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ClimateFighters: Copenhagen Will Become A Battlefield!!

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posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 06:48 PM

ClimateFighters: Copenhagen Will Become A Battlefield!!

Source []

"Evindelig snak om at 'redde verden fra klimakrisen' er en velorkesteret løgn, de spreder for at maskere det egentlige formål med COP15," skriver hjemmesiden - stol aldrig på et topmøde.

SUMMARY TRANSLATION: is basically saying that all the hype about, "Saving The World From A Climate Crisis" is a well-organized LIE, THEY are spreading to put a mask on what the real purpose is of COP15. says: Never Trust A Top Meeting.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links: [In English] - This is the peaceful invitation
Facebook Invitation [English As Well] Flyer [In English]

[edit on 10-12-2009 by SalkinVictory]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 06:48 PM
Hey ATS.

Here is my first post, so please excuse if you feel lack of information etc.

I live in Denmark, and I'm Italian. I can translate, but obviously not like a professional translator, so I will be doing my best! Any Danish members here can correct me if needed!
Also not sure if this has been covered here on ATS! (I did check.)


Alright, Demonstrations are underway!

In Denmark, we had 6500 cops basically protecting what's going on in Bella Center the first day while the COP15 Meetings were going on.

I had a friend write to me on Facebook and told me he was going to go walk along a demonstration that will initiate the 12th of December 2009, this Saturday.

He sent me this link: Flyer

It's in English. You can see the date below, so at least that is confirmed!

According to: Source

100.000 Demonstrators are expected. Yes, 100.000. It says it right on the link on the 6th line.

The whole thing will start from Højbro Plads:
Map of Højbro Plads

It's the small plaza infront of the 2 blue lines. (Hope you see it).

It will supposedly end at Bella Center:
Map of Bella Center

It's a pretty long walk!

De opfordrer nemlig til, at aktivisterne bliver i indre by og lave såkaldt "direkte aktion", mens den store fredelige demonstration altså går til Bella Centret.

Above me it says:

They ( want that the activists stay in the inner part of city and take, "Direct Action" while the peaceful demonstration go towards Bella Center.

Here is another link basically inviting people to the peaceful demonstration:

Radikale - Peaceful Invitation

It even has a schedule and at the end of the road, will have speakers to give speeches and so forth.


What I'm about to say is something I heard from someone that told me that person heard it on the news, so it's not direct proof.

That person said that whoever marched in, or near the demonstration could be arrested, put in jail and fined a whole lot of money.


Anyways, I hope I am completely wrong, and that the demonstration goes calm, still putting a message across.

We don't want another Demonstration in Denmark like the one with Ungdomshuset, if you guys remember.


[edit on 10-12-2009 by SalkinVictory]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 07:10 PM
Here is a complete Schedule of the Demonstration that I found in English:

Schedule of Demonstration

I will not be online for a while, but when I am, I can answer whatever is asked.

Or, we can all just wait and see what happens the 12th.

Me, hoping it will be peaceful (: !

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 07:17 PM
100,000 protestors would absolutely swamp Copenhagen.

Ill be keeping an eye on this as well

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 08:24 PM
This demostration will do no good unless they actually fight . Totatlly disrupt the meetings will be the only way to stop it .

We have been demostrating for years and the leaders just sit and laugh at the pesants.

I really do hope they fight, Im tired of being a slave.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 08:26 PM
I agree with exposing the money grabbing which is currently dominating behind the scenes at the Copenhagen Conference, however, I am Pro-Capitalism. I believe that Socialism/Marxism are scourges upon a free people.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
This demostration will do no good unless they actually fight . Totatlly disrupt the meetings will be the only way to stop it .

We have been demostrating for years and the leaders just sit and laugh at the pesants.

I really do hope they fight, Im tired of being a slave.

Hoping others will fight for the cause you obviously have no desire to fight.

The words of a coward.

If a fight is what you want, make the sacrifice and go do it yourself.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Don't be so judgemental. How do you know that poster is not in a wheel chair, or elderly or has three kids to look after.

Why aren't you out fighting for your cause Mr Judgy pants?

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Dermo
100,000 protestors would absolutely swamp Copenhagen.

Ill be keeping an eye on this as well

Yeah, it's a massive number!

Let's see if the articles live up to their writings!

But, I wouldn't call them protesters. Some will be protesting. Most of them are probably going to demonstrate peacefully with the message to the "Bosses" that they (The demonstraters) hope they get an agreement!

Most of the 100.000 are most likely brainwashed into the: "SOVLE Co2" bullshizzle!

But, I cannot imagine that in such a big number, no one won't be throwing some stones around!

Let's see!

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
This demostration will do no good unless they actually fight . Totatlly disrupt the meetings will be the only way to stop it .

We have been demostrating for years and the leaders just sit and laugh at the pesants.

I really do hope they fight, Im tired of being a slave.

I was actually thinking what you are thinking when I wrote that I hope nothing bad happens.

Of course, I don't want anything bad to happen, but at the same time, I'd like to see the meetings get stormed!

At the same time though, there is a small chance that it will change anything since they will STILL be taking decisions.

It might get postponed if that happened!

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:01 PM

I don't want to make people think this will be a complete protestor march!

From the posts I've seen so far, it seems like people think it's about exposing the Elites plans.

Out of the 100.000 expected demonstrators, I doubt there are many with those opinions.

Most are marching peacefully and with the idea to get the politicians to Agree on an agreement. Most of them are Co2'd, lol. Most of them still believe it's Co2. (In Denmark there is A LOT of promotion of it, since the top meetings are here.

The rest that don't think this will probably riot. Police will be strict!

Of course, it is money and control, like it's always been. Nothing about the environment.

I just don't want people to think this will be an all-out riot. That isn't the plan of the overall demonstration.

But, the day hasn't come yet, so it's exciting to see! I'll be around the city that day, so I'll see something!! I'm guessing a lot of sirens all around, ^^.

BY THE WAY: The only reason the title is as provocative as it is, is because I had to post the exact title of the source I found it from!

[edit on 11-12-2009 by SalkinVictory]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Just because I said that I hope someone fights that lives on the other side of the planet dosen't mean that I am not doing my part allready and am fighting.

You being a senior member should know better than to assume that you know someone from just one post or any member that you don't know personally.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 09:32 PM
If you know anyone that is going, make sure they bring, a gas mask, some body armor (for those damn rubber bullets... OW!) and lots of water.

From what i have gathered from mass protests, is that the crowd will always get fired upon, or provoked to do some damage.

I dont think 100,000 people will be enough, we need people in the Millions to show up to one of these to make a mark.

I hope everything goes well!

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Don't be so judgemental. How do you know that poster is not in a wheel chair, or elderly or has three kids to look after.

Why aren't you out fighting for your cause Mr Judgy pants?

There is nothing Judgmental about calling somebody out on OPENLY CALLING FOR VIOLENCE from other people. That is not acceptable.

If you want to condone violence, that's one thing. To call for OTHER people to break the law, act violently, is not acceptable by any means. Unprovoked violence should be looked down upon on its own, let alone calling for other people to do so.

He isn't calling for disruptive demonstrations, or violent self defense even, he is calling for fighting. People's lives get ruined, people get hurt, and some times die in those situations. That isn't something you call for.

Hurting people out of anger isn't going to bring about any change that benefits the people.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:48 PM
The Police crackdown has already occured. There is currently too much variation of reports to know what is really going on over there.... 20-200 arrested toaday. They are either Environmental Activists or they're Anti-Capitalists. We just need to keep a wide open eye on Copenhagen this weekend and the result of the week which follows.

edit;can't get the video to embed and can't find the URL either

Police said the 68 arrests took place at numerous points around the city during the day, but would not release any information about charges. Under laws brought in by the Danish government two weeks ago, the police have the power to detain people who they believe may commit crimes in the near future. One activist who asked not to be named said: "After eight hours [in detention] they have to feed you, so they'll probably release most of them after seven and a half hours."

On Friday police arrested 75 Danish and international sympathizers of the "Our Climate - Not Your Business" movement which held demonstrations around the city under the banner "don't buy the lie."

[edit on 12-12-2009 by 16grit]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by 16grit

Hey man!

Your video has a wrong URL.

Can you please re-post it?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:14 AM

Check this out! You can watch LIVE what's going on here:

It's not sure it will always be showing the Demonstration. Right now it is. Right now in Denmark the time is: 15.55 - 12.Dec.09.

See if you see the same!


300 Arrested So far! Many roads have been blocked.


The first stones have begun to be thrown around by demonstrators says:

22 busses need to re-route around Copenhagen due to demonstrators flooding the streets:

[I know the links are in Danish, but it's just to provide some truth that I'm not making some stuff up.



posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:36 AM


This seems the more peaceful one heading towards Bella Center!

Sometimes they don't point to the demonstrators and they speak danish. You can switch between both!]

[edit on 12-12-2009 by SalkinVictory]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:50 AM
No need to get violent. A good 21st century war is an infowar. If people know how full of crap these "leaders" are, they won't be able to establish their one world dream.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Great live stream of the peaceful demonstration and the small riots here:

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