posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 03:51 PM
I waived these rumors of Leno being dismissed by NBC because of his commentary being anti-Obama(care) through his monologue jokes etc, but if you
collect all of his on and off (staged) air comments they all fit one common grounding: He is warning the the/his audience either directly or
indirectly (through a controversial guest). Some of those guests become targets., no?
the first one you will have to find yourself on Crackle named Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
S3 E3: Jay Leno: Comedy is a Concealed Weapon 10 mins+ (find it for youself, since I don't think this site allows it?)
seearch also on youtube (sorry, I don't recall how to add them)
Shia LaBeouf Exposed Government Spying In 2008
Jeremy Scahill On NSA Leaks -
there are many more, and now i wonder if the Leno-Conan fiasco was a fix to begin with to create a distaste and dislike for Leno
for 'entertainment' yet was meant to also discredit his political views all along.