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Dream of a very very large "american" "spaceship" crashing to earth

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:12 AM
Last night I had a very real dream. 1080P like it was so real if you know what I'm saying lol.. Anyway I was in my house just puttering around doing whatever it was I was doing and my wife came rushing into the house panicking. She was almost screaming at me that I had to come outside and see it. I had to eventually grab her to get her to calm down and tell me what she was talking about. She insisted there was a huge alien space ship outside hovering in the south western sky from where we were. I dismissed her saying she was screwing with me but she kept insisting she was not and I needed to go look.

I give in expecting to get laughed at for falling for something so ridiculous and walk outside with her to see a slightly dark blue sky in the east and a very red sky in the west. The ship she was telling me about was unbelievably big. I'm talking measured in miles. Its shape was somewhat of a blimp from the side and a very futuristic stealth bomber from the bottom.

I told my wife that's not alien that's American as it was red white and blue with a massive white star on the side of it. We both stood there in awe of this massive creation baffled why it was there. As I start to come out of the initial shock of seeing this thing I start to notice much much smaller things flying around it. I couldn't make them out they were just blurry black dots.

As time goes on I notice other people are coming out of their houses walking to where they can see this thing and just stop and look up as if they were being hypnotized. Once there was a crowd the size you'd expect to see at Wal-Mart on black Friday standing around in my neighbor hood I heard three loud booms... Boom Boom Boom... Then the "ship" started falling very quickly crashing into the earth. There was no explosion and it looked as if the "ship" was still in tact but clearly in operational to have fallen to earth.

The very last part of the dream was just a few seconds after the "ship" had crashed there was a roaring noise coming from the crash that got louder and was followed by very strong wind and eventually another smaller boom as we were all knocked down from what I assumed was a blast wave or whatever. As I was falling I seen the little black blurry things flying away in random directions.

That's when my wife woke me up asking if I was OK because I was kind of thrashing around in bed. These dreams don't come very often and they are much much smaller. I have never had a dream this "big" and I am very concerned about it. I have been worrying about it since I was woken up...
edit on 30-8-2012 by Strave because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Strave

I told my wife that's not alien that's American as it was red white and blue with a massive white star on the side of it

Made me think of Captian Americas Shield.

It's Interesting you expected to be laughed at for falling for something. I share that fear and I would suspect others here do to. That's why we are members of a conspiracy site.

Perhapse your coming to grips that the America you onced knew and counted on will at some point fail.

The little black dots could be the un-identified enemies that target the US.

Just my thoughts.

edit on 30-8-2012 by Observationalist because: Grammar

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Observationalist
reply to post by Strave

I told my wife that's not alien that's American as it was red white and blue with a massive white star on the side of it

Made me think of Captian Americas Shield.

It's Interesting you expected to be laughed at for falling for something. I share that fear and I would suspect others here do to. That's why we are members of a conspiracy site.

Perhapse your coming to grips that the America you onced knew and counted on will at some point fail.

The little black dots could be the un-identified enemies that target the US.

Just my thoughts.

edit on 30-8-2012 by Observationalist because: Grammar

I couldn't have said it better myself. That's a great interpretation. A lot of people are realizing what's happening to America and are waking up to it (no pun intended).

What a great dream by the way.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Strave

When I read your post and the part about the American red, white & blue/white star markings, it made me wonder,..

Are you one who ascribes much of our current planetary maladies as something perhaps, conspiracy driven? Are you a sci-fi fan and have enthusiastically watched films like ID4, Battlegrund L.A., Prometheus, etc?

Not bashing if you are, I sure lean in that direction, WTC7 is only one small thing in a huge pile of madness that doesn't 'add up' for me.
I'm just curious how it might color/influence your dream if you perhaps had recently watched anything like that & if you are like-minded as to my kind of thinking, because I've had a few dreams in 1080 with similar themes like you've described in the op.

I read about project bluebeam around 96 on the early alternative news sites and it made my blood run cold. I too have had dreams of huge mechanized things falling to earth but never with markings like yours, mine usually almost like a huge H.R. Geiger designed meets Tokyo designed robots. I interpret in my dreams that the H.R. Geiger/Japanese art influence of my visions as my subconscious trying to describe something to me as partially,.. 1. like something I've seen before in countless Japanese entertainment, giant robots & 2. Something that in my mind, 'appears' alien to me, ala the work of Geiger which has influenced us through popular culture.

If you don't mind me saying so, my interpretation of your dream: It sounds like you are sensing that if an event like this happens, that you may already be inclined to suspect the US's involvement OR that the subconscious realm is giving you this clue and 'when' such an event like this happens in the future - as to whom the culprits might be, you're getting the clue now (it's a conspiracy forum, I can daydream a little). Sounds like it would make a great movie at the very least. Attention Hollywood, get on that, but without the typical endings please.

Very cool visual in my head from your description, thanks for sharing your dream.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Strave

Interesting dream. Just out of interest did you wife experience the same dream. Wouldnt it be real bizzare if you both had the same dream at same time, and both in it.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Observationalist

That is the only thing I was able to come up with is that it represents the fall of America. Tho I can't for the life of me think why I would dream such a thing... Yet for about the last year or so I have had this feeling that when I worry about my job or something pertaining to the future and money that its almost over. I can't really explain it more than that just that I stop worrying because its almost over.

reply to post by Pagedisciple

I do enjoy Sci-Fi tho I have never actually seen any of those you listed... I am more of a fan and not a follower.

reply to post by AthlonSavage
And no she did not have the same dream. She rarely dreams at all and if she does she claims its always good things about me lol tho I suspect that is just her trying to boost my confidence


But this dream is still disturbing me as it still has yet to leave me. Normally a dream will leave me in an hour or two or like these "1080P" dreams lol will last a morning maybe into the afternoon but never remain so clear and vivid into the following day. Its been 30 some hours since I woke from that dream and I still remember it like a very clear memory of something that just happened. It makes my stomach turn with nervousness and today when I got home from work without realizing it I turned on the TV hoping to see some news about that "event" before quickly realizing that it never happened.

I tried googling some of the key events in the dream to see if they mean anything in those dream dictionary things but I was unsuccessful. I would appreciate it if anyone knows anything about dreams or have heard of a similar dream to mine.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Strave

Red, white and blue are not just the colours of the USA.
It could have been French, Dutch, British, Russian etc etc.
Just saying.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Strave

Great dream op!

I've had dreams where I was just floating and backstroking along, and suddenly explosions, coming from a very high altitude war of some kind. There's never a plot or anyone else around, I'm just observing these explosions.

Once, in my sleep,a saw a flash of a visible, huge spacecraft, that appeared for a fraction of a second, and then "cloaked." Woke me right up, shaking my head and asking myself, WTF?

I can be in agreement that your dream represented a failing America, but wouldn't it be fun if disclosure came in the form of an American space ship crashing to Earth? They'd have to own up to their secret space programs.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Strave

Wow. Left a vivid imprint in my head, Lol!
As some have said, maybe you are realizing the U.S. is failing, (falling), and maybe too much ATS will tend to taint ones imagination/dreams......
Not trying to downplay or make fun of you in any way, so please don't take me wrong......
Here you said:"That is the only thing I was able to come up with is that it represents the fall of America. Tho I can't for the life of me think why I would dream such a thing... Yet for about the last year or so I have had this feeling that when I worry about my job or something pertaining to the future and money that its almost over. I can't really explain it more than that just that I stop worrying because its almost over."
What is 'IT'? What is almost over? Our once semiwonderful ways of life? or your's in particular? Hopefully you do NOT think your life is almost over. Don't let all the negativity get to you to reach that point.
TPTB want ALL of us to be in a Negative State and in Fear Constantly. If we fall for all their Fear-Mongering, They win. No Way can we let them win.
Thanx for the Share of Your dream. Syx.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:59 AM
To be honest I bet the black blurry things are these.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:24 PM
Awesome dream! Just the vividness and descriptive details tells me this is an important one. Since you yourself have connected it to America, I will assume you 'know' this to be the case.

Here are my thoughts and interpretation:

Key elements of dream:

Normal life
Wife hysterical
Your doubt
Relent and step outside
Blue sky in east
Red sky in west
Large ship in southwest
Red white blue ship shaped like blimp from side and triangular underneath
People mesmerized and in awe
Notice little black blurry dots flying all about it
3 loud booms
crash but intact
Roar, wind, smaller boom and blast wave
People fall
Little blurry dots fly off randomly

Your house represents your comfort zone---where you live, putter about, and feel safe.
Your wife demands that you step out of your comfort zone and pay attention to something that might be important...something happening outside your comfort zone.
You hesitate to step out either out of fear of the unknown or because you are afraid of being tricked. You doubt the veracity of her words. You're just not sure what the truth is. You would much rather laugh it off and stay safely inside where you are happy and content and not look.

You relent and step outside your comfort zone. Everything now looks crystal clear to you.
You are able to see two different views. One is blue and to the east. The other is red and to the west. This represents the extreme division we see in America today. The politics of the times has polarized this nation and its people. We are faced with two very different directions in which to take this country.

The ship is situated in the southwest. It indeed represents the America we know and love. It is usually just right of center politically and this has been our strength and power traditionally. It is large and mighty and has always been a source of great awe for its people. They have looked up to it and held it in deep reverence valuing what its colors represent and its traditional values. It has been a big bright and shining star.

But something is amiss. Something blurry, dark, and uncertain is going forth now.

The little black blurry dots are key to this dream. They are the hidden little details that are going out from something within this great ship. Very few are really paying attention to these little blurry details and they are amassing all around and outside the great ship.

Three loud booms represent three powerful directives or events that will begin the demise of the great ship. Perhaps one or more have already gone forth. They will cause the crash. The shell will remain intact, but it will no longer soar to great heights.

Once it has fallen from its high position, the people are next.

There will be yet another "boom" (directive) and this blast will prostrate them. They will be knocked to the ground, so to speak, and be left wondering how such a thing happened. (How did THAT pass?!)

The numerous little black blurry dots---all the dark little vague and sinister details that few were paying attention to---have done their deed.

Edited to add this: I believe premonition dreams don't have to necessarily come to pass. With bold attention to the possibility of such an event, things can be changed. They merely represent what MIGHT happen if things continue along the path without interference.
edit on 29-11-2012 by queenofswords because: To add last line.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by makemap

What the heck IS that thing?

Is there an ATS thread on that video?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by windword

No clue just found it.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Strave
Last night I had a very real dream. 1080P like it was so real if you know what I'm saying lol.. Anyway I was in my house just puttering around doing whatever it was I was doing and my wife came rushing into the house panicking. She was almost screaming at me that I had to come outside and see it. I had to eventually grab her to get her to calm down and tell me what she was talking about. She insisted there was a huge alien space ship outside hovering in the south western sky from where we were. I dismissed her saying she was screwing with me but she kept insisting she was not and I needed to go look.

I give in expecting to get laughed at for falling for something so ridiculous and walk outside with her to see a slightly dark blue sky in the east and a very red sky in the west. The ship she was telling me about was unbelievably big. I'm talking measured in miles. Its shape was somewhat of a blimp from the side and a very futuristic stealth bomber from the bottom.

I told my wife that's not alien that's American as it was red white and blue with a massive white star on the side of it. We both stood there in awe of this massive creation baffled why it was there. As I start to come out of the initial shock of seeing this thing I start to notice much much smaller things flying around it. I couldn't make them out they were just blurry black dots.

As time goes on I notice other people are coming out of their houses walking to where they can see this thing and just stop and look up as if they were being hypnotized. Once there was a crowd the size you'd expect to see at Wal-Mart on black Friday standing around in my neighbor hood I heard three loud booms... Boom Boom Boom... Then the "ship" started falling very quickly crashing into the earth. There was no explosion and it looked as if the "ship" was still in tact but clearly in operational to have fallen to earth.

The very last part of the dream was just a few seconds after the "ship" had crashed there was a roaring noise coming from the crash that got louder and was followed by very strong wind and eventually another smaller boom as we were all knocked down from what I assumed was a blast wave or whatever. As I was falling I seen the little black blurry things flying away in random directions.

That's when my wife woke me up asking if I was OK because I was kind of thrashing around in bed. These dreams don't come very often and they are much much smaller. I have never had a dream this "big" and I am very concerned about it. I have been worrying about it since I was woken up...
edit on 30-8-2012 by Strave because: (no reason given)

Sounds like what happened over Russia.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 12:09 AM

Texas flag , just puttin it out there. Scary dream!

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by makemap

Is that what Iran and N Korea have been working on?


posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by windword

I had a similar dream, though there were low clouds, as I often see here in Oregon, but what looked like fighter jets were swooping in and out and I could see explosions that seemed to come from just above the clouds. I had the feeling (in my dream not interpretation) the government was trying to prevent alien contact.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Strave

I saw some long, blimp like ships high in the air in one of my dreams also and was telling my brother (in my dream) how how a few months or years (can't remember) ago we would have freaked out at the site of them. In my dream mental state we were used to them apparantly. My ships looked black and somewhat organic with some type of tendrils. There were smaller ships around them which I can't clearly remember. Carl Jung believed in a collective consciousness where symbols were a major part of our subconsciousness, so we may see similar things, but our individual perceptions and ego may cause significant differences in the dreams as well in order to have things make sense for us, or something else is going on.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 06:32 PM
I've had similar dreams, dreams of space ships crashing slowly to earth. meteors and meteorites, fragments, burning flaming crashing to earth. Your dream reminds me of Ed Dames' remote viewing session in which a large space station or shuttle is forced down in a meteor shower /event.
To me, super vivid dreams have less symbolism, and more flat out predictions of actual events.
I dreamt of Hurricane Katrina, the huge tsunami in Thailand, and a couple other disasters, before they happened. There was no symbolism, just terrifying clarity.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Strave

Hi I'm new here and I am a very strange but good person..I can't find anyone really to relate to until I started trying to find meanings of my dreams and I was ultimately drawn here..I dream so vividly 1080 I guess is what you guys call it..I had an amazing dream about an American ship in distress I was on the planet looking up but also in the ship durating the chaos at the same time!! This ship was much like the space ship used in transformers to send them back but it was so much was an engineering marvel and I'm not an engineer was gray with thick yellow trimming with some black writing and much larger than our ships today and it had a front nose wing that extended at least two hundred feet in front of the nose that was split divided in the middle it was chrome..later in my dream I would find out this wing is used to repel and absorbed weather upon entrance and exit of atmospheres..I actually witnessed the ship crash from both perspectives but as it crashed it exploded in a magnificent beautiful explosion and I was all the sudden on top of a truck that was leaving the scene and then to this like I can't really describe but is where it gets weird..I was given a small pill with crystals on it I ate it and next thing I know I'm on the ship heading to a new beautiful was amazing and so futuristic I can't even describe how awsome the technology was..I could but not enough time was amazing I can't get this out of my head..but I've found people with similar stories..I'm relieved!! I hope to share more and make friends!! I'm open to hearing what u think?

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