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Malaysia Airlines MH192 bound for Bangalore has turned back & is trying to land at KLIA.

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posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:11 PM

PzFeed Top News
UPDATE: MH192 seen in holding pattern as it tries to land in Kuala Lumpur after turnback (pic: @flightradar24)

Malaysia Airlines MH192 bound for Bangalore has turned back & is trying to land at KLIA.

Could be nothing but obviously with the other story it's worth posting..

Will follow up.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:17 PM
Not much to this update

PzFeed Top News
UPDATE: Malaysia Airlines flight MH192 from Kuala Lumpur to Bangalore is holding after take off. Via @flightradar24

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:25 PM
I was only able to find info on lunatic outpost. Apparently CBS reported it is in a holding pattern over the airport. Blew a tire on take off and landing gear won't come down. Trying to burn fuel.

Unable to find the link again. Maybe someone else can.

edit on 20-4-2014 by liveandlearn because: spelling
edit on 20-4-2014 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:37 PM

Looks like a holding pattern waiting to land...

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:54 PM

MEDIA STATEMENT released at 1.35am/21 Apr 2014 MH192 Incident Sepang, 21 April 2014:

Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH192 that departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at 10.09pm bound for Bangalore has made an air turn back towards Kuala Lumpur. The aircraft’s right-hand landing gear malfunctioned upon takeoff and is expected to make an emergency landing at KLIA at around 2.00am, today.

Flight MH192, operated on the B737-800 aircraft, was scheduled to arrive in Bangalore at 11.35pm the same day. The flight was carrying a total number of 166 people on board which include 159 passengers and 07 crew members.

Malaysia Airlines is currently working with the Airport Fire Rescue Services (AFRS) in anticipation of the landing. The airline will provide regular updates on the situation.

malaysia air facebook page

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

That's not a good situation in a plane that size. Hopefully they can get an alternate extension method to work.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:11 PM

MH192 UPDATE: Malaysia Airlines Boeing landed safely at Kuala Lumpur Airport

All good

Source: Twitter @RT_com
edit on 20-4-2014 by zilebeliveunknown because: source added

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

Always good to hear.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

Always good to hear.

The last thing they need right now is another airline disaster.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

Yeah really. I wonder if this is gonna turn out to be another maintenance failure. They don't have the best history in some parts of Asia with maintenance.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

Thanks for the update. Finally something good to report.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:28 PM
Time to give all my friends at ATS, and the citizens of the world some SAGE ADVICE. You ready? Take notes.

*** Please avoid ALL malaysian airlines ***

that is all, goodbye

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58
You're the expert in this field Zap on ATS.
Waiting for your insights on the matter...

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

Most likely a tire blew on take off. That tends to mess up the landing gear. That's why I say I wonder if it was a maintenance failure. They might have left the tire on too long, and it wore through and blew on take off.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58
Gee, they were lucky.
Those birds are really fragile things if they don't get proper maintanance.

What's the average life span of tyres on these Boeing planes, or how frequently they change them?

edit on 20-4-2014 by zilebeliveunknown because: typo

edit on 20-4-2014 by zilebeliveunknown because: added question

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

They can go awhile if they're maintained right. It depends on several factors, but they can get changed a couple times a year.

The biggest factor is the length of flight. In this case, the 737-800 can be used on medium haul flights, which means fewer landings than a short haul flight, but more than a long haul flight. In cases like Hawaii, where the longest flights are 45 minutes, you can change them a lot more often than a mainland airline that flies the same plane on flights lasting several hours.
edit on 4/20/2014 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: zilebeliveunknown

They can go awhile if they're maintained right. It depends on several factors, but they can get changed a couple times a year.

The biggest factor is the length of flight. In this case, the 737-800 can be used on medium haul flights, which means fewer landings than a short haul flight, but more than a long haul flight. In cases like Hawaii, where the longest flights are 45 minutes, you can change them a lot more often than a mainland airline that flies the same plane on flights lasting several hours.

It's those remoulds again
But seriously, a blown tire causing a fire was one of the theories about MH370.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: smurfy

It's brought down planes in the past. There's one I can think of off the top of my head, the right main brake locked up on taxi. The tire blew on take off, and caught fire in the wheel well. It burned through the well, and into the hydraulic system and the crashed trying to come back to the airport, killing everyone on board.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: liveandlearn

That's not a good situation in a plane that size. Hopefully they can get an alternate extension method to work.

What are their odds of that succeeding Zaphod58?
Edit:The very next reply said they landed safely thank goodness.So I guess their odds were pretty good,huh?

edit on CDTSunpm0261 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: TDawg61

It all depends on what level we're talking about. A flat tire, and there's a chance that the wheel will dig into the runway, and spin them, straining the strut, and dropping them on the wing (notice I say chance, that's worst case scenario). If the gear wouldn't come down, and they try to land with one main down, and one retracted, there's a chance (again worst case scenario) the wing digs in, and they cartwheel. Come in with gear up, and there's a chance they hit the tail and that causes the nose to slam down, breaking the back or doing more damage.

All I've heard on this one is there was a problem with the right main, not the level of what the problem was.

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