIL drilling of federal lands has not been paid for a long time. Their accountants likely show enough losses to get out of paying.
So rather than saying the federal govrnment is getting anything, replace the term gov. with politician.

Most of the time when I see a reply like the first one on this OP, I am compelled to check out "this same old thing" again and again. It's kind of like comfort food, you know.
I figure if some one is ready to jump out against something, I need to check it out to see what I maight be missing.
edit on 27-5-2014 by teamcommander because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: teamcommander
a reply to: MarlinGrace

Well.... Yes and no.
It is not the government which is getting a share of the money from BIG OIL.
It's those most honorable and trust worthy of men, the politicians.
I would bet a big part of a payday, not the candy bar, that most of the mineral royalties which are owed to the government for BIG OIL drilling of federal lands has not been paid for a long time. Their accountants likely show enough losses to get out of paying.
So rather than saying the federal govrnment is getting anything, replace the term gov. with politician.

Most of the time when I see a reply like the first one on this OP, I am compelled to check out "this same old thing" again and again. It's kind of like comfort food, you know.
I figure if some one is ready to jump out against something, I need to check it out to see what I maight be missing.

I would agree with what you're saying but let me add that in 2013 348 million gallons of gasoline were consumed every day on average 50 cents a gallon are paid in just sales tax, never mind the income tax paid, the permitting fees paid by big oil, and none of this included diesel fuel or home heating oil. I would say the government is doing pretty well for not having to find it, drill it, ship it, refine it, or pay income tax on it. Just stick out their hand and take it.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

I would agree with what you're saying but let me add that in 2013 348 million gallons of gasoline were consumed every day on average 50 cents a gallon are paid in just sales tax, never mind the income tax paid, the permitting fees paid by big oil, and none of this included diesel fuel or home heating oil. I would say the government is doing pretty well for not having to find it, drill it, ship it, refine it, or pay income tax on it. Just stick out their hand and take it.

Don't know where you got your numbers, but as of 1/1/2013 the fed. fuel tax on gas was 18.40 cents /gallon; the tax on diesel fuel was 24.80 cents /gallon.

I have never heard of a sales nor income tax charged toward any fuels; it could be, I have just never heard of it.
The point I am making is to point out the difference in who is "owed" the money and who "gets" the money.
The government is "supposed" to be providing works and services for "we the people", but the main recipients of the funds are the ones best connected to those who hand it out.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: teamcommander

Big money involved in State fuel taxes (incl sales tax)

Total US Fuel Taxes by State

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: teamcommander
a reply to: MarlinGrace

I would agree with what you're saying but let me add that in 2013 348 million gallons of gasoline were consumed every day on average 50 cents a gallon are paid in just sales tax, never mind the income tax paid, the permitting fees paid by big oil, and none of this included diesel fuel or home heating oil. I would say the government is doing pretty well for not having to find it, drill it, ship it, refine it, or pay income tax on it. Just stick out their hand and take it.

Don't know where you got your numbers, but as of 1/1/2013 the fed. fuel tax on gas was 18.40 cents /gallon; the tax on diesel fuel was 24.80 cents /gallon.

I have never heard of a sales nor income tax charged toward any fuels; it could be, I have just never heard of it.
The point I am making is to point out the difference in who is "owed" the money and who "gets" the money.
The government is "supposed" to be providing works and services for "we the people", but the main recipients of the funds are the ones best connected to those who hand it out.

Unless States are no longer considered government then yes, but if you add both on average it is 50 cents a gallon nationwide. "Supposed" would be correct we have pot holes cars can disappear in. Tax Chart

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