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Heaven is...

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posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:31 PM
...chillin' by the fire with my brand new little family. i wish that cord and these moments could last forever.

What things, large or small, expensive or free, make you truly and utterly content. What is Heaven to you?

Maybe when we are done i can make a point but for the time being i would Love for all of us to be able to share with each other.

Cheers my friends!

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by soulshn

What is Heaven to you?

My monthly ALCOR payment...

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by soulshn

Dear soulshn,

I do not define heaven as a place or situation. I define heaven as a feeling. If I am in the best in the world; but, I am miserable, then it is not what I think of as heaven. I cannot imagine a static heaven, that would become boredom. Heaven, for me, is eternal growth, with eternal purpose and the joy that would entail. Taking care of others is purpose, learning to be better at helping others is grown. My answer.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

I agree completely, that contentment that washes over the entirety of your soul! What gives you a glimpse of that feeling?

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by facelift


i had to look that one up. Touche'

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by soulshn
reply to post by AQuestion

I agree completely, that contentment that washes over the entirety of your soul! What gives you a glimpse of that feeling?

Dear soulshn,

More than one reason; but, at a minimum, I shall give you one. I grew up with Asperger's and Cluster Headaches. I disliked the headaches more. The headaches could last a week and were so very painful that I cannot explain it. They usually ended with me vomiting after spending a day or two is sheer agony in dark rooms. I have not had them in decades. While experiencing them, I assume my body was creating chemicals like dopamines to bring me some relief, although they brought little. When the headaches would end, all that would be left was the good chemicals. After extreme pain, the absence of pain is the greatest pleasure.

I did have an NDE and a moment of perfect peace. I don't know how to describe those things, so I chose an example that most can understand. We have all had headaches, imagine one lasting a week that made all sight and sound beyond painful to torture. Imagine doing that every other month for decades. I have experienced a hernia, I have had to have a root canal and those both were horrible and painful. The difference with cluster headaches is that you absolutely know you are going to have more of them and there is nothing that can be done for you. I do understand that they have different drugs now, they had nothing to offer me back in the day. I learned self hypnosis instead and it still sucked because we only have so much focus. Peace.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

Wow, i've seen cluster headaches referred to as 'suicide headaches'; how awful that you had them but awesome that you haven't in so long.

Thanks for sharing my friend!
edit on 1/25/13 by soulshn because: =)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by soulshn

Dear soulshn,

Yes, that is what is what they were called; but, I fit the profile. Most people that have them are men and most stop having them in their early 30s, I am in my fifties. I learned a lot from having them. Would not want to have them again; but, I learned a lot. I believe the answer to both heaven and hell, is how much pleasure can you have and remain yourself, the flip side is how much pain you can handle and remain yourself. I believe it is different for each of us, I believe it is what defines us. The pain helps us to grow more in what we can handle. My opinion. Peace.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:15 PM
Heaven, for me, is when my darlin' and me are working together outside. Today it was overcast, windy, sea crashing, and we worked off and on for six hours using a three-ton comealong to pull Brown Girl trees (a nefarious deep-rooted weed) out of the ground. I set the chokers and she ran the comealong. We both dragged the trees to the burn pile, and in a week, we'll both work the mixer and make some 4' X 4' X 3' high raised beds out of rock and concrete in the area we just cleared. We're both delightfully sore, but not injured, and that's a fine thing because it gives a person a reason to fire up the hot tub and look at the stars and listen to the crabcatchers (night herons) screech when they nail a soldier crab. We will sleep good tonight.

Today was heaven.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by argentus

Dear argentus,

Wonderful explanation. What was it that made those moments with your love so special? It wasn't the work, perhaps, it was the team work, the feeling of being part of a team, of working together. Perhaps I have guessed wrong, I look forward to your answer.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

Those are the moments I imagine I'll look back upon years from now, and say, "we were free, and we were happy". It's a very special thing to be able to see and appreciate those moments while you're in them. It's a wonderful thing to be able to work the land, and I'm particularly blessed that my darlin' likes it as much as me.

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