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Men Who Work Full-Time Earn Less Than 40 Years Ago

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posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: UUpentium
The term "middle class" was plucked right out of Marxism and any American who has read and understand the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights should reject that term outright.

What ever happened to "we the people"? Have we become so dumbed down and ignorant that we now accept being pigeon-holed into classes?

No, but apparently we have become so dumbed down that we choose emotive political baiting "Marxism" over objective observation?

The term "middle class" is first attested in James Bradshaw's 1745 pamphlet

Marx referred to the "Middle Class", but he wasn't the first or the last...does using that term make the user Marxist? If so then we should eliminate a very long list of words from the English Dictionary.

originally posted by: UUpentium

It is our fault that this has happen because we keep voting for the same politicians spouting the same political rhetoric that divides Americans up into classes and then pitting us against one another for their political advantage, power and gain.

Economic demographics exist whether we acknowledge that reality or not. There are in fact large segments of the society who are poor and they are getting poorer...there is a small segment of Society who are wealthy and they a getting wealthier at an accelerating between there is a shrinking number of people.

Call it what you will, but that is reality and has been for a long time...It seems crude and ignorant to shout "Marxism" when people observe that reality.

originally posted by: UUpentium

Republican and democrat are two sides of the same coin. A coin that is the currency of the ruling class which in and of itself is just a shade of Marxism. is Oligarchy...a return to the days of Monarchial rule...except instead of the Rulers declaring they are anointed by "god"...they are anointed by the "all mighty dollar".

originally posted by: UUpentium

And we the people blindly accept being pawns in the game played on us by the ruling class to keep us divided and at each others throats

Confused...the ruling class is dividing the ruling class from the middle class?

originally posted by: UUpentium

The time is now to start voting for a small and limited government that does not exceed it's Constitutional limits. It is because our government has exceed its Constitutional limits that we are where we are today.

I am all for smaller, efficient, government...but I think a dramatically less corrupt government should be the priority...hell dictatorships are pretty "small" governments. Bloat often is a result of corruption...I'd say solving money in politics would be the priority and likely solve much of the bloat as well. A government no larger than is necessary to get the people's will done vs. the thousands of pages of special exemptions and loop holes in the tax code for various flavors of the wealthy elite.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: stormson

If you people had read my earlier posting in the General Conspiracies forum entitled, For the Rich to Become Super Rich, White Males Have to be Eliminated from the Job Market, then you would know how equal opportunity employment and equal pay laws equalize wages in the downward direction ONLY.

You would also appreciate how equal employment opportunity has morphed into a conspiracy of unspoken collusion among all equal opportunity employers.

Read that thread in its entirety.

Thank you.


posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

I agree with what you say..

I think that if you want to make more money you should find a job that gets you more money.. But i do believe inflation has a really big impact on what we buy..

But giving the min wage a hike didn't help I think.. Because there is really nothing backing it up.. I make 7.25 an hr.. I think for what i do is fine.. Making 15 bucks an hr.. Maybe I should have graduated high school or went to college... See what I mean?

Plus what about those people all making 15 an hr now.. who have been at places for yrs? You think their wages will go up?
edit on 5/2/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: ThichHeaded
a reply to: Aazadan

I agree with what you say..

I think that if you want to make more money you should find a job that gets you more money.. But i do believe inflation has a really big impact on what we buy..

But giving the min wage a hike didn't help I think.. Because there is really nothing backing it up.. I make 7.25 an hr.. I think for what i do is fine.. Making 15 bucks an hr.. Maybe I should have graduated high school or went to college... See what I mean?

Plus what about those people all making 15 an hr now.. who have been at places for yrs? You think their wages will go up?

Inflation does have a big impact, it's not just the minimum wage that was part of my entire point. ALL wages except for those in the top 5% or so have been on a decline for 35 years. The purchasing power of a median income person today, which should be definition be middle class, is the same as a minimum wage burger flippers in 1967.

Even if a person is flipping burgers for a living, a 40 hour a week job (or whatever the work week is defined as) should pay enough to keep a roof over their head, pay for their food, and keep them off of government assistance.

Giving the minimum wage a small bump every few years essentially does nothing if you're results oriented. It does generate a lot of political leverage both for and against the vote however, and is one of the things worthless politicians campaign on. Wages have eroded at a slow and steady rate of about 3.5% per year, however because of inflation this number is hidden. The government doesn't even tell you because the CPI is part of the lie.

As for the people making $15/hour now? Who cares? The minimum wage going up doesn't negatively impact them. Just because one person gets something doesn't mean someone else who doesn't get something is put at a disadvantage. Though if other nations are anything to go by, those people generally see an increase to their wages eventually as well, though it's of a lower amount.

Btw, did you know a HS dropout working at McDonalds used to be able to buy a house and raise a family on a single minimum wage income?

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:35 AM
Keep letting more immigrants in then what do you exspect.

Supply and demand of the market and it's clear that we now have a over supply and when it suites them then we will see race wars created by the very same people that are letting them in just now.

Look at how the British ran India if you want to understand how a minority is used to control the majority.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: ThichHeaded

I just did some math. If I had no overhead at all, and made my average weekly pay from when business was booming, it would take a little over 4 years to save to buy a brand new car. That is just something simple like a ford, not a BMW or lexus.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan
Btw, did you know a HS dropout working at McDonalds used to be able to buy a house and raise a family on a single minimum wage income?

Ya I did I am 40..

The thing wit the money is because they are throwing to much into the system (Fed) It is getting watered down.. So the dollar we have today isnt the same as it was 10 yrs ago..

Min wage does effect people in a way like i said, those people making 15 dollars and hr by staying with a company for a few yrs so they can make 15 bucks an hr will be making them min wage workers what is what they didnt want in the 1st place.. Therefor it will piss alot of people off you know.. Why tf are you going to stay with a place that you used to get way more than min wage and now making min wage... Those people are going to go look for better money cause we all know how awesome it is making min wage..

after a yr of work 40 hrs a week after taxes I will bring it about 12g... about 992 a month.. about 229 a week.. Ya... That really isnt enough to do anything anymore.. after gas cigs for the week im broke..

But 14.50 on 2 people isnt much better.. only lets us pay a few more things.. rent, electric, internet, gas and cigs.. so no real way to save.. and barely food.


If min wage goes up we are all going to see it in prices also..
gas will climb, cigs will climb, and food will climb.. it will be soon after.. just like before.

a reply to: TKDRL

meanwhile back in the day a new 64 and a half mustang cost about 2500 bucks.
edit on 5/3/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: benrl

ben guess what I for one choose to break free of the system. I retire in 2-5 years and im going to pull a 7 figure income by that time. and my wife and I will only be 35! so screw the system!!!!

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: VirusGuard
Keep letting more immigrants in then what do you exspect.

Supply and demand of the market and it's clear that we now have a over supply and when it suites them then we will see race wars created by the very same people that are letting them in just now.

Look at how the British ran India if you want to understand how a minority is used to control the majority.

if a person with no papers, no training, an eighth grade education (which is all that is mandatory in mexico), and cant speak english can take your job, you have bigger issues.
edit on 3-5-2014 by stormson because: addition

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