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A Threat to American Democracy

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posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 05:53 PM
If any ATS members have ever wondered what a true humanist and statesman looks like....I give to you the Honourable Bernie Sanders is 22 mins of pure truth.

He lays out the obscene inequality of wealth in the US that is literally killing democratic process...decimating the middle class and driving more Americans into poverty than at ANY TIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY.

Bernie says it far better than I ever could...I urge you all to watch.

In a better world....Bernie Sanders, or someone like him...would be POTUS.

But given the recent supreme court decision to remove the max amounts that corporations, banks and the wealthy can donate to politicians...that looks less likely than it ever has.

Enjoy...I know I did.

edit on 17America/Chicagopm172014-04-17T18:02:29-05:00pmThursday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 05:56 PM

edit on Thu 17 Apr 2014 by The Vagabond because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:03 PM
That's what happens when u keep calling America a Democracy. It empowers the wealthy to vote themselves some more advantages.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: amfirst1

There is nothing wrong with a democracy per se...but it confers a huge responsibility on the citizens to remain constantly vigilant of what their government is doing.

Politicians MUST BE held accountable for the decisions they make...face it, the American people allowed this to happen.

If they want their Republic back....they are going to have to fight for it.

edit on 17America/Chicagopm172014-04-17T18:10:59-05:00pmThursday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: deadcalm
a reply to: amfirst1

There is nothing wrong with a democracy per se...but it confers a huge responsibility on the citizens to remain constantly vigilant of what their government is doing.

Politicians MUST BE hel;d accountable for the decisions they make...face it, the American people allowed this to happen.

If they want their Republic back....they are going to have to fight for it.

Your absolutely right!

But it appears that those whom are trying to be vigilant are being painted as "Domestic Terrorists"! The game of the two party system is about over. The American voter has been playing the game too long and with the internet, they are realizing that the system has been taking advantage of them!

Think about the election cycles and how "THEY" play us! When one party is in charge they make the rules, the public starts to see how "THEIR" rules are infringing on their way of life. So up come the next election cycle. The people speak out by voting in the "OTHER" party. This crap has been ongoing and playing over and over again like a broken record!

Just when the hell does becoming "vigilant" come into to play? Especially when doing so makes you a target of Homeland Security?

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:22 PM
LOL Bernie Sanders harping about his perceptions of obvious failures and casting a grand illusion that Democrats will somehow save the day (again) just like they did(?) when they had control of Congress from 2007 thru 2010.

He is campaigning for Democrats.

And the 10.10 minimum wage won't fix what he is shouting and ranting and stomping about !!

What a ruse eh.

Yes he mentions the Koch Brothers again and not Soros !!!!

[ rubber stamp final ] Red Herring

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:22 PM

Just when the hell does becoming "vigilant" come into to play? Especially when doing so makes you a target of Homeland Security?
a reply to: seeker1963

The American people failed in their part of the bargain by NOT being vigilant and allowing a bunch of criminals to take over the political process.

Homeland Security...the CIA/NSA, the NDAA, the Patriot Act are all symptoms of a dying representative government.

The blame needs to be squarely placed at the feet of those responsible....THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The criminals and liars infesting Wshington are only doing what they do because the American people ALLOW IT.

I swear to you I can't wait till the American people wake up from the daze they are in and once again realize that THEY HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT.

Do nothing....feel sorry for yourselves because the problem seems too big....and you are surely lost.

If you fight may end up with a far better country than you ever thought possible.

What choice are you gonna make?

edit on 17America/Chicagopm172014-04-17T18:43:47-05:00pmThursday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:25 PM

Homeland Security...the CIA/NSA, the NDAA, the Patriot Act are all symptoms of a dying representative government.

The blame needs to be squarely placed at the feet of those responsible....THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The criminals and liars infesting Wshington are only doing what they do because the American people ALLOW IT.

Wait whats on American Idol tonight?


ya so what about a democracy.. What was that one line in the Pledge of Allegiance?

Right unto the republic.. ya..
edit on 4/17/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: deadcalm

Just when the hell does becoming "vigilant" come into to play? Especially when doing so makes you a target of Homeland Security?
a reply to: seeker1963

The American people failed in their part of the bargain by NOT being vigilant and allowing a bunch of criminals to take over the political process.

Homeland Security...the CIA/NSA, the NDAA, the Patriot Act are all symptoms of a dying representative government.

The blame needs to be squarely placed at the feet of those responsible....THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The criminals and liars infesting Wshington are only doing what they do because the American people ALLOW IT.

I swear to you I can't wait till the American people wake up from the daze they are in and once again realize that THEY HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT.

Don nothing....feel sorry for yourselves because the problem seems too big....and you are surely lost.

If you fight may end up with a far better country than you ever thought possible.

What choice are you gonna make?

The Police State is already in place!

Look at the responses from the government sympathizers in reference to the Bundy situation!

Believe it or not, America may appear dead for the moment, but wait until the next "shot heard around the world" is fired!

Voting in more criminals will NEVER change the corrupt system we currently have in charge and sadly, even IF the American people DEMANDED the removal of the Oligarchy do you really think they will step down?

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:31 PM

LOL Bernie Sanders harping about his perceptions of obvious failures
a reply to: xuenchen

Bernie is pointing out indisputable facts, simply stating the truth...the failure is on the part of the American people to remain aware and informed. Don't shoot the messenger....

casting a grand illusion that Democrats will somehow save the day

Don't fall for the left/ right fallacy that just further seeks to divide the American people.

And the 10.10 minimum wage won't fix what he is shouting and ranting and stomping about !! should be much higher. A living wage in the US is minimum $15 per hour.

Yes he mentions the Koch Brothers again and not Soros !!!!

Is that really all you can do...attack the messenger? It doesn't make anything he said any less valid. He merely used them as an example. Rise above the pettiness....focus on the POINT HE WAS TRYING TO MAKE!!!!

You are a prime example of why the US is in the state it is....nothing constructive to add...nothing but derision and a whole lot of talk...but you have said NOTHING.

edit on 17America/Chicagopm172014-04-17T18:41:05-05:00pmThursday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:38 PM

Voting in more criminals will NEVER change the corrupt system we currently have in charge and sadly, even IF the American people DEMANDED the removal of the Oligarchy do you really think they will step down?
a reply to: seeker1963

Thats a defeatist attitude...and well you should know it.

If you all work together....they cannot simply ignore you. If they do more drastic measures may be required. Mass civil disobedience....get 20 million freedom minded Americans to peacefully surround the White House and refuse to leave until their CLEARLY STATED demands are met. The moment they crack down or kill someone...they will have lost the support of even the most ardent government supporters.

As Americans are so fond of saying..."Freedom isn't free". It may cost you something. Power never gives up power willingly.

What other choice do you have? Are you willing to live in a police state as a slave? Do you want that for your children?

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:39 PM

Right unto the republic.. ya..
a reply to: ThichHeaded

You can whine about the Republic all you want....thats been co-opted by the rich as well as your democratic process.

For all thats good and decent...grow a pair and quit acting like defeated sheep.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:41 PM
Wow you took my post 1st part seriously.. Interesting you...
Should study the members you associate with..

BTW my sig screams sheep..

::EDIT:: Come to think of it, everything you see about me on the screen here screams HE IS A SHEEP!!!
edit on 4/17/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: deadcalm

Voting in more criminals will NEVER change the corrupt system we currently have in charge and sadly, even IF the American people DEMANDED the removal of the Oligarchy do you really think they will step down?
a reply to: seeker1963

Thats a defeatist attitude...and well you should know it.

If you all work together....they cannot simply ignore you. If they do more drastic measures may be required. Mass civil disobedience....get 20 million freedom minded Americans to peacefully surround the White House and refuse to leave until their CLEARLY STATED demands are met. The moment they crack down or kill someone...they will have lost the support of even the most ardent government supporters.

As Americans are so fond of saying..."Freedom isn't free". It may cost you something. Power never gives up power willingly.

What other choice do you have? Are you willing to live in a police state as a slave? Do you want that for your children?

What is defeatist about telling the truth as to the current situation?

BTW, I am getting you aren't even from the US?

So are you trying to get someone dumb enough to say, "The only way we can take our country back is by an armed revolt!"?

Sorry! Game over! I am not going to entertain your sick little game anymore.....
edit on 17-4-2014 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: deadcalm

No Left/Right yes, yet Sanders is a full barrel Left Winger.

And it's hard to say anything when responding to Sanders obvious campaigning.

And yes attacking the "messenger" Sanders after he attacks based on political affiliation.

Sanders is *Not* the genuine article as he would have us think.


Alinsky tactics in play. Two can play at that little game Bernie 'ol boy.

Exposing the real agenda is paramount isn't it.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Ya I think you are right..
Just his attitude on the comments I see what you are saying.. And him not being from the US wtf does he care..
Nobody in their right mind would ever say that.. At least I hope so...

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:08 PM

BTW, I am getting you aren't even from the US?
a reply to: seeker1963

Nope...I'm not. I'm a Canadian. As your neighbor...and ally....if freedom dies in the country won't be far behind. The ties that bind us are tight. If things go south...we can't help but be affected by it.

Like many Canadians...we love the American people...I have good friends from all over the States...two of my best friends married American women. We have always envied your proud, patriotic "we can do anything" attitude. Sadly...we have watched your once great nation turn into something we can scarcely recognize. If I didn't care I wouldn't try. It would be a lot easier not to.

So are you trying to get someone dumb enough to say, "The only way we can take are country back is by an armed revolt!"?

I'm not saying any such thing. I realize though, that the longer your country waits to rise up and do something...the harder and more costly it will be to regain control of your brand new police state.

As for armed revolt..."when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail".

I suggest massive PEACEFUL civil disobedience. Leave the gats at home. Force the government to do the only thing they know how....and that is use heavy handed tactics to quell what they see as domestic terrorism. Expose them for the tyrants they are. Do that....and the people will realize what they are up against....and more will be drawn to the cause. Get INVOLVED....there is no more time to waste.

Sorry! Game over! I am not going to entertain your sick little game anymore.....

All you have are assumptions based on no facts....SEE ABOVE.

edit on 17America/Chicagopm172014-04-17T20:09:21-05:00pmThursday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: deadcalm

Is Tonga in Canada????


What did Occupy Wallstreet accomplish!

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:12 PM

And yes attacking the "messenger" Sanders after he attacks based on political affiliation.
a reply to: xuenchen

Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat or a Republican....

Bernie Sanders was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006 after serving 16 years in the House of Representatives. He is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history.


posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Is Tonga in Canada????

Your powers of observation serve you well....but tell it not possible that a Canadian could be LIVING in Tonga at present? Mores the pity I have to go home soon....I hate the cold.

We do travel you know.

What did Occupy Wallstreet accomplish!

It made many people aware that a problem existed...woke a lot of people up...but it was just a have a lot more to do.

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