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Sandy has allowed new laws + possible conspiracy

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posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:33 PM
I have a home in Fairfield, CT which was hy hard by Sandy.
Houses were flooded, and communication went down with the power (cell phones were still on use though).
Our governor or whatever signed a new bill that allows for:
-rewriting license requirements for businesses
-restricting access to certain areas
-banning travel at certain times
-and more

There is no end date.
When Sandy hit, military and ACS Police Tanks were seen roaming around the beach area (where my house is). Furthermore, while some evacuations have been voluntary, this one is mandatory.

The new bill freaked me out and so did the tanks, but the last voicemail I got provoked me into finally coming back to ATS (I took a break). I believe something IS going on. I am not troll, and I'm not just looking for something to make a conspiracy out of.

The last voicemail told me that people that have homes on my street can go look at their houses now. Previously NOBODY was allowed to be in the area and it was blocked off by military and police.
However, to look at the area (my street) you will meet at a park and then travel with military into the area.

That, plus the bill scares me as it does not seem to be following protocol. It also is a grand example of how a scary event allows the government to establish new laws with te public in support.

So ATS, what do you think? When, if, my friends and family return ill have more information for you all.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Ghostx

In these post 9/11 days, when a local, state, or federal government initiates an "emergency action plan" your rights are out the window. You have zero. There is no longer a Constitutional Authority, at least not during an emergency. It has good and bad elements, but in my opinion, mostly bad.

Your community did exactly that:
MDC implements Emergency Action Plan

The entire plan should be available to the public, but I'm not seeing it online on my first search. I'm sure it has provisions for a command structure, and rights of the individuals present are no part of that plan. I've worked on developing several of these plans, and the rights of the individuals are never discussed, just the logistics and efficacy of the plan.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Ghostx
Our governor or whatever signed a new bill that allows for:
-rewriting license requirements for businesses
-restricting access to certain areas
-banning travel at certain times
-and more

There is no end date.

Care to show us this Bill?

When Sandy hit, military and ACS Police Tanks were seen roaming around the beach area

no they were no tanks roaming the street

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:50 PM
You mean, "the constitution died on 9/11"/

Originally posted by darkhorserider
reply to post by Ghostx

In these post 9/11 days, when a local, state, or federal government initiates an "emergency action plan" your rights are out the window. You have zero. There is no longer a Constitutional Authority, at least not during an emergency. It has good and bad elements, but in my opinion, mostly bad.

Your community did exactly that:
MDC implements Emergency Action Plan

The entire plan should be available to the public, but I'm not seeing it online on my first search. I'm sure it has provisions for a command structure, and rights of the individuals present are no part of that plan. I've worked on developing several of these plans, and the rights of the individuals are never discussed, just the logistics and efficacy of the plan.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by phroziac

The fatal blow was dealt on 9/11, but it perished later during complicated legal surgeries in the aftermath. Patriot Acts, NDAA, DHS, expanded FEMA powers, Czars and Cabinet members, Court rulings, etc.

The Constitution put up one hell of a fight, but eventually the Republican Congress issued a DNR, and Obama signed the Death Certificate.
edit on 2-11-2012 by darkhorserider because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:56 PM
If I can, I'd like to suggest a reason for the Military vehicles that are entirely logical and a long running practice, actually. I can well understand that being in the middle of that may look real uncertain and unnerving. I'll never forget 2+ weeks in the dark, cold and uncertainty for an ice storm that wiped us out here in S.W. Missouri.

However, in a major disaster with debris being the rule and high water, at least at the start, being among the biggest problems....only certain vehicles can move at all .... with it being sea water just turning a headache into a Migraine.

When the major rains came and the floods would happen in Southern California (Once upon a time..that really the Canyons would flood out and cut people off from getting out. Silverado Canyon comes specifically to mind. Anyway....The only thing that would cross the water to save people's lives were *GIANT* front loaders I've never seen for size and scale since..anywhere..even as a trucker. I don't know where they came from or went to afterward........but they saved people's lives. OR .....Military equipment/National Guard equipment that's designed to go over almost anything in a battlefield. need to worry IMO, unless you find out any of the weapons on the Military vehicles actually are loaded (THAT would be a major attention grabber) or for something like a Bradley if had ammo on-board at all.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Ghostx

Governor Malloy signed a State of Emergency. This isn't' as sinister as you make it out to be, and where were you LAST YEAR when he did the exact same thing? IN basic terms what this does is allow him (and allowed him to) close the highways, call out the National Guard, divert resources to where they need to be (Unless you want CL&P to be sitting up here in Hartford, which is fine by me after last years debacle, we'll take extra CL&P workers up this way)

He did it during Irene, he did it during Alfred, and he did it this time.. Where is your real problem? The guy has to be able to move resources around to where they are needed and in a hurry, the only way under Connecticut State Law that he can is to declare a State of Emergency.... And ya know, it also allows you to be reimbursed by your insurance company for your damage a little faster.. and he was able to drop the Hurricane Deductible so people don't have to pay as much out of their pockets...

This is a bad thing and worthy of whining about why again?

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by vkey08

He dropped the deductible?? Hmmm... I know what to demand of our Governor the next time we get smacked by a major wide-spread disaster. Hmpf... That deductible hurt with the ice storm. That's at least a SMALL thing to make a homeowner feel a hair better right now.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by vkey08

He dropped the deductible?? Hmmm... I know what to demand of our Governor the next time we get smacked by a major wide-spread disaster. Hmpf... That deductible hurt with the ice storm. That's at least a SMALL thing to make a homeowner feel a hair better right now.

Yeah he decreed that this storm did not meet Connecticut's rule for the threshold of the Hurricane Deductible.. was a really nice thing.. Malloy is also enforcing the rules he put into place on the Utility Companies, do what you say or else.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by vkey08

Now that is what I call a good politician. He either really cares....OR...he REALLY cares abut re-election. Either way, it sounds like the end result is what is helping the best anyone can under this widespread nightmare. I found a utility grid site last night that had maps of CT and parts of Upstate NY as well as Buffalo for outages and it was staggering to see how much is dark....

Then..the news today...The majority in NYC (and who knows where else) may be dark through the 10th or 11th.
The extent of damage is just hard to grasp.
edit on 2-11-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)


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