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Will China overtake US?

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posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:46 AM

The problem here is not how China will invade the US, but what they will do once they have entered the borders. I know that there are far more guns held by the citizens on the US than what there is within our army. If a chinese man in uniform walked to my door, or even down my street in a time of war, I would shoot him.

that's if the chemical bombs didn't eradicate most of the civilians

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 11:24 PM
If you guys think China will overtake the US economy, I have a real great deal on a bridge in Brooklyn you can get in on, for the right price of course

QUICK------> Name all the inventions China has made over the last ten years:

Uh, ........

And now name all the inventions the US has made in the past ten or so years:
Precision guided munitions (most revolutionary warfare weapon ever)
The internet
The Windows operating system
Nano technology
Map of the human genome
And so much more. The US does something like over 100 patents a day which is incredible.

The reason the US is the top economy is because we are very diverse-why do the great Chinese, Japanese and German scientists come to America to teach at our Universities first chance they get? We are also the most capitalistic society on Earth, which means any schmuck can come here with a good idea, work hard, get rich and no one can take it away from him. Look at Arnold. He came here as a poor refugee, and is now a Hollywood movie star who could easily become the next president if he wanted it.
Our standard of living ON AVERAGE might not be the greatest, but thats because its survival of the fittest. The good people live like kings and better here than anywhere else on Earth, while the losers (who you should never hang with) live like the bums they are. That's why the world's best and brightest come here, and that's why the next great invention that really changes your life will be American, and that is why our economy will come back in spades. That whole 90s boom was all because of us, and we have a million more great inventions, a million more internets, a million more Redmond, WA counties just around the corner.

Oh and about the idiot who talked about the oil problem, guess what happens when oil hits $60 a barrel. You start liquidfing coal at the same price! You also get into alternative energy, such as ethanol (made from corn) and the grease car, which is derived from, get this, cooking oil! Grease car was made by kids from California (or maybe Arizonia, somewhere out west) and runs on the current diesel engines (you just do 50/50 grease and oil). So there goes your energy crisis thanks to a couple of Western American hippie punk kids!

Chicoms running the country. Yea right.

Would you want to live under a red dictatorship full of toxins and pollution?

Or a free market full of action heros, street hustlers and long legged, big titty blond women (Brianna and Jenna)

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 11:32 PM
The biggest threat the US faces, and what scares the hell out of me, is the ever growing beuaracy. More people are going into the slow moving, grey, mother den of government jobs than the live fast, big risk, big payoff business world.
I think the US beuaracy has overtaken the US private sector in terms of employment.
This is why I think the growing debt isn't so bad. Hopefully, this will force the governments to cut down on unneccessary public services (a scooter trail in Michingan? For God's sake...What are these people thinking
) and get the public budget in an good portion of the national GNP (3-5% instead of 20% which it is now).
If anything slows capitalism down more, its the beuracy. You know how inefficent these people are? It's like night of the living dead. Its all policy, memos, and paperwork, and nothing gets done.

Mod Edit: Please do not bypass the ATS Censors

[edit on 30-11-2004 by lukethedrifter]

[edit on 30-11-2004 by Spectre]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by lukethedrifter

And now name all the inventions the US has made in the past ten or so years:
Precision guided munitions (most revolutionary warfare weapon ever)
The internet
The Windows operating system
Nano technology
Map of the human genome
And so much more. The US does something like over 100 patents a day which is incredible.

Precision guided munitions were jointly developed.. and many countries developed their own... you can't say it was U.S exclusive

the internet was a British invention... look up "Tim Berners Lee"

Yes windows... ripped from apple and so full of holes it makes swiss cheese look like solid iron. Linux is better and it's free.

Teflon was a US invention yes

Nano technology has been kicking around for years... nothing new there. In fact the Chinese lead the world in nano-technology

Viagra... wow now there's something we couldn't do without

The human genome was an international venture with scientists all over the world contributing. It is an insult to all their hard work to say that the US did it exclusively.

Look at the list of US inventions and compare it to say... Britains. Really the US has nothing to shout about.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Brianna banks is german, only her fake tits are made in america, still I wonder how she manage to keep such cute pink and tight looking ..... considering the amount of well endowed studs that pay her regular visits...

don't know exactly where that leaves china...oh well.. i guess the chicoms leave it to mexican immigrants to overrun the usa....

Cirrus touched a very important point, the American Dream/ free market has in the past drawn many talented foreign intellect/artists etc. because if you are succesfull in america you could live like kings (and also he mentioned the downside,the average living like the bums thatthey are).

The fact is that american foreign policy often is projected by the corporate kings upon the foreign bums, but they have made up this story about religious and american (we good, they bad, god bless etc) values to make it sound less terible (in fact i believe many average americans are not the ignorant flag worshippers that they pretend to be, but rather affraid that if their semi-prosperous lifestyle can no longer be paid for by hogging the resources of the world, they themselves might become the bums and as you know, iamerica is not a pretty place to be a bum)

I wonder, considering the current debt and the dependance of oil, does a usa (gop or liberal) government have any other choice than to force her policies upon the world at gunpoint now that the markets can no longer be fixed with the dollar in decline?

Maybe Bush is doing the only alternative left (notwithstanding he forced the country in that position)? Is there any other way the usa could prevent itselve from becoming marginalised?

[edit on 1-12-2004 by Countermeasures]

[edit on 1-12-2004 by Countermeasures]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Well I tell ya, China is going to invade and they are easily going to get, not 300 million, but 500million troops to america. How?

They are digging a tunnel and have been for the last 50 years and guess what? They are almost there! Amerika is doomed! Soon little chicoms are gonna be spewing outa the ground like ants from an ants nest!

Oh and if this doesn't get ya, you should also be aware to the fact that they have built a space elevator with their advanced nano technological tubeys, they are just about finished too - they just need to complete the second one above amerika. ooooooooohhhhhhh be afraid... be very afraid

How do I know this? One of those tall blonde bimbo aliens from andromeda told me, he said it was sure to be true cause one of the grey aliens that are descended from dolphins told him.

yours truely,

emily_crag.. oops I mean webvida

[edit on 1-12-2004 by webvida]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 01:33 PM
Yes a lot of good inventions came from Britian. Why? You can make the case the Scottish invented capitalism. They started shipping, insurance, corporations, and is the birthplace of the free market. I like to think of Britian as Johnny Unitias, while the US would be Peyton Manning. I have nothing against the British and together we make a really good team in the business world.
My big case was made against China, the largest beuaracy in the world, and the people who are saying China will overtake the US.
When your competitive advantage is slave labor and just shear numbers, and when dirty industry are becoming less commonplace, you have nothing.
With automation becoming more common in factories than laborers, China should be shaking in their paper Shanghai sandals. A fully automated plant that is operational 24/7 is just around the corner. This will wipe China's blue collar economy off the face of the Earth overnight.


posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 10:06 AM
The amount of ignorance from both sides sickens me. I have ties to both America and China.

No, I don't think China can overtake the US right now.
The population difference doesn't matter if China can't mobilize its infantry or transport them. Whereas the US can deliver 200,000 soldiers immediately if the crisis is severe, the Chinese would have great difficulty responding in kind. The Chinese wouldn't be able to get even close to the American coast, whereas Americans would be able to have troops inside and fighting in major port cities like Honk Kong and Shanghai within a day or two.

China is not as advanced as you guys ar making it seem. It's only recently begun modernization. The polution from mass construction and reconstruction you see in cities like Shanghai should be proof for you. It's not some futuristic wonderland. FAR from it. They're still in the process of catching up to America's level of advancement. Cities like San Francisco (built on a hill in earthquake territory), which are easily achieved in the US are still a dream for most provinces of China. They still have trouble developing buildings on a slope.
China, with its weak environmental laws, is on the verge of an ecological disaster. Have you been to highly populated Asian cities? They make American smog cities PALE in comparison. I literally could not tell if I was landing on a cloud or an airport on a trip to Shanghai.
Shanghai is often consider the economic center of China. If that's the best it can show, it has a LONG way to go before it can come close to matching the US.

If any other country dares compare one of its cities to the US, I challenge them to compare it to LVegas. I've visited many countries and their finest tourist attractions. They all pale compared to the City of Sin's "The Strip" and its underground network. (It also happens to be one of the most wasteful cities in the US... oh well, its beautiful).

On the OTHER hand. I hear rumors than the Olympics in 2008 and an international convention in Shanghai in 2010 will offer incentives for China to (hopefully) start cleaning up its act.

The mass construction DOES signal development, so it shows that other countries are willing to invest in China.

The technological gap between China and the US should close because as someone else suggested, China could simply import tech and reverse engineer.

China is not all blue collar, as ignorantly seemed to suggest. Automation won't obsolete China. Saying that only shows ignorance and invalidates your opinions (since you don't know much about China). China and India are currently and will be the most significant outsourcing targets for tech countries like the USA. Engineers in India and China cost 1/8th the engineers here. I would know, I am an engineer with connection to many others who fear outsourcing and our lives are affected by this.
India has only the slight advantage of being more fluent in English (on average).

China has a rising middle class in the range of 200-300 million, which is roughly the population of the USA. The old view, that China is full of blue collar workers given slave labor wages, is antiquated. There are still many of those kinds of people (what country DOESN'T have blue collar workers? Oh please, even the great US of America has plenty), but there is also a growing middle class of technical experts.

If you honestly think automation can automatically replace blue collar workers, you're blind. Complete automation (from bottom up) would hurt EVERYONE IN THE WORLD. God...

If it's not complete automation, then there'll still need to be blue collar workers to MAKE those automatons that replace those other blue collar workers, right? It'll just be a shift of labor from one industry to another.

If automation really affected the lower class, America's own lower class would have died out long ago. Don't be stupid. We already have robots facilitate automobile manufacturing. Do we still have blue collar workers in the automobile industry? Yes.


posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 10:14 AM
As insulting as I may have sounded, I love both countries.

I'll kindly ask that no unfounded insults be tossed either direction.

If you're going to say something like "Hah! China is 50 years behind every other country in the world!" prove that you're not trolling and offer your reasoning and perhaps some links. Or if you've had a recent trip to China yourself, then perhaps describe it.

Personally, I think discussion of war between US and China are stupid. It would benefit neither country to think about war. US has its Japanese and Korean allies to consider. It wouldn't blindly declare war on China without considering the consequences on those two business partners.

Besides that, war at this time with two extremely powerful countries would be deadly for us all. Both countries have nuclear warheads.

It's better just to consider how we can JOIN forces to make each others lives better, rather than thinking of waste to quench our ego's thirst.

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 10:39 AM
I think Nox has summarised the whole situation perfectly... and excellent and commendable post

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