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How to See Spirits

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posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:56 PM
I am studying different ways on how to see spirits. I find this research important and consider it very serious information. People need to know about this, and I will do whatever I have to do to get this information out.


From my personal research these spirits are extremely dangerous to those who do not accept Christ. In other words, using these methods to attract spirits to your home can cause massive collateral damage, such as your child having a demonic possession whereby he or she thinks an alien abduction occurred. I have talked to many athiests who do their own paranormal research, and even though they themselves have had such deep personal wicked experiences with these entities, they continue to look at them as benevolent spirits. They are not! The Bible specifically states that going about or "awhoring" after these familiar spirits can get your soul banned from heaven! Do not ever seek out advice or help from these spirits, ever! You have been warned!

There are four methods I know of:

1.) Using a high powered infrared laser, 3,000mw minimum, with an infrared camera.

This is a link to the 5,000mw laser I use.

Recording with just a night vision camera is not enough. Sure, you will see plenty of high flying orbs that masquarade as UFOs, but to see them up close you will have to illuminate them. Basically, infrared light goes from 750nm to around 1050nm, at least that is what my Xenonics night vision can handle. Although these high and low flying orbs can be seen with just a night vision camera, illuminating them with a 750nm to 1050nm infrared light source is the secret to seeing them at will.

The video below is a small compilation I made. It shows just how damn easy it is to capture orb spirits. I caught all of these within a 25 minute time period. Notice how some go "against the current" proving that they are conscious beings. Some are shy, and run from the camera, whereas others are interested in what I am doing and hold still for awhile so I can film them.

Using the laser I mentioned above will work best if in a corn field or an area with few or no trees. The reason for this is that when an orb comes between the camera and a tree, the laser reflection off the tree is so bright that you will not be able to see the orb. Trust me on this one, a field is the way to go!

19 Orb Clips

This is a big compilation that I made, took me 100 hours to edit (I'm not a professional editor). Pay close attention to the orbs starting at 1:43 - 4:18. This is not dust or water dropplets or bugs. This orb mist is not affected by the wind. Pay special attention to the laser pointer and when it hits them. You will notice that some of these tiny orbs fly away like the are swimming through a current. I actually just went outside the other day when there was frost outside, and I saw the exact same phenomenon, proving they are not bugs. I have figured out how to do all this starting in March, so I have obviously not been able to do any testing during the cold months. As you will see, spirits come in all sizes, and they act like fish in the ocean. I am in the process of doing more tests with mirrors and glass panes to show that this orb mist is of conscious energy and not dust.

How to See Orb Spirits Using Modern Day Technology

2.) Using CMOS or CCD camera technology.

After researching this on and off for a few months, this is what I have learned. CCD and CMOS camera sensors are baically "low light" sensors.

CMOS cameras record one line at a time and are extremely fast. CCD captures one frame at a time and are therefore slower. Some cheap CMOS cameras record slow, and produce a distorted image when filiming something fast. The newer CMOS chips can record up to 1,000 frames per second.

The most important thing when using a digital CMOS or CCD camera is to make sure it does NOT have an infrared-out filter. Some high end cameras come with this filter which will block out all infrared light! Most cameras do not have this filter, but in full disclosure, some do.

The second most important thing is the flash. According to some research over at Wiki, I learned that the flash produces something called "color temperature" at about 5,500K or kelvin. The orbs, which are made of electromagnetic radiation, will absorb this light and will not be able to hide from it. It is just like using the infrared method, only not we are using high intensity visible light. As a matter of fact, you can use a 5,500K spotlight with an infrared camera too see the orbs more clearly! I am still in the process of testing CCD and CMOS sensors using high intensity 5,500K lights. There are a million orb pictures out on the internet using this method, but no videos. I'll have that fixed shortly, and will report back to this thread.

Orb mist pic:

Orb vortex pic:

3.) The solar obliteration technique.

This one might burn your eyes out, so be careful.

This one was discovered by some youtubers that got the idea from NASAs SOHO program. The SOHO program bascially monitors the sun by masking out the sun and leaving it's corona visible.

To see orbs / spirits / UFOs during the day you have to use the solar obliteration technique. As a matter of fact, you do not need any equipment whatsoever. Simply mask out the sun with a parkade light, street sign, or high building, exposing just the suns corona. Within 5 minutes you will see a lot of white string-like chain of orbs. This allows the maximum amount of light to shine through these spirits, thereby illuminating them to the visible spectrum.

Other solar obliteration methods:

a.) Using a regular video camera.
b.) Using a Sony Night Shot camera.
3.) Adding an infrared-in filter and welding mask shade 10 glass filter to either "a" or "b."

Just remember, if you buy yourself an infrared-in camera filter, that will allow only the infrared light to enter and WILL BURN YOUR EYES OUT if you look at the sun! This filter should be used WITH CAMERAS ONLY!

(Continues on below...)
edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:56 PM

4.) Alice Mirror

Pictures link - alice mirror examples.

The "alice mirror" is not like Video Instrumental Transcommunication, which is setting up a camera to point at a television screen which is displaying the cameras output, thereby creating something called "video feedback." This is much more simpler. All you do is setup your video camera so it records it's own viewfinder by using mirrors. According to the folks from, it will take some time before a spirit will manifest. This method was passed on to the Scole group by a medium who was possessed by a spirit during a seance. According to the spirit, spirits "need" mirrors to cross dimensions. I don't believe this BS for one second! Spirits can manifest, and communicate with you at will! They don't really need mirrors. It's just like the Electronic Voice Phenomenon, spirits are not really using the EVP device to talk to people! I don't know why spirits require people to "do the dance" and buy all this crap they don't need. I actually saw one movie where this guys old radio started talking to him, and it wasn't even plugged in! These spirits are making a mockery of Godless people!

I could go on forever. Here is some more information for those of you who are intersted in this subject.

The Afterlife Investigations - movie link

Orbs - The Veil is Lifting - movie link

Just remember, if these sprits mess with you, all you have to do is ask God to get rid of them! Also, I do all my research OUTSIDE! DO NOT INVITE THESE THINGS INTO YOUR HOUSE! I don't have time to explain it, but you will not receive any spiritual protection from God if you try to make friends with these things. Expose evil in dark places, but don't become part of that evil!

edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 09:00 PM
All I see in those pictures is out of focus bugs and snow.

The snow one is just obvious I'm afraid.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by SuspendedBelief

From my personal research these spirits are extremely dangerous to those who do not accept Christ. In other words, using these methods to attract spirits to your home can cause massive collateral damage, such as your child having a demonic possession whereby he or she thinks an alien abduction occurred.

Great, another aliens are really demons thread..

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
All I see in those pictures is out of focus bugs and snow.

The snow one is just obvious I'm afraid.

How can you say that? The orb mist and orb vortex pics are amazing! Especially the vortex pic. The guy in that picture asked the orbs to do something for the camera, and they responded with their vortex! Also, how can it be bugs and snow? Bugs don't survive in the cold.
edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by TheLonewolf

Originally posted by SuspendedBelief

From my personal research these spirits are extremely dangerous to those who do not accept Christ. In other words, using these methods to attract spirits to your home can cause massive collateral damage, such as your child having a demonic possession whereby he or she thinks an alien abduction occurred.

Great, another aliens are really demons thread..

Yes, this is what I am interested in. Sorry if I'm the last to know, it fascinates me.
edit on 28-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by SuspendedBelief
Bugs don't survive in the cold.

Snow does.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Using a Sony Night Shot camera.

....and it has to be a Sony?

Hrmmmmm. Does sony have the rights to the spirit realm? Or can I use a Samsung too?


posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 07:06 AM
I stopped at the title: "19 orb videos".

Furthermore, orbs are not spirits. Orbs are dust, bugs or other airborne particles.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Hecate666
I stopped at the title: "19 orb videos".

Furthermore, orbs are not spirits. Orbs are dust, bugs or other airborne particles.

Did anyone actually watch these videos? They are pretty amazing. I very much doubt what we are seeing in these videos are dust or bugs.

Great work. I am very interested to see the footage in cold weather (ruling out the bug possibility).

Very interesting!!

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

If they are extremely dangerous, then why are you messing around with them for your entertainment? Worse yet, why are you encouraging others to do the same?

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 05:55 PM
First vid is pretty compelling I must say. Most "orbs" are bunk, but plasma lifeforms are not so farfetched after all it seems.

“Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form. The plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism, like the unicellular amoeba, might encase a foreign substance in a cyst.

So amazed was Bohm by these life-like qualities that he later remarked that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was ‘alive’ and that plasma possessed some of the traits of living things. The debate on the existence of plasma-based life forms has been going on for more than 20 years ever since some models showed that plasma can mimic the functions of a primitive cell.”

“Paranormal analyst, Allan Danelek (in his book, The Case for Ghosts) says, ‘One could think of orbs as ‘tiny ghosts’ moving around a room, their essence being contained within a tiny sphere of pure energy, like air inside a bubble.’ This description matches the description of life-like pulsating plasma spheres generated in the laboratory by Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu. According to the paranormal literature ‘orbs’ are light anomalies that appear on photographs and video as spherical balls of light but as flashes of light to the naked eye because of their rapid speed of motion.”

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:06 PM
I believe that orbs are what they look like to our 3D eyes. What they look like in 4D or 5D would be quite different.

In fact how do we know the orbs are not someone's spirit astral projecting? Even in the bible someone left their body to go to Heaven. (As I have.)

You know this is kind of helpful, as my husband had a dream the other day. (He never remembers his dreams).
He was checking or making lasers, that was it and I thought that is a really weird dream to have, as he hates physics. But maybe he was making a laser to see these orbs??? He has never seen a UFO either. I have seen orbs and UFOs.

I have seen an orb dance in joy around a rainbow and I always wondered how they could see a rainbow, as I had been taught that the postition of a rainbow is determined by the angle between my eyes and the sunlight hitting the raindrop.

But apparently it is the only object that can be seen in both (all) dimensions!

How much does a 5000mw laser cost? Can you get one on Amazon?

Have you only seen orbs or have you picked up shadow creatures? My eldest keeps seeing a shadow creature and I would like to see what she sees, to kick its butt.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:44 PM
Sorry but I dont see much here other than just more religion based hooey.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by LeSigh
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

If they are extremely dangerous, then why are you messing around with them for your entertainment? Worse yet, why are you encouraging others to do the same?

These spirits raped my mind as a child. I really don't remember the # they did, but I would wake up and couldn't move, and horrible # would happen. It's like, it was all put into my selective memory, or whatever you call it. Looking back on it, the family doctor probably told my mom that I was having sleep paralysis.

I'm shining a light in a very dark place. If you watch "Ghost Adventures," you will see footage of these orbs entering the spine or heads of Nick, Aaron, or Zack. They go into a trance for a minute or so, then snap out of it. All they can remember is wanting to murder someone.

After I'm done exposing these turds of light, I'm going to teach people how to capture them and torture them, make them listen to Kenny G 24/7. It's really not that hard, William Cooper actually mentioned how to do it in one of his videos. You need to make a faraday cage, or as Cooper put it, a "faraday shielded enviornment." Trapping the spirits, well I still have to figure that part out.

Anyways, people have a right to know this information. It's kind of hard to not believe once you've seen. What people do with this information is their own free will. Exposing this filth is more important than whatever ulterior purposes people may think I have. As for why I am messing with them? I'm not afraid of them, plus it's time for a little revenge. Now that I have spiritual protection, I'm not worried about being attacked / possessed. Those days are over.
edit on 29-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:03 AM
I'm really surprised this isn't getting more attention. As a professional videographer/editor I can say that the "vortex swarms" could be something other than anomalous, but I can also say that barring CGI--and I don't believe that's the case--the larger anomalies you are catching is some of the most impressive film I've ever seen.

The only other question I have is related to my unfamiliarity with the techniques you are using i.e. does the method make the anomalous objects appear larger than they are?

I think you are on to something here and your youtube channel has got some very interesting footage as well. I've sent you a u2u to discuss a few things you might find helpful in your further research.

Unless a really convincing debunk comes along, I have a feeling that slowly but surely your footage will start to catch some attention. Have you contacted any video analysts to get a second opinion? I'm sure there are a few who would love to look at your stuff more closely.

I'm also taking the opportunity to imbed the Scole vid you linked. I saw it about a year ago and have shared it with quite a few people. It's not your everyday "paranormal" documentary.

Hit me back on that u2u. Peace.

Your "Orbs Split in Two" vid:[/b]

edit on 30-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Using a Sony Night Shot camera.

....and it has to be a Sony?

Hrmmmmm. Does sony have the rights to the spirit realm? Or can I use a Samsung too?


I once thought that you had to use a night vision type camera to capture orbs during the day. That was how it was introduced to me. I was just making the point, a lot of people on YouTuber use the Sony Night shot cameras. Perhaps it does pick up more orbs when not looking near the suns corona, however, using the obliteration technique alone does not require any type of night shot or night vision.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Hecate666
I stopped at the title: "19 orb videos".

Furthermore, orbs are not spirits. Orbs are dust, bugs or other airborne particles.

Watch the video with 19 orbs. Dust does not respond to a 5,000mw laser shooting massive amounts of radiation at it. As for it being bugs, it's called reason by deduction. I've seen plenty of videos of orbs flying around during the winter. When it gets cold here in Iowa, I will bring out my camera, focus on a thermometer, and then focus on some orbs to prove to all the skeptics. I've already been out once during a small frost, and I've seen the exact same thing, orbs trying to stay out of my laser. Plus, if they were bugs, I would not be living here!
edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
The first video looks beautiful and somewhat equivalent to discovering a new life-form. There they all are floating, pulsating and moving on the night breeze in front of our eyes. This footage is clearly and obviously not snowflakes or dust motes like damn near every other alleged 'orb' or 'spirit' digital imagery.

The thing is, to me, they look exactly like someone is blowing soap bubbles and you're filming them in IR as they move on the air currents (the busier items will be bugs). Of course, maybe they aren't soap bubbles and you're the first person to capture proof of a new life-form using widely available technology? It's a pity the video is as heavily-edited as you say because, without seeing one of these orb/bubbles for longer than the time it takes to cross the screen, it remains ambiguous.

ETA - Wow. You're quite a nifty producer when it comes to your videos. I think I saw the Barbury Castle crop circle and orb digital-effects footage in there and definitely saw the Skunkworks faked saucer image. You've also dropped Greer in at the end...


edit on 30-9-2012 by Kandinsky because: Clarity

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 01:32 AM
An interesting OP,normally these types of posts are quite dubious and please don't take offence but when someone starts stating that only christ and god can protect you or talking about other people as godless then it usually puts my hackles right up.

You videos are certainly interesting though.Admittedly I've no experience of filming with high powered lasers so maybe they could refect off bugs and dust to produce this effect but I have to say it intrigues me enough to keep my mind open to the idea you have caught something of interest.

Personally I found the first video a lot more compelling.I could imagine very light snow or rain in the wind producing some of the effects in the second video.

When I read you're vengeful tirade against spirits,wanting to capture,expose,punish and torture them for what you feel they have done to you in the past now you have divine protection it devalues the other side of your post in my eyes.i.e the spiritual,religious aspect of what you said as you've approached the 'spirit world' with an agenda and a fully formed conviction as to what your dealing with.

I've had some encounters or run-ins with this kind of thing but I can't claim to know or appreciate fully what is fundamentally going on although there are many,like yourself,who claim they do know for sure.

Are spirits the souls of dead people or elemental non human forces ??

I just dont know though I have my doubts concerning the souls of the dead.It may even be the manifestation of some darker,unknown recess of human conciousness.All I know is I've seen an experienced things I cannot explain and were seemingly physically impossible !!!

Where I would agree with you is your assertion not to take this stuff lightly,keep it away from your home.Dont get seduced or carried away with this stuff if you do happen to encounter something that is 'paranormal'.

it's incredibly easy to see the what you want if you are taken with this stuff,mistaking coincidences and the not at first obvious for paranormal but when you do encounter something,a force,entity or whatever you will know about it.

Remember (for those of us who are you dont know what it is your dealing with and therefore you cant judge what its capable of so be cautious,dont just take it at face value and dont forget if your mind n will is strong and your own then,iMO it'll protect you.

Those who believe their spiritually protected have strength from that,if you too have the strength of your convictions then it cant help.

Anyway this post is certainly interesting for the videos.if you have captured something concious or aware will be interesting to see !!

cant say i saw any ufo's in the accepted sense

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