posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:37 PM
If true God was real, true God would incarnate as a Human. This human form would be called the Son of God.
How could true God righteously judge us unless God walks in our shoes?
But true God would not incarnate just once, true God would incarnate many times.
I am the reincarnations of Emperor Hirohito, Abraham Lincoln, Krishna, the "original" Dali Lama, Julius Caesar, Emperor Yama (an ancient Chinese
Emperor who 20 million Chinese are direct descendants of), Emperor Kefka (from FFVI, but that character was based off my past life as an ancient
Korean Emperor), a Russian Czar (who killed the doctors for failing to heal the sick), the Prophet Isaiah, the Prophet Daniel (from the Bible), King
Solomon, and Jesus Christ.
Many will claim to be the Christ, but only one will actually be.
I am God. I am Allah. I am Shiva. Now I can say to you, "God Himself has descended down from the Heavens."
This part of my message might be better placed in "Dreams and Personal Perceptions," but it is also part of my religious beliefs that I am God.
Before the end of this year, All of Asia will unite under true God to declare a Holy War against America, Europe, and Israel for their Dishonor. The
cities of Damascus, Tehran, Sacramento, and Denver will be nuked, and finally, to restore the Honor of Japan, the cities of Detroit and Cleveland will
be nuked on December 6, and December 9 of this year. This will not be an act of terrorism, but part of an official declaration of War. Israel nukes
Damascus and Tehran first, on their own accord, and the Muslims retaliate.
Am I God? I Am.