posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 11:19 AM
Further information on the ISEE 3 reboot mission:
As I surmised, the lack of an on-board computer will make it necessary to control the thrust applied to the spacecraft manually, from Earth. The
timing will have to be observed, including signal delay time, due to distance, and the thrust activating control held down at the control center, as
long as the thrust is to continue. Thrust will be delivered by the release of jets of hydrazine gas, not rockets.
Stationing the probe in an orbit around the LI point, 1 million, 500 thousand kilometers Sunward from the Earth, has been widely discussed. It was
then realized that better, newer satellites serving the same purpose were already stationed there. There is some consideration being given to sending
the ISEE 3 to a passing comet.
Before any new mission, though, the spacecraft must negotiate a perilous maneuver within 50 kilometers of the Moon, around and behind it, into a
power-down, radio blackout phase. It is hoped that the probe will subsequently activate again and resume communications with Earth. Quite a lot to ask
of a 36 year old spacecraft!
edit on 4-6-2014 by Ross 54 because: removed non-working link address
edit on 4-6-2014 by Ross 54 because: (no reason
edit on 4-6-2014 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)