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After Ego Death, Then What?

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posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:10 AM
After experiencing the death of your ego what is the next step? With desire to manifest then what becomes of your life? What is direction?

I don't understand whats suppose to come after ego death, just exist?

Is anyone else experiencing this?

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by onequestion

I find that the best course of action after is the spreading of love. Not just by hugs and kisses and whatnot, but by teaching, showing compassion, doing good deeds, and manifesting (I.E. creating) things that can contribute in some way to the bettering of the whole of mankind, not just yourself, or to a certain crowd. While that sounds hard to do, if you go into it with the mindset of not pandering to certain people the forces will work it out.

Just what I have learned from my own experience. Take it as you will.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:30 AM

After experiencing the death of your ego what is the next step? With desire to manifest then what becomes of your life? What is direction?

I don't understand whats suppose to come after ego death, just exist?

Is anyone else experiencing this?

After ego death, ok. All I know is I have been helping people for years build/fix houses, fix their cars, fix their computers and almost anything else you can think of including showing non-profits how to actually make money (and they use my suggestions and they do make good money) and I have never been paid for that "helping out spreading the love" stuff. So I guess after ego death, Zen Idiot arises or maybe my karmic dance card is up in the black now LOL.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by onequestion
I dont believe the ego ever dies i think we just master it instead of serve it

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:49 AM
ego death=blowing your own horn......loud.
edit on 26-3-2014 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by onequestion

according to beliefs in Hinduism, when you loose the sense of self (or the ego) you become a part of single entity which is the entire creation. It is said that one perceives the creation as different names and forms and of duality as you and I, like and dislike, dark and light etc etc due to ignorance and when this duality vanishes there is only singularity of the famous philosophy of advaita( one without a second) and then of course you still live but with a vision that makes you see as all creation as god !!

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by onequestion

good question. after ego death your free from the expectations of others it might not feel like that right away though. when it happened to me there was a depressing void for a while until you figure out what you want to do but i was also super isolated and didnt have to deal with other peoples ego. with me whenever that happens i seek information or look for signs for what to do next. try doing something you really enjoy and see where it leads you. its easier to pursue your true interest and notice sychronicitys and signs when ego is not involved. and if you lack patience while waiting for something to happen then try not keeping up with time unless you absolutely have to and focus on the present moment. before i started going to college classes i literally went through a week of external time while my internal clock only experienced 2 or 3 days. now i practically measure time in walking dead episodes.

i actually have really good experience with altering my perception and materialization and remember going through ego death. btw just because your conscious of the effects ego has doesn't mean you absolutely have to stop using it. just like everything else in existence there are good and bad uses of ego.

and i know its sucks to even mention ascension on ats but this is how i kept track of what my goals were spiritually
this and youtube videos

while it contains a lot of new age stuff it gave me a sense of direction.
edit on 26-3-2014 by duesprimusvictorimmortali because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by onequestion

Before enlightenment the process is chop wood and fetch water!

After enlightenment the process is chop wood and fetch water!

Your needs do not change!

Your reality does not change!

You change your attitude and your WAY through the world changes as a result!

God is so big and varied that there is a place for literally a PROPER place for everything including you!

You simply will fall to the lowest energy state you naturally possess after ego death and this is why it is important to raise ones energy as high as one can before enlightening!

After the mask of ego falls away and you KNOW WHO AND WHAT you really are the choices one is faced with can not be discussed in any materialistic sense of the matter as they transcend this lower dimension!

But to get a glimpse of what it may be like is to just go with hermetic laws of "As above, So below!" and you won't be too far wrong!

Therefor before enlightenment the process is chop wood and fetch water and after enlightenment the process is chop wood and fetch water.

Remember that and you will go far quickly and accurately!


posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by onequestion

without an 'ego' there is no sense of 'I'. There is just reality happening.

Once you say 'then what' and try to force some 'purpose' to your life, that shows that your 'ego' isn't dead because it is still Seeking/Desiring something to identify with.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 06:49 AM
The ego doesn't die, it just gets turned off from time to time. It's an archetypal construct like any other, which requires your attention to exist. They are like programs which are only active when attention is throwing through them.

Attention is your most valuable resources. It changes your reality. Don't pay enough attention to your studies, you fail. No one can argue that. To better accomplish any task, you need to put more attention into it. Unfortunately, because attention is a limited resources, the lion's share of your attention is tied up in your ego.

The ego is not a badge of shame, it is a gold mine of attention for aspiring magicians. It can not be killed permanently, it's essential to operate in the daily world. The best you can hope for is to turn it off from time to time, and try to shrink it down in size for when you can't turn it off.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:31 AM
After Ego death you there are a couple of predictable routes that the human mind often takes, through psychotropic drugs, religious experience, or deep meditation. Personally from all three of these routes I have often had the experience of the TOTAL dissolving of the self into the Universal Absolute, truly seeing the threads of the earth/life/universe which normally are invisible to us unless the doors of perception are indeed opened.

This is extremely well described in Hinduism , the sense of losing ones self is when the world blooms like a lotus, in Buddhism it is when the Buddha sits below the bodhi tree and the world becomes still , understanding extends beyond the body/self into the manifold immanence of existence. I imagine it is the same when a medicine man is in a peyote trance or a dervish spins or when a monk in quiet meditation becomes one with the holy spirit/god.

The death of ego can also lead to a fragmented non unifying experience if not perceived correctly or if you are in the wrong setting or have put in the incorrect parameters into your perception. The death of ego in this sort of instance could lead to extreme terror/fear , the fear of death or the fear of mental disunity.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:33 AM

After experiencing the death of your ego what is the next step? With desire to manifest then what becomes of your life? What is direction?

I don't understand whats suppose to come after ego death, just exist?

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Change of ego perception would be more accurate than ego death from my point of view. A shift in attitudes where the seeker can see the non dual and the dual separation at the same time and act according to what the seeker finds the appropriate action.

For me the shift gave me access to spiritual energy and feeling of the field around me. If there is another from of even higher ego loss then I do not know of it and have not experienced it. Maybe there are several level ups
edit on 26-3-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:35 AM

reply to post by onequestion
I dont believe the ego ever dies i think we just master it instead of serve it


posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:41 AM
When I experienced a death of the sense of self, I was unconscious and half-dead.
Almost made it the whole way...

In conscious experience, it is only seen by me to be an expansion of the sense of self. As that changes and grows, things like selfishness and greed manifest significantly differently.

Most just jump from one dualistic extreme to the other. Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Slaughter people. Commit suicide.

Himmler taught a Hindu version of ego-death and oneness to his SS-officers so that they could detach from and deal with the crimes they were committing against humanity.

Such Buddhist principles were also prevalent during Japanese imperial reign during world war two. The dissolution of the self was required so that relatively good people could resort to murder and suicide.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Aphorism

Himmler taught a Hindu version of ego-death and oneness to his SS-officers so that they could detach from and deal with the crimes they were committing against humanity.
If they were taught true death of ego they would have went AWOL.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Ego is not the sense of self, it is the belief that your self is 'better' than one or more parts of the whole.

Without the ego you're simply different; a unique part of the whole that is simultaneously connected and separate.

To destroy the self is to embrace uniformity and reject diversity. To destroy the ego is to embrace diversity and reject uniformity.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I don't understand whats suppose to come after ego death, just exist?

I would suggest you just let things happen as they will...

Be an obverver... and react as you believe you should

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:26 PM

reply to post by onequestion

Slaughter people. Commit suicide.
Himmler taught a Hindu version of ego-death and oneness to his SS-officers so that they could detach from and deal with the crimes they were committing against humanity.
Such Buddhist principles were also prevalent during Japanese imperial reign during world war two. The dissolution of the self was required so that relatively good people could resort to murder and suicide.

The SS- officers were not taught ego death , that isnt ego death. That is conditioning the egoic mind to self indentify with the SS , this is done in many institutions and harm is still being done today .The ego is still there and identifys with the group, group orders are thought to be primary and not to be questioned this become habitual and you get sleeping people acting out unconscious horrors under the power of a few men driven by will to power. (You wondered about resent the influx of zoombie movies? )

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:42 PM

After experiencing the death of your ego what is the next step? With desire to manifest then what becomes of your life? What is direction?
I don't understand whats suppose to come after ego death, just exist?
Is anyone else experiencing this?

This is classic egoic mind -fear of the future. Why are you so concerned with the future, you are only ever alive in this moment called NOW.
If you were imagining something that caused you fear would you feel a loss when you lost the fear?

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