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Recently ive done some automatic writing

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posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:12 PM
There has been a few occasions, about a couple years ago if i remember clearly that ive played ouija, and have gotten an entity named Russel that has come to chat with us.

Before i go on, i know that playing ouija is bad news bears, and have not played since. We smudged the home, ripped the board into 7 pieces and buried it 2 feet in the ground as recommended. So please do not tell me it a bad thing to do, as i already know this, and have not played since.

My friend at the time, had Russel speaking with her for about a year, and since then have not heard from or have tried playing ouija. A bit of background information on Russel. he enjoyed playing tricks on all of us, and told my friend at the time(whom had been speaking with him through the board) that he loved her. We would ask why he always speaks with us, and tri=es to get through on the board while other entities and spirits have been trying because of the obviously noticable power struggle, as the planchette would stop on a blank space between letters and then continue moving to the letter intended. Russel also liked to tell all men who play ouija with her to 'die'.

Recently, ive tried Automatic writing to get in touch with my spirit guide. I have been able to do it in the past, but with no luck contacting my guide. The first most recent time have tried it, i have gotten in touch with my spirit guide the first time, and since then he had given me some valuable information concernining some of the things that i had to, and could do to help myself in the near future. Recently(about a week ago i had done a session in which none of the writing i had gotten back just seemed like mumbojumbo, and then the next question would be answered perfectly fine, and completely legible.

What happened was, i would ask the entity's name, and i would never get a legitimate answer. I know some guides do not like to give a name, as is it unimportant infomation, but I feel as though my whomever it was, was just avoiding the question. So i asked again, "I know you may feel as though it is unimportant as of right now, but i believe it would make me feel a bit more comfortable if you'd just give me your name"

The answer i got was not a name, but rather a harsh, angered answer, almost as though it were angry that i had asked again., It read "doesn't matter to you boy". This one was probably the most legible and understandable respone that i had gotten. I asked "why do you call me boy", and the response was "you are a boy". Again it was completely readable, and i got to feeling as thought whom/what ever this may be, is not my spirit guide.

Since then i had not spoken with or have tried to for that matter, the entity. I brought my notebok over to a friend's house and asked for him to help analyse it with me.

It turns out that the mumbojumbo that i had read, in response after the first question was actually backwards. I kind of thought it odd, because at the end of whatever this was, calling me boy. I had told the entity that i would find my own path to God and do not wish to write with it any longer. The respone to the last writing was exactly as follows "I love You, Michael (my last name), Goodbye". N9ow my last name is extremely hard to pronounce, and this entity got it completely correct.

Back to the first time i had asked its name...My friend and i had come to the conclsion that it was demonic, due to the backwards writing, but i thought that demons do not even know English whatsoever. Maybe i was wrong?

Anyway, the backwards writing spelled out i do not know what that means, because we got rid of the board correctly and my friend had cleansed her house, i pray regularly and have smudged our home due to other occurences and salted our doorways.

If anyone would have any insight as to what is happening or could've happened, please help shed some light on this for me. I anyone has any suggestions on anything, id also appreciate that aswell.

I do still have the writing in my notebook, and i can take pictures if anyone would like to see them, but i do not know how to put them up. If anybody wouyld like to help with that, lemme know please.

If anyone has something meaningless to say, you will just be ignored as i do not care what you have to say, nor will your ignorance be taken into account or seriously for that matter.

Thanks for reading and suggestions/questions.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

Definitely take some pictures,
I would be interested in seeing them!

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:24 PM

but i do not know how to put them up. If anybody wouyld like to help with that, lemme know please.

go to your 'tool's+' page , you'll figure it out.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by TheHigherYou

cool thanks guys, im not home as of right now, but i will remember tomorrow when i return from the parent's house.

They are actually pretty cool, but this is kinda freaking me out.

If its not my spirit guide, idk if i should be speaking with it anymore.

but i will figure it out tomorrow and post the pictures.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

If it's not your spirit guide you need to ascertain what/who it is.

If it's just a discarnate spirit help send it on its way.

If it is something else.....your choice.

Either way, you're opening the doorway to another realm and, unless you are experienced, you can end up as lunch.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin


spirits do not eat the living lol.

I do somewhat know what i am doing, but doorways to the spirit world are opened through automatic writing?

Are you sure because i do not believe so

not being snarky, just would really like to know as i do not believe so.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:05 PM
Take it one step at a time it find out its intent and reserve your judgement

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

You wont like the solution, so why bother asking for one?

In regards to your assumption that demons don't know english: Who on earth told you such garbage? Fallen angels have been with men since time immemorial. They know every single language we do, better than we do, and then some.
edit on 5-9-2012 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

The way I look at it, whenever you deal with people you don't know, you have to use caution. Especially if these "people" are dead, or never lived.

I don't know if spirits are real. If they're not, then of course you're wasting your time talking to them. No one's home.

If they are real, then you really don't know what you're getting into. Who are they? What do they want? Why are they even talking to you in the first place? How do you know you can trust them? And so on.

When you're dealing with humans, you kind of check them out first. In real life (not the Internet - that's not real), you can see how they dress, whether they wash, are they aggressive. You can tell things about them from tone of voice, eye contact, posture, that sort of thing. Sure, some guys are smooth and can easily fool you; but most of the time you can pick up a vibe if they're shady.

Contacting spirits, you're just asking for whoever comes along to talk to you. It's *kind* of like standing on a street corner and asking people if they'd please talk to you. Most would just look at you funny and keep moving. Some would stop. With spirits, just because they're dead doesn't mean they're smart. They may be really dumb spirits. But even if they're smart doesn't mean they're your friend. They may be spiritual con artists.

I'm guessing that on a real street, someone would eventually stop and talk. Chances are he wouldn't be a crook, but... he might be. In the spirit world, same thing - he might be OK, might not be. How can you tell?

You have to ask yourself, why isn't this guy doing something? No job? No friends? Why's he running loose here on earth (or in a near-earth dimension)?

There is the concept of "earthbound spirits" which are said to be spirits who haven't moved on to the next stage yet. They're dead, but they cling to the earth and won't let go - maybe they're afraid, maybe they've got to work out some stuff, whatever. They're said to be less advanced than usual. So right there you may be getting into some difficulties, because this guy might just be someone who has flunked Spirit 101 so far.

A lot of Christians say that it's a sin to talk to *any* spirit, overlooking the fact that God and Jesus are Spirit. So according to them, your spirit is a demon from hell who is trying to trick you into turning away from God and into a life of sin. Apparently the devil gives them Brownie points if they manage to catch your soul.

In Eastern religions they're less creepy about these spirits. They just say that the spirits are a distraction from your real task here, which is to work towards enlightenment. You won't go to hell, but they'll hold you back and waste your time.

My take on this is that we've got plenty to keep us busy right here in this life, without worrying about any afterlife. Take good care of this life, and the afterlife will take care of you. Or something.

I would say, just leave it. There's not a whole lot of difference between using a Ouija board and automatic writing. In both cases you're getting written messages from spirits or your subconscious or whatever it is. With a Ouija board, if you're using it with a friend you may be getting messages from the friend's subconscious, but you get my drift.

So what's in it for you? What benefit could you get from doing this, compared to what it might cost you? Is it worth it?

Of course, only you can answer that. But it's good to ask yourself the question.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

From what I understand, when you use a board, you are in effect asking for contact - an invitation of sorts. The entities who mess around with Ouija are lower level ones, and mostly liars and manipulators. At first, they might come across as friendly, or try to pretend to be someone you want to talk to - perhaps someone you know who has died.

But if you are sensitive enough to get anything more than gobbledegook, then you have opened a door for future continuing contact. Many time, nothing comes through, or it's so weak no messages can come through. But a person who has some sensitivity who calls for contact is basically giving whatever is trying to come through a free pass into their life. I'm a moderator on a paranormal forum, and I've seen this again and again.

Also, once you have established a strong contact, it seems like you become marked for more. Like having a permanent welcome mat out and a glowing arrow pointing to you.

Automatic writing invites similar interaction. I'm pretty sure what you get isn't usually very positive or very useful. At first, some people seem to get stuff that helps them, but after the contact is assured, things can go south pretty fast. Your first clue was the angry response. Not a good sign.

This guy isn't your spirit guide. It's a lower level spirit; a trickster. They want in so they can experience your life, and eventually will begin to make demands.

My advice is to stop doing the automatic writing and if you notice any sort of influence or oppression, demand it leave. Don't speak with it except to rebuke it and send it packing.

That's my advice. I'm sure others will have differing views.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:22 PM
Don't be deceived...By lying spirits...

Straight Answers on the New Age, Satanism:

No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

Mike, one more thing. You say you "got rid of the Ouija board correctly." What does that mean? There have got to be dozens, if not hundreds, of opinions about how to get rid of a Ouija board. What makes you think you chose the right one?

It's not the board that is the problem, it's the person who used it. No matter how you dispose of the physical board, that's not what is important. What's important is letting go of any clinging to it (or to its effects, or to Russell) that you might have. That's internal work.

People approach this stuff for a variety of reasons. Probably the most common one is seeking entertainment. People get bored, they try Ouija. Most of the time, nothing happens. It's easy for them to just drop it.

Others want knowledge or power, or to have some cool ability they can show off. The focus is on themselves, and the intent is selfish. Even if these people destroy their boards, they may still cling mentally to the idea - they still want their spirit to appear, they want the knowledge or power they think they had. They didn't really get rid of the board; it's just inside them now.

Some of these people behave as though they had become addicted. They may successfully stay away from Ouija, but then they try something else (like automatic writing). Even though it's not the same technique, it may be close enough to reactivate their old addiction, and have them experiencing distress and other negative spiritual events. It's like how some guys quit drinking booze, but then later get hooked on tranquilizers. Different drug, but same basic problem.

I'm thinking that if you're uncomfortable with what you're doing, that's a reasonable indication that it would be a good idea to stop, at least for now. If you're having trouble - obsessing, having compulsive behaviors, etc. - either seek help from a psychologist, or else seek help from like a priest or minister or something like that. If you want to try to do it on your own, work to honestly let go of all desires for these phenomena.

Good luck to you.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 06:24 AM
This is not to fool you but how do you know its your guide? Could it be another spirit just pretending to be your guide?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by PsyMike91

OK, by your answer I suggest you stop.

You are connecting via the same method as using a Ouija board. The realm you are contacting contains many things, and some that will leech onto you ethereally and feed off your emotions, and therefore will create moments in your life that cause you to produce negative energy so they can feed, hence you become their lunch.

I will not participate anymore and take my advice as you will.

Best of luck.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 07:14 AM
Dude... I know you won't listen because you are already intrigued, or ensnared, by this idea of being able to contact spirits. But, think about it, do you REALLY see much of a difference between a ouiga board and automatic writing? In both cases you are reaching out to the other side... I don't claim to know about this stuff because I don't mess around with that, but it seems pretty simple to me that, if, according to you, ouiga is bad, bad enough to dispose of it, then automatic writing should also be considered to be bad. Maybe the pages need to be "taken care of" in the same way as the ouiga...? Maybe its a good thing you saved the pages. If you don't stop now, what will it be next? At least consider it... From what I hear, an evil spirit, or demon, or whatever, can tell you the truth about things enough so you will trust them, and that's when they will try to make you do something bad, like "your best friend is going to try to kill you and your family tonight unless you kill them first" and you will think to yourself "well, it told me the truth about that girl who liked me, and that lottery ticket, and that great new job that pays well and has great benefits, so, it must be telling the truth now too!" Then the money, girl, and job won't matter because you will be hauled away to prison, muttering about spirits and automatic writing, but nobody will believe you. They will find the notebooks covered in your fingerprints, and have no proof that anyone wrote that stuff other than you yourself. Anyway, maybe someone else can tell you more, but you already seem like you find this stuff suspicious and don't know if you can trust it... Follow your instincts...

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by DeadSeraph
reply to post by PsyMike91

You wont like the solution, so why bother asking for one?

In regards to your assumption that demons don't know english: Who on earth told you such garbage? Fallen angels have been with men since time immemorial. They know every single language we do, better than we do, and then some.
edit on 5-9-2012 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

See, this i do know as they do speak when possessing people, but some do not as explained with mute people in the bible.

Yet, during ouija, a fallen would actually move the planchette from A to Z...which is indication that it is a demon, which led us to tearing the board up and burying it.

The implication was not meant as it had come out, my apologies.

I know they do know english, but i have gotten a demon beofre in earlier writing (believe a year ago)
It did not answer my question, but rather wrote scribbles.

The initial indication i had received that had led me to realize that it was either demonic or Satanic was that in the scribbles it had made a bunch of sixes...

You wont like the solution, so why bother asking for one?

and what is that even supposed to mean?

I did not ask for a solution in my OP, so needless to say that made absolutely no sense at all.

And if you are so intent on explaining a "solution", what would that be?
To stop writing to the entity, as i have already done?

Gee thanks, appreciate your help.

Can i ask you a question though, if you will?
What do you actually know about demons?
Or are you just another couch demonologist?

Sorry to be so frank, but i cannot accept any advice from someone whom claims to know much, and probably does not.

If you will give me a bit of background on your studies and what you actrually DO know, maybe we would be able talk.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by baruch60610
reply to post by PsyMike91

The way I look at it, whenever you deal with people you don't know, you have to use caution. Especially if these "people" are dead, or never lived.

I don't know if spirits are real. If they're not, then of course you're wasting your time talking to them. No one's home.

If they are real, then you really don't know what you're getting into. Who are they? What do they want? Why are they even talking to you in the first place? How do you know you can trust them? And so on.

When you're dealing with humans, you kind of check them out first. In real life (not the Internet - that's not real), you can see how they dress, whether they wash, are they aggressive. You can tell things about them from tone of voice, eye contact, posture, that sort of thing. Sure, some guys are smooth and can easily fool you; but most of the time you can pick up a vibe if they're shady.

Contacting spirits, you're just asking for whoever comes along to talk to you. It's *kind* of like standing on a street corner and asking people if they'd please talk to you. Most would just look at you funny and keep moving. Some would stop. With spirits, just because they're dead doesn't mean they're smart. They may be really dumb spirits. But even if they're smart doesn't mean they're your friend. They may be spiritual con artists.

I'm guessing that on a real street, someone would eventually stop and talk. Chances are he wouldn't be a crook, but... he might be. In the spirit world, same thing - he might be OK, might not be. How can you tell?

You have to ask yourself, why isn't this guy doing something? No job? No friends? Why's he running loose here on earth (or in a near-earth dimension)?

There is the concept of "earthbound spirits" which are said to be spirits who haven't moved on to the next stage yet. They're dead, but they cling to the earth and won't let go - maybe they're afraid, maybe they've got to work out some stuff, whatever. They're said to be less advanced than usual. So right there you may be getting into some difficulties, because this guy might just be someone who has flunked Spirit 101 so far.

A lot of Christians say that it's a sin to talk to *any* spirit, overlooking the fact that God and Jesus are Spirit. So according to them, your spirit is a demon from hell who is trying to trick you into turning away from God and into a life of sin. Apparently the devil gives them Brownie points if they manage to catch your soul.

In Eastern religions they're less creepy about these spirits. They just say that the spirits are a distraction from your real task here, which is to work towards enlightenment. You won't go to hell, but they'll hold you back and waste your time.

My take on this is that we've got plenty to keep us busy right here in this life, without worrying about any afterlife. Take good care of this life, and the afterlife will take care of you. Or something.

I would say, just leave it. There's not a whole lot of difference between using a Ouija board and automatic writing. In both cases you're getting written messages from spirits or your subconscious or whatever it is. With a Ouija board, if you're using it with a friend you may be getting messages from the friend's subconscious, but you get my drift.

So what's in it for you? What benefit could you get from doing this, compared to what it might cost you? Is it worth it?

Of course, only you can answer that. But it's good to ask yourself the question.

As i do understand the intent of your post, and i do understand what you're getting at.

The intent of my writing was to contact my spirit guide, as in my OP i am not sure if this happens to be it.

I meditate for a half of an hour, and then shortly afterwards, say a prayer of protection and the Lords prayer, then i begin to address my spirit guide on the sheet of paper.

The problem is, that i do not know whether this may be my guide or a trickster spirit or the ladder.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Those who rule know everything about us, what makes us laugh, what makes us happy and, most importantly, what scares us. Those who rule us hate us.

Remember that when you're out in the big wide world. The eye is always watching. Life is hard for a reason. It feeds off our negative energy.

ETA: You don't need a ouija board or a piece of paper. This thing is in all our heads. Want to get scared sh*tless sometime? Take a trip on Ritalin for about six months, legally of course.
edit on 9/6/2012 by rtyfx because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by baruch60610
reply to post by PsyMike91

Mike, one more thing. You say you "got rid of the Ouija board correctly." What does that mean? There have got to be dozens, if not hundreds, of opinions about how to get rid of a Ouija board. What makes you think you chose the right one?

It's not the board that is the problem, it's the person who used it. No matter how you dispose of the physical board, that's not what is important. What's important is letting go of any clinging to it (or to its effects, or to Russell) that you might have. That's internal work.

People approach this stuff for a variety of reasons. Probably the most common one is seeking entertainment. People get bored, they try Ouija. Most of the time, nothing happens. It's easy for them to just drop it.

Others want knowledge or power, or to have some cool ability they can show off. The focus is on themselves, and the intent is selfish. Even if these people destroy their boards, they may still cling mentally to the idea - they still want their spirit to appear, they want the knowledge or power they think they had. They didn't really get rid of the board; it's just inside them now.

Some of these people behave as though they had become addicted. They may successfully stay away from Ouija, but then they try something else (like automatic writing). Even though it's not the same technique, it may be close enough to reactivate their old addiction, and have them experiencing distress and other negative spiritual events. It's like how some guys quit drinking booze, but then later get hooked on tranquilizers. Different drug, but same basic problem.

I'm thinking that if you're uncomfortable with what you're doing, that's a reasonable indication that it would be a good idea to stop, at least for now. If you're having trouble - obsessing, having compulsive behaviors, etc. - either seek help from a psychologist, or else seek help from like a priest or minister or something like that. If you want to try to do it on your own, work to honestly let go of all desires for these phenomena.

Good luck to you.

As i have indicated earlier i have no addiction to any specific entity, i had just tried to contact my guide, and obviously this was not it. I have stopped contacting the spirit or whatever it may happen to be , and have stopped writing with it.

As far as the board goes, well the "correct" way, as i have been told a priest was to rip it into seven pieces and bury it. You are not supposed to burn it apparently as the spirits that are contained within the board would bve released.

Thats just what a priest had told me to do, so we did that and have not played since then.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by 3n19m470
Dude... I know you won't listen because you are already intrigued, or ensnared, by this idea of being able to contact spirits. But, think about it, do you REALLY see much of a difference between a ouiga board and automatic writing? In both cases you are reaching out to the other side... I don't claim to know about this stuff because I don't mess around with that, but it seems pretty simple to me that, if, according to you, ouiga is bad, bad enough to dispose of it, then automatic writing should also be considered to be bad. Maybe the pages need to be "taken care of" in the same way as the ouiga...? Maybe its a good thing you saved the pages. If you don't stop now, what will it be next? At least consider it... From what I hear, an evil spirit, or demon, or whatever, can tell you the truth about things enough so you will trust them, and that's when they will try to make you do something bad, like "your best friend is going to try to kill you and your family tonight unless you kill them first" and you will think to yourself "well, it told me the truth about that girl who liked me, and that lottery ticket, and that great new job that pays well and has great benefits, so, it must be telling the truth now too!" Then the money, girl, and job won't matter because you will be hauled away to prison, muttering about spirits and automatic writing, but nobody will believe you. They will find the notebooks covered in your fingerprints, and have no proof that anyone wrote that stuff other than you yourself. Anyway, maybe someone else can tell you more, but you already seem like you find this stuff suspicious and don't know if you can trust it... Follow your instincts...

Alright, damn...



which happened to be about a week ago.

I have not, and will not contact it anymore. Why does everyone continuosly steer clear of what i have said?

Sorry guys, i have done already what everyone is saying, I just wanted to contact my spirit guide.

Thank you all for the half-hearted advice.

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