posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:42 AM
In truth foreign affairs have been Obamas strong area. The US is more popular than ever globaly a massive improvement from the dark Iraq war years.
The US is more engaged in Africa, Europe, Asia and Central and South America than it had been in nearly a decade. The problem is under Bush Jr. we
ignored the rest of the World outside of Iraq even ignoring Afganstan for awhile. With the US distracted China made moves in the Pacfic that we did
not counter until the Pacific shift a few years ago. Russia went to war with Georgia and the US did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Giving Putin the
wrong impression he could do so again in Crimea. Our militray alliances are more solid than ever. Granted some of that comes people like Russia and
China acting foolish on the world stage.
The US has walked a wise line when it comes to force, where it can be quickly and effectively used with global backing like Libya it was. Where it
was unpopular and could lead to compelet disaster like Syria it was not, and yet Obama did get lucky that Russia caved over Syria and gave up of their
chemical weapons that Syria claimed did not exist.
And the handling of Crimea thus far has been spot on. Slowly putting the screws to Russia without backing them into a corner is the right play. And
again you see the renewed power of US political leadership in the latests UN vote where Russia could only scrape up 11 supporters despite a full court
diplomatic press. Note that China and Iran abstained instead of voting against the reslolution. That has to hurt if you are Russia.
Obama's failures in foreign affairs remains the same one that has been a failure for everybody but, Carter. Israeli peaces process. It has reallly
gone nowhere and US ties with Israel are closer than ever and a chill in relashions with Arabs has not helped that.
Whatever you want to say about Obama's domestic leadership, and their is plenty in that area open for debate, the one place he has been solid has
been foriegn affairs. No suprise then that the when Crimea kicked off the world looked to the US for leadership on the crisis.