Pharmaceutical giants of the world have become the primary stewards of human health by virtue of the magnitude of capital/resource allocation alone.
The corporate formula is a simple one of "rational self interest". It is a proven model for profit and enrichment of a few people and a source of high
paying jobs for many, but is it even possible for this model to work for the benefit of human health? Is it possible that we've all been duped by
perverted science, advertising and PR? All perfectly legal of course.
I think any reasonable person can see the potential for conflict of interest but how do reasonable, inquisitive people form an opinion regarding the
effectiveness of this "health for profit" model? Pharma is spending twice as much on self promotion than R&D.
link to source. That is a clear example of the model inverting and doing the
opposite of what it should do. It doesn't stop there.
What if disease cures are available today but they can't be patented? There is no profit motive, therefore, the opportunity will not be explored.
Link to financial orphan therapies]Link to source material
on Financial orphans.
What if eating the right food eliminates 95% of all modern disease? How would we even find out? Pharma and mainstream medical science has a strong
tendency to treat symptoms due to the profit potential.
There are clear examples of how the health for profit model is inverted for all to judge on their own. Vaccines are another massive profit center for
Pharma and it seems they are keenly interested in stopping scientific exploration and free distribution of scientific data. Could this be another
clear case of model inversion? They said Thimersol was safe until declaring it unsafe. There are other examples.
Looking ahead. where is this trend heading?
America today 7/10 of citizens take at least one prescription medication.. Clearly we are heading towards everyone taking at least 1
prescription. That must be the sales target right? Can this be justified by science? If Pharma sponsors the study it can.
Finally, a cautionary note. There is nothing preventing a Pharma company from intentionally releasing drugs with side effects that can be treated with
more drugs. Statins and viagra are one example. Is this part of the marketing plan? No one would be that sinister right? But it's not one person or 10
or even 100 people.
It's a corporate machine making the decision with some very simple rules to follow. Please educate yourself and make your own judgement.
Good health to you.
edit on 24-4-2014 by InverseLookingGlass because: shpelling