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Barak Obama will be the first African-American President!

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posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:35 PM
The man is well spoken, educated, and charismatic.
He won his local race in Illinois beating Alan Keyes. He captured the audience at the Democratic Convention this year in Boston. American will elect an African-American before it ever elects a woman(Hillary). Just the way thinks work in America. Can't wait to follow his record in office, should be very interesting.
I would vote for the guy.

Sorry last name was wrong, had a brain fart.

[edit on 3-11-2004 by valkeryie]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:38 PM
why is it everytime a brother speaks well, people say, he is well spoken...
ya never hear someone describing a white dude as "well spoken"

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by whopper chopper
why is it everytime a brother speaks well, people say, he is well spoken...
ya never hear someone describing a white dude as "well spoken"

Clinton was well spoken.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:42 PM
thats not true.

Clinton is quite well-spoken.

Bush is not.

They are not "brothers"...well, at least not Bush.

What are Obama's leanings...left or moderate?

He need to move to the center, if he's not already there.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:45 PM
I like Obama very much and he did won with over 80 percent of votes, I think it will be not until after the 2010 that he may be considerate as a presidential candidate and If he keeps his record clean I will be pleased to vote for him

[edit on 013030p://333 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:48 PM
I thought it was Obama, not Osama....

Nobody with the name Osama will ever be president

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I like Osama very much

J/K Marg

Obama is very well spoken but I would like to see what he does in the Senate before annointing him the 1st Black President, if he does well in the next three years, I could see him teaming up for a Hillary/Barrack ticket......

[edit on 11/3/04 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:51 PM
51% of America right now fears gay people and ethnic terrorists,

What makes you believe the southern states would sway towards a black democratic president? John Kerry would've been the first non-southern Dem. president and just look at the character assult that took place on him.

Vietnam baby killing spree flip flopping windsurfing hippie who loves french and gay people.

This isnt the TV show 24
I know some middle Americans who poke fun at david palmer the black president from "dat show".

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Something is going crazy with the edit bottom

[edit on 013030p://333 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I thought it was Obama, not Osama....

Nobody with the name Osama will ever be president

Well thanks Gazrok I new something was not right

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 01:56 PM
He's another shyster politician... And the proof is in the pudding...

We need real statemen in political positions to represent us.
That means welder's, teachers, doctors, coaches, homemakers, ect..

This is what America is about. Real people who live in the real world who care about their fellow American's...

The dems and reps are not for the people, rather they are for a two party dictatorship that harrasses third parties to try and keep them off the ballots.

You know, the real statesmen belong to third parties, they know the truth, and they try so hard to reach fellow American's, but mainstream America
is too stupid to see the big picture, rather they tune into the boob tube to get their snippits of information to run with.. It's no wonder their always saying uhhh when they call into c span... It's not because they are thinking, it's because they are half thinking about what they heard from their leader in their political partisan party.

I listen to people calling in on cspan all the time saying " uhhh, uhhh, I voted for kerry because uhhh uhh he's for a strong America and uhhhh uhhh he's our only hope uhh and he's also uhhh not bush and bush is bad...

And then bush callers, uhhh I voted for Bush because hes uhh huhh made the country safer... duh...

i'm discusted at the amount of dumbed down people in this country. Dumb people are running our political arena!
Birds of a feather flock together, it doesn't matter if your a rep or dem.

both of these parties BLOW! Nobody seems to remember history when they go to the polls, nobody seems to remember the inner cities in which were ruined because of politics and the attempt to social engineer successfully, nobody seems to remember the fact that past democratic presidents AND republican presidents carried and supported dictators, nobody wants to remember the past, they think that these two parties will make things better when they are the reason why everything has gone SO WRONG...

# Obama, he's nothing but a political monkey in a political party that is far from helping America. The party is just as corrupt as the gop.

These two parties divided and attacked eachother time after time, put ads out there to attack eachother and now they are asking the American people to unite?? wtf is that??

[edit on 3-11-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by syntaxer
51% of America right now fears gay people and ethnic terrorists,

And you still wonder why the Dems lost this election? If this is what the majority of Dems think- then they are truly out of touch with the average American.

Although I am for gay marriage I have many friends who are not. They do not fear gay people, they have gay friends, but honestly believe that marriage is one man/one woman. I have complained and preached until I am blue in the face to no avail - they aren't changing their opinion. The only thing they are willing to concede is civil unions. While this is not the best decision to you or I it does provide some protection and recognition to gay couples. But more importantly it is a start.

To regain it's power the Democratic party must embrace the middle and not alienate them.

As to Barak - let's see how he does his first year before we nominate him.


posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 02:21 PM
I thought Obama rocked at the Dem convention. But that is all I really know of him. Everyone is so starved for some "vision" and intelligent speaches from its leaders some people seem ready to anoint him right now. Let's see how he does in the Senate.

If Hillary is on the ticket in 08 you will NOT see Obama on that ticket.

America MAY be ready for a woman president but a black president in a country who voted for MORE Bush!?

I'd love to see it but it will never happen.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 03:30 PM
It wasn't hard for Obama to beat Keyes. Why the Illinois GOP brought him in I will never know. They should have just told Jack Ryan to stay in the race.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:39 PM

51% of America right now fears gay people and ethnic terrorists,

What makes you believe the southern states would sway towards a black democratic president?


Not to mention, it's gonna take a hell of alotta guts to be that guy. Powell could have done it, but he isn't stupid. He knows the first black president will likely be assassinated in office. It's a sad commentary, but a likely scenario nonetheless...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by valkeryie
The man is well spoken, educated, and charismatic.
He won his local race in Illinois beating Alan Keyes. He captured the audience at the Democratic Convention this year in Boston. American will elect an African-American before it ever elects a woman(Hillary). Just the way thinks work in America. Can't wait to follow his record in office, should be very interesting.
I would vote for the guy.

Sorry last name was wrong, had a brain fart.

[edit on 3-11-2004 by valkeryie]

Iam a Canadian and I think that Obama is probley the most trusting, honest and intelegent at-a-glace politician I have ever seen. If he were Canadian Id vote for him over any other politician I have even known of... Of course this is a at-a-glace opinion as I dont know as much about his as if he were running for pres.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:52 PM
Obama is a Black man playing a White man's game, and I hope he is not the first black president.

I would think that they would want someone a little more respectable to be their first.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 05:37 PM
This country will never have a black president in my life time (I'm 23 and let's assume I live to 75). Too many good old boys left out in the "Red" states who'll NEVER vote for a black president and even getting a white women president will be hard. I think we will see a women VP in the next 12-16yrs and have a 30% chance at a black VP in the next 16-24yrs but that's it. Honestly if Hilliary did run in 08' I kinda hope she would pick Obama if he does a good job these next 3yrs. Honestly I know they'd really have no shot of winning b/c again too much bigotry and hatered in this country for them to even have a chance but I think it could be the kind of shock value the Dem party needs on its ticket the next go round. Hey it's all about taking chances, making changes and not staying status quo as those in the "Red" would like it to be.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 05:49 PM
I think its a little early to be talking about Obama for President when he just got elected for the first time.

If Jack Ryan didnt have his little scandal I doubt Obama would have even got in. Sex scandals work for Democrats, they don�t for Republicans

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by syntaxer
John Kerry would've been the first non-southern Dem. president and just look at the character assult that took place on him.

John F. Kennedy was a northern democrat. So was FDR.

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