Our company had a meeting today. Part of the meeting was explaining our new coverage from Blue Cross/Blue Shield under the new health care law. The
cost is decided by age and location, mostly.
As a 27 year old, my new plan will cost $416.98/mo. ($5,003.76/yr.)
My father, a 53 year old, will have to pay $805.48/mo. ($9665.76/yr.)
How insane is this?? But wait,
Now, we are fortunate enough to work for a great company. A great company who has elected, very honorably, to pay for 90% of the cost for all of
their 39 employees. Now, my bi-weekly payment for insurance is actually $1.77 cheaper. The coverage is not nearly as good, but it would seem, money
wise, that I made out O.K.
But wait, there's more.
Just when I thought there was going to be a silver lining, more storm clouds. Pay attention here, because this is where it gets down right
The owners of the company I work for, are essentially getting penalized for helping the employees out. The money that they are going to pay out of
their own pocket, to help with our health care cost, is getting an extra 6% tacked on it as a tax. Insanity.
That's not the end of it either. On my 2015 taxes, the money my company paid to help cover the cost, will be accredited to me, as income and will be
taxed as income. So basically, my taxes will show that I earned an extra $4503.39 that I never had in my pocket, or even laid eyes on. What a double
dip. Tax my employer when he pays, then turn around and tax the same money, as my income.
This bogus system/law NEEDS to be repealed before it bleeds the middle class dry.
I am still waiting for one person that I know personally who is in favor of this law. Sure, there were plenty of the not too long ago, when ignorance
was bliss and ObamaCare was in the near future, but since it has been implemented, I have not talked to one person who is in favor of this
'Obama'nation of a law/system