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WebBot – Global Coastal Event 2013?

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:39 PM
If you want to see how smart computer programs really are, go talk to cleverbot.. You will get a better understanding of how stupid this crap is.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by adjensen

OP, thanks for the doom porn. Personally, I've never put any credence whatsoever in Webbot or Timewave Zero. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and they can't seem to manage even that low of a bar.

Haha! Thanks. I certainly won't loose sleep over it.

But I do have a question for people....what does makes a prediction/prophecy valid?

Is it a percentage correct of all "predictions" put out there? Is it a boy who cried wolf situation?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by gemdog
Great post, s/f! Ive had very similar thoughts regarding this coming spring, the combination of sources seem to all have that time frame in common. I think feb-april is shtf time.

Thanks. I guess this is more my point - is it JUST a webbot prediction?

I've heard of the Farsight Institute stuff. Are there others?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by RooskiZombi
Has Web Bot ever been right though, is what I would like to know?

I suppose that depends on what your parameters are for correct predictions. Exact dates, times, locations? Or vague references?

Check this Link

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:44 AM
This is interesting because I had this dream:

Mine involved Hawaii and quakes that moved west to east with tsunamis and an event originating in or around Thailand.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Webbot data hasn’t changed since 2009, still sticking with a 90 day period when all sorts of SHTF. Says GCE happens after the equinox (Mar 20), before the solstice (June 21) 2013

Except that webbot said it was supposed to happen in 2009.

- Global Coastal Event likely in early to mid 2009
The Web Bot sees a permanent loss of low-lying territory globally and foresees that one continent in particular will get hit badly, but it does not say which one. Places to avoid: anything at sea level (Bangladesh/Florida/ etc).

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by ns9504

Originally posted by gemdog
Great post, s/f! Ive had very similar thoughts regarding this coming spring, the combination of sources seem to all have that time frame in common. I think feb-april is shtf time.

Thanks. I guess this is more my point - is it JUST a webbot prediction?

I've heard of the Farsight Institute stuff. Are there others?

The other sources I'd recommend would be , which is Richard Nolle's site, the 2013 Farmers Almanac, Major Ed Dames (Solar Kill Shot predictions), and the 2013 Solar Max combined with the current alignments and upcoming February PHAs/NEOs. I'm sure there's more, but that's what has my attention and has been IMO the most reliable and consistent.
Add webbot to that, and cross reference them, and late January-early June 2013 looks to be the timeframe. Feb-April being the worst.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by gemdog

Originally posted by ns9504

Originally posted by gemdog
Great post, s/f! Ive had very similar thoughts regarding this coming spring, the combination of sources seem to all have that time frame in common. I think feb-april is shtf time.

Thanks. I guess this is more my point - is it JUST a webbot prediction?

I've heard of the Farsight Institute stuff. Are there others?

The other sources I'd recommend would be , which is Richard Nolle's site, the 2013 Farmers Almanac, Major Ed Dames (Solar Kill Shot predictions), and the 2013 Solar Max combined with the current alignments and upcoming February PHAs/NEOs. I'm sure there's more, but that's what has my attention and has been IMO the most reliable and consistent.
Add webbot to that, and cross reference them, and late January-early June 2013 looks to be the timeframe. Feb-April being the worst.

What's interesting about the time frame of early June is that I had a dream a while back about a tsunami and Savannah, Georgia. At the time, I had no plans on going there, but will be there this summer, early-mid June. I discuss that event here in relation to other tsunami dreams I've had, here:

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:21 PM
I see Clif as an important conduit for information. Millions of people now know about the global coastal event because of Clif. Clif took the time to read through all the material at and explain it in detail in his wujos and then commissioned other remote viewing studies to try to verify that they are able to look into the future. Because of Clif millions of people are more prepared to help themselves and others during and after the global coastal event. The webbots project is a research project which has hits and misses, (which Clif freely acknowledges)- and the people who buy the reports are aware (or should be) that they are supporting a research project.

If you ever listen to Clif's interviews and wujos you will find he is a font of information on a wide variety of useful and interesting subjects.


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 07:02 AM
Well, I know about a "psychic" who predicted many years ago that the volcano in the Canary islands will erupt in 2013, and the mountain will collapse, causing a giant tsunami in the ATLANTIC Ocean (not the Pacific Ocean).

So, who knows!

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by GLontra

Newyork and DC going under 100ft of water? We could only be so lucky

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 03:05 PM
Reporting here live from low laying California, los Angeles, we are still here, 9 days after the Jun21st solstice 2013... guess this one's a dud.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by TheCrimsonGhost
Reporting here live from low laying California, los Angeles, we are still here, 9 days after the Jun21st solstice 2013... guess this one's a dud.

Colour me shocked.

'Cause that''s the only way I'm gonna look shocked, lol.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by TheCrimsonGhost

I am going to reserve my judgment until July the 5th......

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Menedes567
reply to post by TheCrimsonGhost

I am going to reserve my judgment until July the 5th......

Well we just might not be here on the 5th, cause I'm gonna blow this mother up with my homemade fireworks this year! Actually we will probably still be here, just passed out and hungover. Viva la independence day!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:20 AM

I am very interested in remote viewing. I believe Ed Dames was/is the elite viewer; learned the technique as a CIA operative. I also have sampled clips of Chris High RV incident that he has seen an GCE. They both have a lot of info out there; which I find that the two have spoke of something major coming down the pipe very soon. Mentioning that walls of fire will reach the coasts where walls of water will devastate the East Coast and/or the West coast. I understand that as always this type of content is sure to be maligned by skeptics which some are mentioned above.

Is there another source to finding worth listening too or reading about?

Are there any ATS members who have participated in remote viewing and can speculate on what the future may hold?

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