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would like opinions on this flickering light in the night sky

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posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:40 PM
filmed this a few minutes ago.. it has appeared in the sky several times tonight. only had this 1 chance of catching it on video, before it disappeared again.

the video is not great, but it should be good enough to see what is needed. the light was not as intense this time, as the first 2 times i noticed it. the first time i saw it, the entire neighborhood was lit up. while uploading video to youtube, and getting my password back to ATS, it has appeared once more, although not for quite as long as the one i have on film here. it moves very slowly.

location and time is in video description. i am really curious as to what this might be. it was there for roughly half a minute, maybe a little more.
after the light disappears, there is a VERY feint light, hanging around where the light ends.

at first, i thought it was a helicopter, or some sort of flare. after seeing it several times now, and not being able to hear the slightest sound, i can at least rule out helicopter.

i hope the bright minds of ATS can help find out what this is, as i am completely blank.. i will be going to bed soon, but will check back in the morning, and answer any questions people might have.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Migah


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by EA006

Exactly. Flares are even more evident when you can see the smoke from the flare burning being lit up by the flare.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by EA006

Exactly. Flares are even more evident when you can see the smoke from the flare burning being lit up by the flare.

Thats not flare smoke! Dont you know that UFO's use 2 stroke engines?

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:38 PM
i hope in my life time its known we are not alone but i believe it will never happen.

so no matter what videos are put up,unless its clear and undeniable then its just another vid thats been added to the millions of fakes out there,surely in this day and age someone can capture something that can,t be denied?

i believe we,r not alone but someone must come with better evidence.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by sparky31

Video evidence, as shown by the various editing tools that can be used on even simple camera carrying phones, make videographic and photographic data next to useless these days. Insurance companies are having to be very careful with photographic evidence these days because of these apps and handy editing tools.

My thinking is that the only way to get good evidence nowadays is going to be from forensic levels of investigation.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:12 PM
Hi, it's my first time posting although I've been lurking around this site for ages reading some decent stuff. Anyway, I live in the UK and a few days ago I saw what I think is the exact same thing.
I was walking home from work around 12:30am and I glanced up to the sky to my left just in time to see this wee ball of orange light descend in an arc down into the clouds. It wasn't a shooting star, I've seen plenty of them to know for a fact. I can think of no reason a flare would have been set off in that area that night, especially so late. If I were more talented with animation I'd produce one of this thing dipping into the cloud, it's kinda hard to describe.
It was as if the moment I spotted it, it moved into the cloud. As if it was sliding down a rainbow. Ha!
I'm kind of a skeptic generally, and would love to know what these things are as I honestly can't find anything that has come close. At least until I saw this video.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Migah
at first, i thought it was a helicopter, or some sort of flare. after seeing it several times now, and not being able to hear the slightest sound, i can at least rule out helicopter.
It would help if it was in focus. Could be a flare but I wouldn't rule out some sort of Chinese lantern. They flicker a lot like that when they're running low on fuel and about to go out.

What people thought was flare smoke could just be an imaging artifact...I'm not sure it's really smoke.

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