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My UFO Experience as a kid. with a renactment picture i photoshopped :)

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posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Raxoxane
reply to post by H34T533K3R

Thanks for sharing your experience I found it fascinating.I have seen ufo's here in the African Bush,and the hubby+children saw the orange-light ufo too.On one occasion there were 2 of these orange-light ufo's,my husband saw that too at the time.This ufo has flown by in the not-too-far distance once and the lights went off,revealing it to have what looked to me like a dark coppercolered ball-type shape,then the lights came on very bright and indeed I thought it looked like it was coming in to land,but then either it retreated or the lights dimmed and it sped off.Last time we saw that one was in January this year.I have to add that sometimes it was not even full dark when we would see the "orange" ufo.The other one I've seen twice in a year,last time earlier this year,is a floating lemonyellowish-white light that seems to have a triangle inside of it,though I cannot be a hundred percent sure,it does look like there's a triangle within the light.Absolutely soundless.Anyway never be daunted when you want to share something like this on ATS.The serious,adult skeptics will not mock you,but engage in conversation/q+a/debate with you,as is proper.The witless trolls will make a snarky comment+contribute nothing to the thread otherwise.And people who believe(often because they have seen ufo's themselves) will enjoy reading on the subject.S+f for you.

hey thanks for posting I hadn't read this reply. yeah I guess being mocked n such is one of the reasons why some people hesitate. I mean, ive told my story to the closest people I have, and even they don't believe me.

wow the African bush, I bet the sky looks amazing at night, thanks for sharing your story as well.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: NONPOINT21

It was triangular with a red light directly in the center. I won't go into anymore details unless someone specifically cares to know more.

That sounds like the ones which were seen during the Belgian Ufo Wave. Those were even tracked on radar by the belgian military.
Where and when did this happen? I would like to hear your story!

Belgian UFO Wave 1989/1990:

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