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Titanic Survivor's Revealing Letter Sparks a Stir With History Lovers

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posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:11 PM
I did a search, but didn't see this has been shared, so for all you history lovers, I'm putting this up. I didn't see a forum for history, so I stuck it in general chit chat. If the MODs can move it to a more appropriate area, please do so.

I found this article regarding a 9 page letter from a French survivor of the Titanic, Rose Amélie Icard. Her letter contains eyewitness details of the disaster. It is causing a stir among History lovers.
Icard was rescued with her employer, Martha Evelyn Stone, in a lifeboat. In 1955, at the age of 83, she wrote a nine-page memoir.
The translation reads, in part:

By miracle Mrs. Stone and I found each other in the same boat, where we were about 30 people. The officer told us ‘Row hard, you only have twenty-five minutes to save your life.’ I took the oars and rowed with so much energy that I had bloody hands and paralyzed wrists because we had to be quick to escape the immense abyss that the Titanic was going to open while sinking. It is at that time that I noticed that someone was crouched under me. I did not have the strength to reveal his presence. I have never known who [were] the men who saved his life that way. While we were moving away on the nearly calm sea, only slightly lit by the lantern that the officer was holding, I did not keep my eyes off the [Titanic’s] blazing lights. Suddenly complete and impenetrable obscurity, horrible screams, shouting broke in the midst of creaks from the ship, then it was all. I sometimes still dream about it.”

Here is the first page:

If some of you nice French members could translate the rest of the letter for us, it would be great!
I'm curious as to what the rest of it says.

Read the remaining pages here:

Delgado, a 29-year-old U.S. Marine based in Florida who also owns Icard’s passport, purchased the letters at a 2012 Titanic online auction. The $6,300 sale was confirmed for Yahoo Shine on Wednesday by RR Auction house spokesperson Bobby Livingston, who says the letters were sold fully translated. However, Delgado explains, when he recently took the pages out of their packaging to finally get them framed and hung, he saw that the auction house neglected to include the English version. “I could have easily called the auction house,” he admits. “But I was on Reddit and decided to just try it that way. I thought other people would appreciate it and enjoy it.”

For those who may not know, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, has a Titanic Museum.
The Titanic Museum is a two-story museum shaped like the RMS Titanic. It opened on April 8, 2010. It is built half-scale to the original ship.
I've spoken to many people who have visited it, and they all said it was fantastic!
This place is just "over the mountain" from me, but I haven't been there yet. I have it on my list, though, just as soon as time and money allows.

edit on 3/28/2014 by sled735 because: add link

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:18 PM
I can't even imagine the horror of all those people who were about to lose theirs lives and those escaping and witnessing it.
Such a tragic event.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Same here.
I hope someone who can translate the letter will be so kind to oblige us. I'd love to know the rest of her story.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:32 PM
Amazing find Sled. I have been fascinated with the Titanic as long as I can remember. I have visited the graves at the cemetery in Halifax,Nova Scotia...and I can say with all honesty that nothing prepares you for the emotions you feel as you read the headstones. Some simply read a number,no name. I also saw some of the salvaged items at the local museum and have a photo of me beside the only deck chair from the ship in the world. I would love to know the rest of the letter translation. I'm sure someone here can do it.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by sled735

Great Post,

I thought you may like to see a few pics of the Titanic Experience in Belfast. Unfortunately no photography was allowed inside

It was a cold day and kinda suited the mood for the tour.

This is the actual launching spot

I grew up in Belfast and my great grandfather worked on the Titanic and others. Some great stories were told



edit on 28-3-2014 by Spiro because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by sled735

Wow I want to know more!
Page 2 if somebody can translate it PLEASE!!!

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:43 PM
A lasting monument to the ill fortuned idea that some things are too big to fail.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:59 PM
I wonder what she can possibly have written that is revealing .......other than the personal horror of the moment.....
Who was the employer and what was she doing on the ship?
There are a lot of sub plots that will never be known to this story......

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by stirling

that is something, to see a first hand account of what happened....I heard that at the usa memorial museum you can touch a spot on the wall and the temp is what it was on the ship that night....

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by stirling

Those questions are answered in the source link.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by sled735

here is a link with the transcribed pages

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:21 PM
double post
edit on 28-3-2014 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Spiro

Thank you for the pics. Interesting architecture.

You can see the one I spoke of by doing a google search.

I'm off to get my hair cut. See you all back here soon.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:23 PM

reply to post by sled735

here is a link with the transcribed pages

OMG!!! Thank you!!

And right as I'm about to walk out the door! I'll check these out when I get back.

edit on 3/28/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

I'm trying. The cursive along with the need to translate is making it a pain. Doing my best but ?'s are where I cannot identify the word.

Here's my best shot at it:

Back in Europe, after passing through Paris and London, we embarked on the Titanic on April 10, 1912.

It was Mrs. Stone, who purchased the tickets in London and told me, ?, that we would embark on the very beautiful ?.

The preceding(?) nights, I dreamt of death, of trunks ?, a presentiment (ie. foresight, warning, omen) perhaps, that I should not have chosen the Titanic.

Captain Smith, through his appointment designated by the White Star Line, was to drive this floating palace on its first voyage. (tough one, someone might do better lol). I can still see his ? (vicillard?) beautiful white beard.

It was him who helped me onto the the boat of ?.

After four days of ? ephemeral and splendid transatlantic and the writing/translation combo gets to brutal to read. It seems like she's possibly talking about the trip in those few days. Very ceremonial dinners of a truly royal nature? Something like that. She says something about diamond, worthy of ? Oriental. Basically, really fancy. The writing is just too cramped for me to translate.

Sorry, I tried.

reply to post by sled735

Sigh, lol, I should've just expected Reddit.

edit on 28/3/14 by WhiteAlice because: added second reply

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:46 PM
In the above transcription the most inportant page is missing, number 3 (unless I missed it) : In which she says that on the Sunday, the french boat "Le Touraine" signaled to the titanic to watch out for the Icebergs, But the President of white star line, Bruce Ismay (a survivor I think ?) said there is nothing to worry about and that the titanic was insubmersible. This happened when the were close to Terre Neuve Island (Ile de terre neuve)

Otherwise the reddit translation is quite ok.
edit on 28-3-2014 by WeSbO because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:03 PM

reply to post by VoidHawk

I'm trying. The cursive along with the need to translate is making it a pain. Doing my best but ?'s are where I cannot identify the word.

Here's my best shot at it:

Back in Europe, after passing through Paris and London, we embarked on the Titanic on April 10, 1912.

It was Mrs. Stone, who purchased the tickets in London and told me, ?, that we would embark on the very beautiful ?.

The preceding(?) nights, I dreamt of death, of trunks ?, a presentiment (ie. foresight, warning, omen) perhaps, that I should not have chosen the Titanic.

Captain Smith, through his appointment designated by the White Star Line, was to drive this floating palace on its first voyage. (tough one, someone might do better lol). I can still see his ? (vicillard?) beautiful white beard.

It was him who helped me onto the the boat of ?.

After four days of ? ephemeral and splendid transatlantic and the writing/translation combo gets to brutal to read. It seems like she's possibly talking about the trip in those few days. Very ceremonial dinners of a truly royal nature? Something like that. She says something about diamond, worthy of ? Oriental. Basically, really fancy. The writing is just too cramped for me to translate.

Sorry, I tried.

reply to post by sled735

Sigh, lol, I should've just expected Reddit.

editby]edit on 28/3/14 by WhiteAlice because: added second reply

Thanks for trying

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by WeSbO

That's what I get from Page 3 as well in that section:

The French boat, "Le Touraine", I believe, had signaled "warning." Icebergs. But the President, Bruce Ismay had affirmed that nothing would happen, that the Titanic was unsinkable. The last evening was very special (a very special moment?): concert, ball, rejoicing.

He couldn't banish my confusion, anxiety, always tormented. (That he could not?)

I didn't change my clothes. I had no ? (makeup?) while around me ladies were vying for elegance.

So despite the other boat's warning, Ismay said there was nothing to worry about and everybody pretty much partied. Our writer seemed to stay concerned, probably due to her dreams, sense of omen, and probably felt like she stood out like a sore thumb.
edit on 28/3/14 by WhiteAlice because: I apparently can't write in english now. XD

edit on 28/3/14 by WhiteAlice because: added a bit more.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Spiro

Thanks for sharing these!

Did your grandfather, by any chance, talk of the Titanic/Olympic switcheroo conspiracy?

edit on 28-3-2014 by slowisfast because: sp

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by research100

Thanks for linking that. From the conversation that followed:

The worst of human nature often brings out the best in short order. 20 men murdered thousands on 9/11, but hundreds more charged into certain death on the off chance they could help a stranger. Millions perished in the Holocaust, yet there were those who risked their's and their families' lives to smuggle those selected for death to safety. And when an arrogant boast of man's domination of nature was quashed in the North Atlantic, those willing to forfeit their lives so others may live were present, still.

This is a redditor tht I wish we had at ATS.

Consider the stories she told. About the altruism displayed by billionaires. Sure, the social class distinction among the survivors is marked. But the gender and age distinction is even more so. Chivalry and human altruism broke through selfish trappings of wealth.

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