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Had such a strange dream last night...

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:34 PM
Ok I can barely remember half of it and this probably isn't in correct linear order. Basically I was on one of Richard Bransons commercial space flights and he was on the flight with me.... We got to the stratosphere or whatever just below space and we just hovered there perfectly still whilst me and Richard (lol) were outside and ON TOP of the craft.. Using it as a stable platform I kept jumping in and out of space as there was low gravity but just enough to pull me back into the ionsphere or whatever! My head kept getting plunged into space whilst most of the rest of me was back inside our atmosphere. Somehow I managed to keep afloat outside of our atmosphere and floating in space waving my hands about like I was swimming or something.. like those low gravity flight dreams you probably get.

Anyway. Richard died.. somehow. I really can't remember how and I wish I could. The strange thing was that when he died I vividly and lucidly saw his soul leave his body and his body disappear or float off or whatever. His soul tried desperately to enter the earths atmosphere again but failed miserably and ended up floating off into space... looking .. troubled?

Somehow I got back to earth safely, piloting this craft myself somehow, where I then started trying to upload a video of this whole event from my phone onto ATS and facebook.. I don't even know where the video came from as I didn't film it in the dream lol but it was on my phone....

This dream is strange even for me and I can't wrap my head around it!
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:36 PM
Well only one thing to do.

We need to start a pool going to get you on one of the first flights to see what happens.

Its only like 200k right?

Id throw a dollar in for science.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:55 PM
I'm pretty sure that you simply die from suffocation in space. Unless you get hit by a meteor or something, lol. Anyways, as for the soul struggling to get back to the Earth, there are some creation myths which state that our souls are bound to our planet and each planet has its own souls, so to speak.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:00 PM
you know, many astronauts report feeling a strangeness in orbit, that once they leave the earth they feel more connected to it some how.

Its called space euphoria or the "overview effect"

I really would like to take one of those private trips one day to see if I could experience that.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
I'm pretty sure that you simply die from suffocation in space. Unless you get hit by a meteor or something, lol. Anyways, as for the soul struggling to get back to the Earth, there are some creation myths which state that our souls are bound to our planet and each planet has its own souls, so to speak.

As far as I remember he actually got killed by someone or something... I wasn't suffocating although I may have had an astronaut jump suit on.. really can't remember.

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